Little brother, what's the matter with you~? Touch porcelain?

Potatoes have no food for you~

The young dragon stretched out its claws and carefully poked the fainted goblin. After finding that the biped didn't seem to be moving, he turned to look at Tiffania's breakfast in the basket.

Although the breakfast was very simple, these things happened to be in the young dragon's recipe, and the hungry little potato didn't care about the rest. With a roll of his tongue, he swallowed something that wasn't enough to stick his teeth into his mouth.

After eating, the young dragon looked around the fairy girl to see if there was anything more. After finding that this was all, he lowered his head in disappointment.

Shortly after leaving the battlefield because of the sleep magic applied last night, Little Tudou finally found a seemingly safe place to land because he couldn't resist the sleepiness.

After waking up in the morning because he was hungry, the little potato ran out to find food.

Then when I was passing by, I saw a fairy girl who seemed to be in the right place, and successfully cut off her beard.

After eating, Little Potato stared at the fainted fairy girl and suddenly fell into deep thought————

By the way, where did Chu Shi Ji go? Also, why are potatoes here?

No.258 Dragon's Feather

"It turned out to be so!"

In the wooden hut in the forest, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Tiffanya who was sitting opposite her with a bit of laughter.

After Little Potato went out to find food in the morning, she waited for the little guy to come back, but after waiting for a long time, what she finally got was not Little Potato returning with his prey, but a person.

After the fairy girl woke up, Shiyu Kasumigaoka knew what happened.

"I'm sorry, this kid has no bad intentions, he just wants to eat your food."

"No, I'm too timid." Tifania shook her head.

Although she was frightened by Little Potato, she knew that they had accidentally lost their way, so Tiffania kindly invited them to rest at home.

"Speaking of which, Tifania, you seem to have used magic on the little potato, right? It won't do any harm, right?"

"Don't worry, it's just a forgetting magic that can temporarily erase memories."

"Hey~ I feel like Tifania is pretty amazing~!"

Tifania lowered her head slightly embarrassedly: "No, actually that's the only magic I can use."



Tifania looked down and found that Little Potato squatted beside her at some point and gently pulled her clothes: "Well, what's the matter?"

"Want to learn~ Can you teach potatoes~?"

"Eh?" Tifania was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, "Why?"

"Hmm..." The silver-haired young dragon put his fingers in his mouth and muttered vaguely, "This way the potatoes can forget about what they have eaten~"

After eating the snack, and then forgetting it is equivalent to not eating, you can ask Shi for another snack to eat. The happiness of two is not too cool~!

"..." Understanding the thoughts of his little fellow, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression became somewhat strangely silent.

She really wants to complain about her little guy's strange thoughts. Why do you think that if you don't remember, I will give you two snacks?

Speaking of which, if you learn this kind of magic, wouldn't it be better to just let me forget the memory of giving you snacks?

But thinking about the IQ of this stupid kid, he probably wouldn't have thought of going here.


After a short stay in the forest, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Little Potato said goodbye to the fairy girl Tiffania.

After getting a map from a nearby village, they first made a trip back to La Rochelle, and then until Louise and the others had left.

Because the next boat will take a long time to wait, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka can only take a little potato to reach the city of Newcastle in Abion, and then find that the prince is dead when he arrives at the destination.

It seems that he died in the hands of the Viscount Valudo, and Louise and the others have long since left.

"Sure enough, that guy is not a good person!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed.

But she had no choice but to take the little potatoes back along the original road, and by the time they returned to the Magic Academy, a week had passed.

Originally, at the speed of a small potato, it could take one day at most, but the reason why it took a week is entirely because this little guy is often sleepy.

Then, when I was sleepy, I wanted to sleep, and then like a sleepwalker, I flew around with Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, and when I finally woke up, I had to look for food everywhere.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka quickly ran out of money, and finally had to stop after a while to find prey in the nearby forest to fill her stomach.

Also, because he had no money, he couldn't take a traveler's carriage or something. In the end, it took several times as long to return to the Magic Academy.

"It's finally here~" Looking at the towering magic tower of the Magic Academy in the distance, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka breathed a sigh of relief.

A week of running around made her spirits a little bit down.

Although I used to go on a family trip with my parents, I used to run a lot of places in a few days, but taking the Shinkansen and flying by the dragon are two completely different experiences.

Little Potato's back was uncomfortable at all, not to mention the scales were hard, and it was a little bit cold, plus there was no windbreak, Shiyu Kasumigaoka felt like he was about to catch a cold from the cold wind.

Moreover, this little guy was flying, and from time to time he would perform some flying stunts, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu had to hold Little Potato's neck at any time to avoid being thrown off.

After this week's flight, she felt like her waist was about to break.

"Don't take the Little Potato aircraft again in the future... Well, don't stand this kind of flag anymore."

In short, after a lot of hardships, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Little Tudou returned to the Magic Academy. Knowing that they had disappeared for a week, they came back. After hearing the news, Louise and Heihe Cairen were also relieved.

"Where did you guys go? You suddenly disappeared, but we came back and you haven't come back yet, so you thought something happened."

"Well, something happened." Kasumigaoka Shiyu laughed dryly, then raised his finger to an object placed on the school's square, "Speaking of which, this thing..."

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was pointing at a rusted Zero Fighter. Even if she wasn't a fan of the military, she was familiar with this fairly famous thing.

If she saw this kind of thing in a history museum, she wouldn't be surprised at all, but seeing this thing in this other world, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was as surprised at this time as seeing a plush in the primitive society of the Stone Age. Tring is about the same.

Even if the times have changed, it has become too fast, right?

"Ow~?" The silver-haired young dragon looked up at the plane in front of him with a curious expression.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with the appearance of planes in a world where the technology tree was all about magic, or that he couldn't understand such a thing with his IQ.

But Little Potato also developed a strong curiosity about airplanes.

However, unlike Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, he simply thought the dragon in front of him looked strange.

In terms of dragon's aesthetics, the appearance of this Zero Fighter is so ugly that it is the kind of person who would definitely be embarrassed to go out if he looked like this.

The neck is short, the tail is short, the feet are thin, the wings are small, and it also has strange things.

I really don't know how this guy got so big~

And... so sloppy~ Little Tudou looked at Zero War in front of him with disgust.

He looked down at himself, made a comparison, and raised his chin proudly with his hands on his hips.

It's not as good as potatoes who love to be clean~!

Although dragons don't like to be clean like humans do, and want to clean them when they get dirty, even dragons often organize and clean their scales.

Especially for the steel dragon, having beautiful scales can undoubtedly show off in front of the same kind, and it is easier to gain the favor of the opposite sex.

From the point of view of Little Tudou, the rusty dragon in front of him is no different from the sloppy ghost among humans.

No.259 Eclipse

After returning to the Magic Academy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's life did not settle down, because not long after that, the country after the renamed Albion Kingdom declared war on Torristine.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was packing things in the room at this time, but she was not planning to take refuge, but was preparing to leave this world.

She already knew from Saito Hiraga that the Zero Fighter seemed to have come to this world during a solar eclipse decades ago. If it goes well, maybe it will be able to leave this world through the solar eclipse.

And the day of the next solar eclipse is today.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't have many personal things, just a few clothes, but because a certain little guy was directly doing her a disservice, it took her a long time to clean up these things.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had just folded her clothes, and before she could put them in the box, she found that Little Potato got into the box at some point, curled up inside the box with her tail in her arms, and fell asleep.

The clothes that had been put away were also in a mess and were thrown on the bed.

"Can't you be honest?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu helplessly pulled the young dragon out of the box.

"Gulugulu~" The young dragon who was thrown on the carpet slowly opened his eyes.

"Poetry~I'm hungry~"

"Where can I find food for you now?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook his head.

Because of the war, the Magic Academy has been suspended indefinitely, and all the servants originally hired by the school have returned home, leaving only a small number of teachers and students who have not returned or those who have nowhere to go like Kasumigaoka Shiyu. .

Naturally, the kitchen also stopped supplying food, and it could only ensure the food of the people left behind every day, which caused Little Potato to go through the kitchen warehouse and couldn't find anything to eat.

But the silver-haired young dragon doesn't care about this, he only knows that he is hungry and needs to eat.

"Don't~ Hungry~ I want to eat~!" The little potato rolled back and forth on the carpet, like a child who was very noisy and asked his parents to buy toys.

Even in order to let Shiyu of Kasumigaoka take care of him, Little Tudou deliberately messed up the things she had packed.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu could only sigh helplessly: "Then go catch the prey yourself, I'll do it for you."


The silver-haired baby dragon nodded, then flew to the forest near the school to catch prey.

This time, he didn't meet a fairy girl who could erase his memory. He found a litter of wild boars very smoothly, and then took the big and small families back to the school.

The family, of course, must be neat and tidy.


At the same time, in the Taerbu grassland area, facing the status quo that the enemy has already launched an attack, Enrietta is leading the palace magic guards to the battlefield.

"That is......"

When Enrietta discovered the huge battleship high in the sky, her face changed immediately.

The side of the battleship in the air shone brightly, and after spotting the Royal Palace army on the ground, the firing of the naval guns began.

The shells accelerated by gravity fall to the ground. Although they are very primitive round shells, their range and stability cannot be compared with shells used by modern armies. However, the intensive shelling still destroys rocks, horses and people. Flying at the same time.

In the face of this overwhelming force, the soldiers could not stand firm, and there was a huge rumbling sound all around.

Anrietta screamed in terror, but as the leader, she forced herself to calm down and started issuing orders.

"The Griffin unit is responsible for inducing the local dragon knights, and the magic knights take the opportunity to attack the opponent's battleship."

A very simple combat policy, so simple that it can no longer be regarded as a tactic, but a simple one-on-one battle between soldiers and generals.

However, this is a very normal thing in the battlefield of this world.

If there is no accident, no matter if this battle will end with Torristin's defeat, in the face of a powerful opponent far superior to his own, he does not use subtle tactics to level the gap between the two sides. It's just like looking for death.

But the problem is that at this time, Cheng Yaojin killed him halfway.

"Bastard! What are the guys in the port doing! They can't even protect the rear!"

The commander-in-chief of the expedition, Mr. Johnston, was furious at this time because of the strange flying dragon that ravaged his rear.

Facing the current situation where the Zero Fighter piloted by Saito Hiraga kept shooting down the Dragon Knights in the rear, the blue veins appeared on the captain of the battleship.

"Please don't worry, leave that dragon to me!" Viscount Varudor, who betrayed his country, said to the dumb commander who only shouted.

Facing the extremely fast Zero Battle, Varudor rode a wind dragon, also known for its speed.

Although this kind of wind dragon has no long-range attack ability at all, but because it can control the wind, its speed is much faster than that of the fire dragon, and it can even catch up with Saito Hiraga, who is running around with the Zero Fight and the Fire Dragon Knights.

Saito Hiraga manipulated Zero to make a flight that only an ace pilot can control, but he still couldn't get rid of the wind dragon biting behind his tail.

Even the machine guns were completely empty.

"No way~"

No wonder Saito Hiraga was so surprised. After all, living creatures can suppress fighter jets in high-altitude dogfights. This kind of thing is beyond the imagination of modern people.

Well, in fact, it is very normal that the famous Zero War will be caught up by Fenglong.

After all, this Zero Fighter has been in the warehouse for decades, and it was suddenly pulled out for use without being rusted and not maintained. It is completely lucky to be able to fly.

And although gasoline is obtained through magic, the aircraft needs not only aviation gasoline, but also various lubricants and other things.

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