"Well~ bitter gourd, it's not good~ (>﹏

With a look of disgust, Little Potato used chopsticks to plan the bitter gourd in the bowl aside.

This kind of bitter food is one of the very few foods that he basically excludes from the recipe.

After eating it, the mouth is full of bitter taste, and even other foods that were originally good have become bad~

"You can't be picky eaters~!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu glared at him, picked up the sliced ​​bitter gourd, and put it to the mouth of the little potato.

The young dragon looked at her pitifully: "Can you not eat~?"


"Poem~Bad Eyes~" The young dragon turned his head and closed his mouth tightly, as if "my potatoes are dead today, and I won't eat them even if I jump from here."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu squinted his eyes: "If you don't eat it, the snacks will be gone~"

Usually, as long as he uses this ultimate move, no matter how reluctant this stupid little guy is, he has to be obedient, but unfortunately, the little potato is no longer the same.

"I'm not afraid of potatoes~" The young dragon insisted that he wouldn't eat it.

Anyway, even if Shi said that, as long as the potatoes are cute and coquettish, she will give them the same.

So, potatoes won't be fooled now~! The young dragon clenched his claws and thought with a firm look on his face.

This little guy didn't get fooled so easily. To be honest, Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu was a little surprised.

It seems that after becoming that colorless queen, this child is indeed a little smarter.

But, pattern, do you little idiot think I can't do anything about you?

"Really?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded calmly and put the bitter gourd in his mouth, "It feels delicious, so I'll just do this every day from now on."


The little potato froze immediately.

"Are you willing to eat it now?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

"Hmm~" The young dragon pursed his mouth with aggrieved expression, and finally opened his mouth reluctantly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu immediately picked up a large chopstick and stuffed bitter gourd into his mouth, and swallowed the little potato without chewing it.

After eating, he stuck out his tongue with a sad face.

Looking at this little guy's appearance, Kasumi Hill Shiyu couldn't help but feel a little funny.

As for? Isn't it bitter gourd?

But I'm afraid it's hard for her to understand, as if people who like to eat coriander can't understand why some people don't eat coriander.

Um, what did the coriander do wrong? Obviously you won't laugh anymore, you still want to eat her?

Bitter gourd, bad civilization~!

Why does such an unpalatable thing exist? At this moment, Little Potato began to think about how to permanently exterminate this terrible plant.

In the past, the little potato would have gone directly to the farmland where bitter gourd was planted to make a scene, but the young dragon, who has become a little wiser, now knows that he is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

And Shiyu of Kasumigaoka will be very angry when she finds out.

Potatoes don't want to be spanked~

Little Potato starts to think (×)

Go to someone for help (√)

Changlu Dajue, who was drinking tea leisurely in the Imperial Pagoda, received a call from Little Potato.

As soon as the phone was connected, the young dragon's voice full of expectation came from the opposite side: "Bitter melon, a bad thing that doesn't taste good~! Golden, think of a way to help the potatoes~!"

"?" Even Guochang Lu Dajue, who had not seen him for a long time, was somewhat unable to turn around when he heard these thoughtless words.

Bitter gourd, what is it?

And, golden, are you talking about me?

After careful inquiries, Guochang Lu Dajue realized that Little Tudou did not like bitter gourd and wanted to make this thing disappear forever, so he called him, hoping he could come up with a solution.

Hmm... how should I put it? Although I can't see my face without a mirror, Guochang Lu Dajue felt that his expression must be very rich at this time.

The first time the new king called to find him, Guochang Lu Dajue thought it was an urgent matter. After all, the past kings rarely came to him if they were basically okay.

But knowing that the new king called him on his private phone just because he didn't want to see bitter gourd made him think of a way, Guochang Lu Dajue suddenly felt like a kindergarten teacher.

Well, think about it carefully, from time to time he has to wipe the **** from the crimson king and the blue king, and stop the two bear children from fighting and arguing. To a certain extent, he is indeed similar to a kindergarten teacher who takes care of children.

Um, why do you suddenly feel so lousy?

"I understand." In the end, Guochang Lu Dajue agreed to Little Tudou's request. It wasn't difficult anyway, so there was no need to refuse.

Rather, he was quite worried that Little Tudou would use his power for this kind of thing. Other kings would definitely not be so childish, not even the King of Chi, but who made the new king a child who didn't grow up. Woolen cloth?

It's really hard to expect him to know what restraint is.

Although it is impossible to make bitter gourd completely disappear from Japan, after all, it is also related to the lives of many farmers, but it is not a problem to have bitter gourd for sale in the vicinity of the new king.

As the strongest king who actually manages the country, it is easy for the King of Gold to do such a small thing.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was tidying up the kitchen, and sealed the unfinished bitter gourd dishes with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator.

Although the little potato was forced by her to eat some, but in the end it took a long time to finish it.

It is rare to have leftovers at home.

"Save it for the next meal." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shook his head.

Then, she saw the little guy running in and out with a smug look on his face.

Little Tudou stood in front of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, with his hands on his hips: "Tudou won't eat bitter gourd for the next meal~!"

"..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Little Potato with a curious expression.

Why does this little guy suddenly want to resist again? She suddenly wondered how confident the child was to say such a thing.

"If you don't eat it, are you ready to eat only bitter gourd every day?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of potatoes~!" The young dragon proudly told Shiyu of Kasumigaoka about his search for the King of Gold.

Then he clenched his claw and waved his small fist: "Don't think about using this to threaten potatoes in the future~!"

"So it is." After hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little dumbfounded.

In order not to eat bitter gourd, go to the king of gold with high power. Only this little fool can do such a thing, right?

So stupid~ so stupid that she wants to cry~

But ah, little guy, do you think I can't take care of you if I can't buy bitter gourd?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu folded her arms across her chest and squinted her eyes: "Then I won't be cooking bitter gourd from tomorrow."


Thinking that Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu had nothing to do with him, he decided to admit defeat. Little Tudou was so happy that he put his hands on his hips and raised his chin high.

However, before Little Potato was complacent, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's next words made him suddenly dumbfounded————

"Since there is no bitter gourd to eat, then starting tomorrow, we can eat soba noodles made of bitter buckwheat, or celery leaves and lettuce leaves are also good."

"By the way, these are all bitter~!"


No.298 You are a good person (plus)

Late at night.

The little potato shrank in Shiyu's arms of Kasumigaoka opened his eyes slightly.

Although he went to bed earlier than Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, he didn't go to bed first today, but closed his eyes and waited for the feeding girl to fall asleep.

"Poetry~" Little Tudou muttered softly and gently pushed Shiyu of the Hill of Xia.

"Are you asleep~?"

"Hmm~" Kasumigaoka Shiyu snorted unconsciously, and moved his head to find a comfortable position.

"OvO" Seeing that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka seemed to be really asleep and would not be able to wake up for a while, Little Potato quietly crawled out of the bed.

Bending down, he carefully slipped out of the room on his toes, without turning on the lights, smearing all the way.

The dimly lit house didn't cause any hindrance to Little Potato. He flexibly avoided the tables, chairs and benches to avoid making a noise to wake Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

When he came to the kitchen, Little Potato opened the refrigerator, and in the corner of the refrigerator, he found the unfinished meals during the day.

Because he was forced to eat bitter gourd, the young dragon had no appetite at all, so it was rare to leave leftovers.

And now, he's a little hungry.

But if he told Shiyu of Kasumigaoka that he wanted to eat, he would probably be forced to eat bitter gourd again, and Little Potato planned to eat it while Shiyu of Kasumigaoka fell asleep at night.


Although the food was cold and not as tasty as it was when it was hot, the little potatoes didn't care, and quickly swept away the food.

Even if the plate is licked clean, it can be used as a mirror.

Even so, there was one dish, and the little potatoes remained untouched from start to finish.

"Don't eat this kind of thing for potatoes~" Young Dragon muttered unhappily as he looked at the unfinished bitter gourd dish with a bulging face.

He found a bag, threw these unpalatable things into it together with the remaining bitter gourd, and slipped out of the house quietly dragging the bag.

Little Potato is going to throw away all these garbage, and absolutely can't let them stay in the refrigerator, otherwise they will eat this thing again tomorrow.

Coming to the street outside, the young dragon found an open space, then dug a hole with its claws, dumped all the garbage in the bag into the hole, and filled it with soil to bury it.

"Sniff~" Little Potato lay on the edge of the pit and sniffed.

After realizing that she could no longer smell the bitter gourd, she nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the poem will not be discovered~ Before leaving, he did not forget to step on the soil.

Little Tudou returned to the temporary residence by the long way, but halfway through, he seemed to sense the smell of the food, and suddenly stopped and looked up in a certain direction.

It was a street lamp on the street, because it was already night, and this was the only street lamp in the vicinity that was still emitting light to drive out the darkness.

And on the street lamp, a green parrot is staying there.

So ugly~ Little Potato glanced at the parrot with disgust.

She looks colorful, and she is still so small. Compared with the big bird (Poison Demon Bird) that robs potato food, it is far worse.

Even the little potato who didn't have enough food was too lazy to catch this little bird that didn't have much meat at first sight, it wasn't enough to stuff his teeth.

Shaking his head regretfully, Little Potato ignored the parrot and prepared to go back.

The young dragon touched his buttocks. If Shi wakes up and finds that the potatoes are gone, he will be beaten again~

But before taking two steps, the parrot flew down from the street lamp and landed on the fence in front of Little Potato.

"First meeting, the new colorless king."

The bird has spoken~! Seeing that the parrot opened its mouth and made a human voice, Little Potato's eyes widened in shock.


"Although I don't face it in person, please allow me to communicate with you in this attitude. I am the fifth king of power, the green king, and Bi Shui Liu."

The Green King, the king of change, has the power to use green lightning.

The Green King can manipulate many things through his own power, so through the parrot as a medium, dialogue is also an application of his ability.

The real Green King, Bi Shui Ryu, was hiding somewhere in the dark at this time.

The Colorless King is the weakest king among the seven kings, but to a certain extent, he is an existence that no king can ignore.

If the first king, Adolf K. Weitzman, the silver king with the power of "unchanging", and the Green King with the power of "change", are mortal enemies of each other than the water flow, then even The colorless king who can interfere with the power of the king is the natural enemy of all kings.

Therefore, after the birth of the new colorless king, Bi Shui Liu immediately dispatched his clan members.

"If possible, I would like to chat with you."

Bi Shuiliu invited Little Potato to talk, but his invitation was directly ignored by the young dragon.

At this moment, this little guy is staring at the parrot as the medium of the Green King, and what he thinks in his mind is————

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