
I was wrong~!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu apologized in her heart for her jumping to conclusions.

Although she used to think that Little Potato had changed a lot when she grew up, but now, she feels that nothing has changed.

Sir, times have changed!

Ah, sorry, the times haven't changed~!

This is too appropriate! ? Looking at the little potato in front of him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help exclaiming in his heart.

Little Tudou had already changed into her clothes, and what appeared in front of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was an extremely beautiful "girl".

It's the kind of level that when walking on the street, it's easy to cause a bunch of people to bump into the telephone poles in a daze.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was very confident in her appearance, was a little ashamed standing in front of this "girl" at this time.

In the past, when Little Potato was a child, it was already super suitable for wearing women's clothes, but even now that he has grown up, nothing has changed. Even if you look closely, you can't see any flaws.

Especially the rare long silver hair, if you wear a gorgeous princess dress, it is like a noble princess walking out of a fairy tale.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help holding the little potato in her arms.

"Shi~ can you go out?"

When it comes to wearing women's clothes, Little Potato doesn't reject it at all. After all, she used to wear it like this before, and it doesn't make any difference at all.

Compared to this, he wanted to eat earlier.

After sleeping for ten years, his stomach was empty. Although he had already enjoyed a meal last night, he hadn't eaten for ten years, so one meal would not be enough.

To be honest, there is no problem even if you go out with a little potato at this time. Walking on the street, no one will suspect that he is a male.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shook his head: "Forget it, wait until Mom brings Dad's clothes over before going out."

"Why?" Little Tudou tilted his head in confusion, obviously he had already changed his clothes.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't answer, she just reached out and touched the ring finger on her left hand, which had been worn for ten years.

Although the little potato looks very beautiful at this time, there is no problem even if you take it out, but————

Sure enough, she still wanted to declare her relationship with Little Potato to everyone in a fair and open manner.

After finally waiting for the day when Little Potato grew up, she couldn't help it, she wanted to take the person she liked out and show it off.

Look, this is the old lady's man!

As for dress-up play, of course, there is no shortage of it. Little Potato is so suitable for wearing women's clothes, of course, it can't be wasted, but of course, such an interesting thing still requires two people to play at home!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched out her pink tongue and lightly licked her lips.

Such a happy decision!

Talk about the day after tomorrow (2) The daily life of Long Ma

Somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Here stands a huge factory. Fruits and grains from Japan and all over the world are being transported here by trucks full of loads.

Finally, in the manipulation of workers, it was put into a huge production line.

After a series of complex processing techniques and baptism of time, the final result is all kinds of alcohol.

In the end, the alcohol will be packaged in wine bottles, labelled and transported by trucks, through the hands of countless people, and finally sent to all over the world.

This is the production factory of the world-renowned brand "Dragon and Cat", and at the gate of the factory, a group of people in suits and leather shoes are waiting quietly.

They are waiting for the owner of this factory, the actual ruler of the "Dragon and Cat" group.

Today's weather is very hot, and the scorching sun shone on them, making the group of men in suits awkwardly wipe the sweat from their foreheads with handkerchiefs.

The white shirt under the suit has been soaked with sweat, and a little twist can squeeze out a lot of water.

But even so, no one proposed to hide under the tree next to them for a while, they just kept stepping on their feet and looking at the road in the distance.

Fortunately, just when everyone was about to suffer from heat stroke, there was a roar of an engine in the distance.

Then, under the expectation of everyone, a silver convertible sports car drove towards the factory from a distance like a streamer.

Like a racing game, the sports car is constantly drifting back and forth on the road, the screeching tire screeching sound, and the rising white smoke prove the speed of the sports car.

Although the road to the factory has been emptied in advance, it is quite dangerous to play drift without any insurance.

If one is not careful, the car may overturn.

In fact, more than once, the silver sports car almost didn't catch the ground and flew out, but every time it was about to end, it adjusted its position strangely.

Everyone waiting at the gate of the factory saw this scene, but they were not surprised or worried at all.

In the beginning, they were really taken aback, and they were almost ready to take out their mobile phones and call the funeral home, but now, if it wasn't inappropriate, they all wanted to take out popcorn and Coke.

If such a scene has been staged every few days in the past ten years, I believe as long as a normal person is used to it.

Rather, they would be even more surprised if the car followed the traffic rules one day.

In the end, the silver sports car rotated three and a half circles in front of everyone, and only after a huge amount of dust was raised did it slowly stop.

Not caring about being sullied by the dust, everyone who had been waiting for a long time bowed respectfully, just like the younger brother of the underworld eldest brother, shouting in a neat voice: "Eldest sister, welcome!"

In the roadster, a woman with sunglasses jumped out of the car.

The woman ignored the people who were waiting for him under the venomous sun. She just took off the sunglasses from the bridge of her nose and hung them **** on the clothes on her chest.

She stretched out her hand to straighten her long silver hair that had been ruffled by the wind, and the woman pointed at a person: "Are you ready?"

"Miss in white, everything you want is ready."

"Very good!" The woman, or the Xiazhiqiu Baiyi, Long Ma, nodded in satisfaction, then stepped on the pair of ten-centimeter stiletto high heels and walked quickly into the factory gate.

Everyone also quickly followed like a follower. A group of people came to the factory. Like a king who inspected the territory, Long Ma led the people to patrol the production line of the factory.

This is her kingdom, which Long Ma spent nearly ten years building to provide her with delicious wine.

As a Gu Long, Long Ma was not very interested in human things, but there were unforeseen circumstances. After being taken by her eldest son to drink once, Long Ma fell in love with this delicious liquid.

After Little Potato was sealed and the door between the two worlds could no longer be opened, Long Ma could only live in this world.

But she is quite happy, because the wine in this world is very good.

And in order to drink more good wine happily, Long Ma started to build her own kingdom after her eldest son was sealed.

Although most of the ancient dragons are lazy and waste their lives on weekdays, once they have a goal, their mobility is simply outstanding.

It took ten years for Long Ma to establish the world-renowned winery "Dragon and Cat", and after completing the goal of drinking to the fullest, she handed over the winery and company to her subordinates and removed them by herself. Occasionally come to see the outside, basically no matter what.

This completely hands-off management strategy has made Kasumigaoka Shiyu keep complaining, "It's really a shame that the company didn't go bankrupt or the rights were emptied."

In fact, Long Ma has encountered a similar situation several times. Some management members see that Long Ma doesn't care about anything at all, so they secretly start planning to embezzle the company's money and seize power.

In the end, it was indeed a success, and it was about driving Ma Long from the company completely.

But on the next day, those who embezzled and seized power and their families mysteriously disappeared, and it was not until a few days later that the police found several piles of rotten meat that had been wrapped in flies in those people's homes.

In the world of dragons, it is not uncommon for other predators to poach their territories, or to have their territories taken away by other creatures.

But the premise is that you have the ability to withstand the anger and revenge of the owner of the territory.

Obviously, it is impossible for mere humans to be worth the ancient dragon. Even if it is restricted by Mrs. Xiazhiqiu from becoming a dragon, it is difficult for even an experienced hunter to defeat the dragon mother in human form, not to mention those who are in human form. Ordinary people.

Since then, no one dared to think carefully, and the alcohol kingdom she built for herself has been completely stabilized.

And what Long Ma has to do is to visit occasionally, and then drink the good wine prepared by her subordinates.

After confirming that there was no problem, Long Ma dismissed everyone, and then came to the office specially prepared for her.

At this time, the desk in the office was already filled with all kinds of wine.

Most of these are new wines that have been brewed in factories recently, and some are famous wines bought from outside.

Long Ma looked at the various wine bottles on the table, her eyes lighted slightly, she closed the door, picked up a wine bottle impatiently, bit the cork with her teeth, and poured a bottle of wine into her mouth. into the mouth.

"It's cool!" After drinking a bottle of wine, Mother Long burped lightly.

Then she sat on the office chair, put the appetizers she brought on the table, and then lay leisurely on the office chair, eating and drinking one drink at a time.

Even ancient dragons can't avoid being corrupted by evil capital~!

Talk about the day after tomorrow (3) Class

The fact that Little Potato broke through the seal was soon known by old acquaintances.

Although it was a working day, everyone had something to do, but they all took time to visit the returning little potato.

And in order to celebrate his return, everyone decided to hold a grand celebration to welcome Little Potato home.

The celebration continued until late at night, and everyone who drank two hemp and two hemp reluctantly went home.

"It seems that I drank a little too much..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu supported her drowsy head and walked into the kitchen to pick up a glass of water.

As an adult, I occasionally participate in the author's reception held by the Undead River Bunko. Shiyu Kasumigaoka has accumulated experience in how to deal with drunkenness after drinking too much.

After drinking the water, Kasumigaoka Shiyu returned to the room, and then saw that the little potato had already thrown on the bed.

At the celebration, everyone played a little crazy, and as the protagonist, Little Potato was the object of everyone's attention.

Everyone frantically persuaded him to drink, and then threw cakes and things on him. Now the little potatoes are like crawling out of the mud, so dirty that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka can't stand it anymore.

She widened her eyes and dragged the little potato up from the bed: "Don't climb on the bed if you are dirty, go take a bath first!"

"Oh~" Little Potato in the form of a teenager nodded obediently, and then took off the clothes she just bought in front of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

He didn't have any shy thoughts about this kind of thing. It's not that he didn't feel shy, but he was used to looking naked in front of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

Although it has been sealed for ten years, Little Potato has not been able to feel for a long time, so many memories are still stuck in the past.

If she wasn't drinking, Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw Little Tudou standing naked in front of him, she would probably cover her face with her hands in shyness, and then sneak a peek through her fingers.

But now that she's been drinking and her mind has become a little sluggish, she has become calmer.

According to her current thinking, it is————

What are you shy! ? They all slept in the same bed for so long! And what can't your man see?

If it wasn't for fear of scaring Little Potato and she didn't want to appear too slutty, she might have reached out and touched her.

Throwing the clothes into the basket, Little Potato walked into the bathroom and skillfully started to boil water to prepare for a bath.

Although he drank a lot of alcohol, he showed no sign of being drunk at all. This seems to be because the digestive system of the little potato has acquired a mutation.

To a certain extent, it is really enviable! Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Especially when she was about to get drunk and she would definitely have a terrifying headache the next day, she envied Little Potato's special physique that no matter how much she drank, it was as good as drinking boiled water.

At this moment, the sound of the water being boiled came from the bathroom, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also took off his clothes in a daze and walked into the bathroom.

Little Potato was sitting on a small bench at this time, applying shampoo and shower gel to her hair and body.

Seeing Shiyu of Kasumigaoka walk in, he just glanced sideways, and then continued to cleanse his body skillfully.

After finishing it quickly, Little Tudou couldn't wait to jump into the bathtub, soaking his whole body in hot water, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka quickly got it done, and then sat in the bathtub.

"Poetry~a bit crowded~"

The two were soaking in the bathtub at the same time, and Little Potato found that he couldn't stretch his body at all, let alone swimming in the bathtub like before.

Although he used to take a bath together in the past, but in the past, he hadn't grown up, so it was enough for him and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, but now, the bathtub is a little too crowded.

"There's no way, bear with it." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu swallowed softly.

When two people are squeezed in the bathtub, there will inevitably be physical contact.

Just after drinking, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's body was heating up, and now that she was soaked in hot water, she even felt that something was about to move in her body.

At this moment, Little Potato's body came over again.

The body temperature of the steel dragon is lower than that of humans, which is also reflected in the humanoid state, so no matter when, the skin of the little potato is cold to the touch.

To Shiyu of Kasumigaoka at this time, Little Potato's ice-cold body was like a lump of ice in the hot summer, and instinctively wanted to lean over and lick it.

Reaching out and hugging the little potato, the cold body temperature passed along the skin, but Shiyu Kasumigaoka found that the restlessness of her body not only did not stop, but became more intense.

She couldn't help sticking out her pink tongue and gently licking her rosy cherry lips. Something that was sealed by reason was getting out of her control with the help of wine.

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