Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 62 Talent! Princess Predator! (Please Order First! Please Order!)

dragon nest.

When Philosia was studying the great magician of the wind system, Bei Luo listened to Bei Luo's conjecture in the dragon's lair.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon, I think we must beware of those elves.

Piccolo said.

"Go down."

Bei Luo didn't say much.

In fact, he had simulated all of this in advance, knowing that Philosia would not betray him, so he asked Philosia to get the magic wand.

He is notoriously cautious, how could he let Philosia get the magic wand casually.

In case Philosia uses the previous teleportation magic, let them run away.

"Alright, Your Majesty the Red Dragon."

Seeing that His Majesty the Red Dragon didn't seem to care so much, Piccolo thought in his heart that as His Majesty's loyal wild dog, he must do a good job of supervising Philosia.

After Bei Luo went down, Bei Luo started today's simulation.

【Ding! One hundred gold coins will be deducted! Start the first simulation today...】

[On the first day, in order to quickly obtain gold coins, you let the Red Dragon Clan expand wildly regardless of the consequences, so all the caravans passing by Kazaklin were left behind by the Red Dragon Clan. 】

[The next day, the overbearing actions of the Red Dragon Clan continued. 】

[On the third day, the last day, you directly killed those disobedient elves. In order to keep Liya and Cellulu, Philosia tried her best to please you [you decided to let them live for a while. 】

[In the first month, the city-state of Sark, whose trade was cut off, lacked economic resources, and immediately sent an envoy to seek peace, willing to hand over 10,000 gold coins every month in exchange for peace

For this condition, you who are extremely short of gold coins readily agree. 】

[In the second month, you, who are greedy and insatiable, decide to double the protection fee, and the city-state of Sark accepts it in humiliation. 】

[In the third month, the protection fee was doubled again, and 40,000 gold coins had to be handed in a month. The city-state of Sark was overwhelmed with financial resources, and finally chose to go to war with the Red Dragon Clan.

How could the Kazakh city-state be the opponent of the Red Dragon clan? It was easily taken down by the Red Dragon clan. You led the clan to officially occupy the city built by the Sark city-state. Philosia and other elves completely surrendered to you. 】

[In the fourth month, the strength of the Red Dragon Clan is getting stronger and stronger. Relying on your notoriety and talent, the number has broken through to 30,000. Philosia has successfully advanced to become a great magician.

Under your command, I started to repair some scattered dragon magic for you. The obscure dragon magic caused Filocia a headache, but fortunately, I repaired a few simple ones. 】

[In the fifth month, the young golden dragon who passed by here was frightened when he saw such a terrifying Red Dragon Clan, and was about to turn around and run away, but he was caught by you on the spot.

When you were a teenager, you could easily suppress the golden dragon when you were young, beat the young golden dragon a few times in a vent, and you enslaved him in the dungeon to let him repair his dragon magic. 】

[In the sixth month, with the promise to spare his life, the young golden dragon has taught you hundreds of dragon spells very hard.

When he thinks the goal has been achieved and you can let him go back, you broke your promise and tore off his proud wings [using electric dragon magic to confuse him into an obedient dog

"Break your promise..."

Bei Luo suddenly remembered that it seemed that he had hardly kept his promise.

Except for the fact that the human town was of little use to him, almost none of the other promises will be realized.

Now it seems that it is a bit unrealistic for Philosia to repair the dragon magic for herself with advanced magic.

The language of the true dragon is already obscure and difficult to understand, not to mention the dragon magic formed by the language of the true dragon.

The dragon magic that Philosia put together is undoubtedly the simplest magic that can be mastered by young dragons.

It seems that the turning point of learning dragon magic still depends on the young golden dragon.

Five months later, this guy definitely can't let him run away.

[One year later, the atrocities of the Red Dragon Clan attracted the attention of the Holy Ford Kingdom. According to the report from the spies, the Holy Ford Kingdom is planning to cooperate with the Mother of the Silver Dragon to launch an extermination plan against you.

But you did the opposite and took the initiative to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Sanford. In this attack, you did not bring the Red Dragon Clan with you, but single-handedly attacked the Kingdom of Sanford.

The Kingdom of Sanford, which had no defense at all, allowed you to sneak attack successfully. The palace was destroyed by you. You who wanted to kill the king were repulsed by the magister and the dragon crossbow, but before you left, you captured a beautiful woman. Princess. 】

【Two years later, the Kingdom of Saint Ford sent an envoy to hope that you could return the princess, and was willing to offer 100,000 gold coins in exchange, but you did not agree, because the princess had already been distracted by you, and you could not hand it over. 】


Bei Luo thought about it, is his charm so great?

The princess has been biased by herself, saying that this bias is not serious.

【Three years later, you fell into a deep sleep, and upon hearing the news that you were in a deep sleep, the Kingdom of Sanford sent guards to sneak in to take away the princess, but they didn't expect that the princess had already surrendered to the enemy.

With the help of the princess, the group of guards were all captured by jackals. The guards asked the princess why you surrendered to the enemy, but the princess did not answer and locked them in the dungeon. 】

Good guy!

Not only did it lead the princess astray, but it even made the princess her own.

Even if she betrays her father, the princess will arrest these guards and put them in the dungeon.

Bei Luo was wondering if he used the bewitching dragon magic?

But the simulator didn't mention it. It should be that the dragon is so charming that even the princess couldn't help kneeling down.

[In the fourth year, more and more guards sneaked into the Red Dragon Clan, Piccolo simply went fishing to enforce the law, let the princess attract these guards, and then arrested them all. 】

[In the fifth year, the Holy Ford Kingdom finally recognized the princess’s rebellion, and joined forces with the Mother of the Silver Dragon to launch an attack on the Red Dragon Clan. With such a large-scale operation, Philosia decided to wake up you who were still sleeping.

Temporarily awakened, you have not broken through to the adolescent stage, and when you see the menacing mother of silver dragons, you know you can't escape "resolutely start a duel with the opponent.

You summoned the young golden dragon to help. When you saw the golden dragon enslaved by you, the mother of the silver dragon was extremely angry. She used purification magic to wake up the young golden dragon.

In the one-on-one fight with the Mother of Silver Dragons, your strength surprised the Mother of Silver Dragons, and she further believed that a dragon like you could not survive. The mother was extremely ashamed and angry. 】

[Ding! This simulation is over! Congratulations to the host for plundering gold coins, a total of +50,000 gold coins!]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the crazy expansion! Get a reward and sublimate the whole body strength once!]

[Congratulations to the host for plundering the princess, completing the trip of the dragon to plunder the princess and obtaining the title of No Gift. Princess Predator!]

[Ding! Things that can be exchanged for gold coins in this simulation]

[Dragon magic repaired by Philosia (10,000 gold coins)]

[Dragon Magic Repaired by Teenage Golden Dragon (1,000,000 gold coins)]

(Young people have hundreds of spells, choose a few to exchange, and spend less gold coins)

[Interrupted advanced strength (80000 gold coins)]

"There are so many things simulated this time?"

Except for some things rewarded by the simulator, the remaining things with gold coins on the back are his abilities that can be exchanged for gold coins.

The giant dragon magic repaired by the young golden dragon cost a full one million gold coins to exchange.

One must know that Bei Luo only has a total of 100,000 gold coins on him now, so where can he get a million gold coins?

Even if there are one million gold coins, Bilu will exchange them.

Because the young golden dragon will definitely pass through this area in the future, no matter whether it is like this every time it is simulated, it means that this is the place where the young golden dragon must pass.

Obviously, these giant dragon spells can be obtained in five months, so why spend a million gold coins to exchange them now.

The dragon magic repaired by Philosia is not far away, so he can wait slowly.

So the only thing worth exchanging now is the advanced strength that was interrupted.

If it wasn't for his deep sleep being interrupted, he would definitely be stronger when he wakes up.

Not to mention taking down the Mother of Silver Dragons, 733 should have no problem escaping.

Originally, he had a blue talent called agility.

Even being interrupted requires 80,000 gold coins to be exchanged, which is more than after the last awakening.

It seems that the stronger one's original strength is, the stronger the ability that Shen Sleep will acquire in the future.

After thinking for a moment, Yelu decided to exchange for this interrupted advanced experience.

Lay the groundwork for later simulations of acquired capabilities.

[Ding! Spend 80,000 gold coins to exchange for the interrupted advanced strength! This ability is being integrated...]

Soon, a warm current poured from the heart to all parts of the body again.

Since he didn't wake up, the changes Bei Luo obtained were not particularly large, and his body shape didn't change much, except that his muscle lines became a little more obvious.

In addition, the dragon horns on the top of the head have become thicker.

In addition, the most obvious change is the strength in Bei Luo's body.

After getting used to this power a little bit, Bei Luo felt that the current self could deal with the previous two and a half selves.

No wonder it cost more gold coins than last time.

Sure enough, the advancement of all strengths must have a foundation.

Just like ordinary monsters, no matter how advanced they are, they are not as powerful as giant dragons.

The basic data is here, even if you try your best, you can't surpass it.

After sifting out the rest, Bei Luo looked at the newly acquired talent title, Princess Predator, what kind of talent title is this.

He had never received this title before.

[Talent Title: Princess Predator]

[Quality: Gold]

[Talent Introduction: With this title, every time you plunder a princess, your body can be sublimated once. 】

[Note: You are not currently plundering a princess, and this talent title is not activated. At the same time, the plundered princess is only counted as a country with a strong overall strength, and the princess with a weak national power is not counted. 】

"I'm afraid this is not a god-level talent!"

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