Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 66 Bear Goblin Tribe (Please Order First! Please Customize!)

Sensing the eyes of Philosia and Liya, Cellulu finally sighed helplessly and nodded.

"I see."

My mother, including my best friend Leah, have said so, so what can Cellullu say.

"Great, so we can live together again."

Philosia smiled lightly.

Celluloid and Liya couldn't help but smile, yes, although many people were sacrificed, the final result wasn't too bad.

At least their three closest relatives, the elves, are still alive.

What this group of elves didn't know was that the red dragon standing on the highest point of the rock had a clear view of all this.

"It seems that the cuter elf Celluloid is a little entangled with me?"

Bei Luo's long pupil could clearly see the subtle expression of Sai Lulu.

On the contrary, it was Philosia's daughter Liya who accepted herself frankly.

Feeling a little reluctance, Bei Luo turned around and disappeared at the top. The former Philosia wasn't the one who would rather die than surrender.

Isn't it also obedient like a dog now.

Time flies, and nearly four weeks are about to pass.

There are only four or five days left before the one-month deadline set by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

The number of monsters of the Red Dragon Clan exploded to 20,000 under the efforts of Piccolo and the others.

But it is still a little short of the number of 30,000.



On a battlefield.

The flames of war 11 are flying.

In addition to the corpses on the ground, there were some stumps and broken arms.

"These goddamned goblins! What a pain in the ass!"

In the temporary base camp of the Burst Wolf tribe after the war.

Piccolo sat on the rock, one foot out in the air, feeling distraught.

Of the 30,000 number set by His Majesty the Red Dragon, there are now only a few hundred left.

His original idea was to take down the bear goblin tribe in this area.

The bear goblin is a variant of the goblin. It has a body shape similar to that of a wolf man. It is humanoid, with brown hair on its body, and its pointed ears are particularly obvious.

Like the Gnoll, he is good at using blunt weapons, and what he likes to do is smash the bones of his enemies.

Don't look at them as reckless, in fact they are very good at making traps and sneak attacks.

If this kind of monster can join the Red Dragon Clan, it will be regarded as injecting new blood, which can just make up for the lack of monsters.

However, Piccolo didn't expect that there was a master behind these goblin bears. Although they didn't know who the master was, the goblin bears let them, the Red Dragon clan, go home.

You don't need to think about it to know that the master of the other party is confident, maybe it is an existence of the same level as his Majesty the Red Dragon.

This undoubtedly greatly increased the progress of the Explosive Wolf Tribe.

"Chief Piccolo, after this delay for a month, the time will come soon. If we fail to complete the task by then, we will be punished by His Majesty the Red Dragon."

"Why don't we temporarily give up on the group of goblin bears and change our target, and finish the task that His Majesty the Red Dragon set for us first."

The rest of the gnolls offered their advice.

As goblin bears that are equivalent to B-level monsters, their strength is comparable to that of gnolls.

Even so, Piccolo has the confidence to take down this group of goblin bears, because they have the Xilin monitor lizard as their mount, so they are still worried about these goblin bears?

But what made Piccolo blunder was that the other side also had sky troops! Fifteen dormant pseudo-monsters made the jackals on the ground miserable.

Hibernating pseudo-monsters are a group of flying monsters, because they can fly, the level has reached A-level monsters.

It is the same level as Xilin monitor lizard.

The body is similar to that of a stingray, consisting of soft tissues and muscles.

The head is something similar to a human face, with scarlet eyes and a mouth full of fangs.

They usually live lurking in remote dark caves, and they are unique creatures. Except for reproduction, dormant pseudomonsters will not gather together at all.

The sky force formed by the dormant false monsters with fifteen heads is definitely controlled by black hands behind it.

That was what bothered Piccolo.

Those flying guys can't fight at all, and when they are fighting the bugbears, they will fly down from above to attack you again.

In addition to a long, spiked tail, the most difficult thing for a wolf man to guard against is that the dormant pseudo-monster can also create phantom clones.

Each dormant pseudo-monster can create up to two phantom clones, so fifteen dormant pseudo-monsters become forty-five in the eyes of jackals.

Although the phantom clone can't cause damage to things, it can interfere and confuse the wolf man.

Let the gnolls not pay attention to the battle with the bear goblins at all.

If you ignore it, the dormant false monster will use its real body to attack you again. If you ignore it, it will be a fake phantom and will be attacked by the bear goblin.

After these three days of fighting, the Explosive Wolf Tribe, which originally had a combat power of 300, lost more than 50 wolf men.

It made Piccolo extremely painful.

The dead wolf cubs are the mainstay of the Explosive Wolf tribe.

However, the cavalry of the Exploding Wolf Tribe did not suffer any losses.

The Xilin monitor lizard, which is at the same level as the dormant pseudomonster, is not so easy to be successfully attacked.

"Then tell me, where else can we go?"

Piccolo spread his hands and asked.

Besides the bear goblin tribe they saw, is there any monster tribe with more than 200 monsters?

A tribe with more than two hundred monsters belongs to a large tribe.

Not so easy to find.


The jackals looked at each other, they didn't know where to look for them.

But it's no use just spending time here.

Their short board is obvious, there is no sky force to check and balance the group of dormant pseudo-monsters.

Unless you can find the Sky Troops, what else can you use to conquer the opponent.

What's more, the goblin bear also said that he has an owner, but the owner has not returned yet from fighting outside.

If it lasted until the owner came back, it would not be something that little monsters like their jackals could handle.

Then you have to go to the Red Dragon Clan and ask His Majesty the Red Dragon to take action.

"That...... Chief Piccolo, anyway, His Majesty the Red Dragon didn't say how powerful the monsters are, so why don't we catch more goblins?"

Compared to goblin bears, a variant of goblins, catching goblins is much easier.

The most important thing is that goblins don't have the so-called sky troops, let alone masters behind them.

They can catch as many as they want unscrupulously, it is much better than wasting here.

"What you said makes sense, but wouldn't we be miserable after His Majesty the Red Dragon found out?"

To be honest, Piccolo was a little moved.

But once His Majesty the Red Dragon discovers their small thoughts, let alone a reward, whether they can survive is a point.

"Boss Bicro, it's simple. Let's just tell the truth, explain the reason here, and add that the number of mission targets has been achieved."

"Even if we can't get the reward from His Majesty the Red Dragon, at least we can avoid punishment, don't you think so?

The gray-green haired Gnoll continued.

"You little bastard, what you said is good. I didn't even think of it. What's your name?"

Piccolo's eyes lit up after hearing this.

This is correct, no matter how you complete the goal first, at most there will be no reward from His Majesty the Red Dragon, and there will be no punishment.

Although His Majesty the Red Dragon has a bad temper, he will still be considerate of them.

A group of bear goblins plus dormant pseudo-monsters, what do they use to fight.

"My name is Clive."

The grey-green haired Gnoll Krivo replied.

"Krivo...I remember your name."

Piccolo patted Krivo on the shoulder, he admired this jackal man very much.

With such a smart mind, the future will definitely not be too bad.

"Listen up, all the cubs of the Exploding Wolf tribe! Go home! Let's conquer the goblins!"


"What? You said the wild dogs are gone?"

The leader of the bear goblin sat on the dead wood and touched his chin, listening to the spies' report.

The group of gnolls who came aggressively and said they were going to take down the goblin tribe just left.

Still, he chose to leave after losing more than fifty gnolls.

There shouldn't be 000 fraud in this.

"Are you sure you saw it?"

The leader of the bear goblin asked again and again.

"I really saw it, the leader, the gnolls all evacuated, and even those pesky lizards left.

The bear goblin spy affirmed.

The dormant pseudo-monster here is a headache for the wolf man, and the Xilin monitor lizard on the wolf man's side is also disturbing the goblin bears.

"Really gone? Could it be that the so-called red dragon behind them made them go?"

The bear goblin leader couldn't figure this out.

It wasn't until the dormant pseudo-monsters from the Sky Troops flew in and told him that the gnolls had really evacuated, that the leader of the goblin bear didn't believe it.

"What is the purpose of this group of jackals, to test our strength?"

The leader of the goblin bear looked at the leader of the dormant pseudo-monster next to him.

"I don't know. According to what Wang said, we are all acting so low-key. How could we be targeted by the Red Dragon Clan. It should be a coincidence that we passed by and saw us."

The leader of the dormant pseudo-monster said.

When the bears and goblins were guessing what the purpose of the Explosive Wolf Tribe was.

Piccolo has led the Explosive Wolf Tribe back to the territory of a group of goblins, and vented his anger on the group of goblins without saying a word.

Capturing a goblin is a severe beating. Of course, the jackal still knows how to control his strength. If he didn't kill these goblins, he was still alive.

"His grandma, this is the first time he has suffered from such a deflated situation since he came out of the Red Dragon Clan. When I go back, I must tell His Majesty the Red Dragon about this matter."

Piccolo threw the unconscious goblin aside.

"Let's go! The number is almost the same, and we have made up for the loss of some of our gnolls. Return to the Red Dragon Clan!"

"Return to the Red Dragon Clan!"

It's been almost a month since they went out to fight, and the jackals have long wanted to go back.

The birds in the forest were awakened and flew into the sky, indicating that a powerful army was rampant in the forest. .

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