Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1008: Palm of the universe

"Master, the master needs assistance" Nu Walong continued.

"Well, leave it to you here, and I will go down to assist my god." Cai You also understands Nuwalong's concerns.

Nuwa Dragon nodded, and it would be better for those difficult stubs to deal with them, after all, their cultivation hasn't broken through to the level of the **** master.

Zhu Minglang can only rely on the sword spirit dragon and the profound dragon now. Even if he is injured, his life is still in danger even if he is dealing with Mo Shou.

Cai You's strength is the pinnacle of the **** master, and it is also a step away from the gods, its side assisting effect will be greater than that of them.

Cai You continued down and hurried to the Earth, Fire and Space.

The Nuwa Dragon let the dragons separate their actions, turning the entire pavilion upside down as much as possible. There is really no clue, so they can only eliminate all the wooden stakes in Moshou's family!

Searching on every level and every level, the burly dragon is quite inconvenient to do this kind of thing, can only run rampant, give it a claw when it sees something wrong, or just spit out the dragon's breath.

The fairy phoenix dragon and the peach demon deer dragon are very dexterous, they can drill through some gaps in the underground pavilion, and they can discover more hidden mysteries.

"Boom Boom"

At this time, the fairy Yinglong seemed to have discovered something, and was calling everyone excitedly.

The Nvwa Dragon immediately searched for the sound. After reaching an area made up of a rock wall, the Elf Yinglong suddenly emerged from a crack in the rock and told the Nvwa Dragon that there was something inside.

Nuwa Dragon stretched out a white and tender palm, and gently pushed it toward the crack in the rock. The rock suddenly opened on both sides with the crack as the central axis, and a spacious passage suddenly appeared in front of him.

The fairy glowing dragon led the way, and the Nuwa dragon swayed its waist and walked vigilantly toward the rock passage. This is the third floor of the underground pavilion, which is equivalent to the inside of the wall rock.

Soon, the tunnel came to an end, and a ghost altar appeared at the end. On the ghost altar, there was a **** arm. This arm was as big as a thousand-year-old tree. Together, its palm fingers are still glowing with weird vitality!

"Kill without mercy, kill without mercy!"

Suddenly, a mechanical scream came from behind.

Nüwalong turned his head and saw the wooden stake man Mo Tu Guimei rushing up, and showing sharp claws and fangs, pounced on the fairy Yinglong and Nüwa dragon.

Nuwa Dragon slapped it, and the invisible force slapped Mo Tuqi into the air!

Mo Tu fell heavily on the rock wall and turned into a pile of shattered equipment parts.

But these pieces were all pulling the invisible needle and thread, and they were sucked back soon.

Nuwa Dragon also knows that once these parts are returned, they will be resurrected under the stitching of Xu Yu, the ingenious mother wooden stake.

However, what Nuwa Dragon could not think of was that a brand new Stakeholder appeared in the passage. This Stakeholder was exactly the same as Mo Tu, and his abilities were exactly the same!

Nuwa dragons are very intelligent, but often they don't need to think so much with Zhu Minglang.

She stared at the brand-new wooden stake man Mo Tu, and immediately realized that the entire empty pavilion was probably an artificial wooden stake workshop.

No matter how fast the Stake Man's mother Xu Yu's stitching speed is, it is impossible to bring Mo Tu back to life in the blink of an eye and send him back in front of him.

Therefore, it is very likely that there are actually many stakers in the entire basement. As long as one is destroyed, their ghosts will immediately attach to the body of another stakeholder. This will not only ensure that they are always in combat, but also Can live endlessly, after all, the broken stubs, the mother Xu Yu will sew them back to life, and continue to be the spare stubs!

In other words, even if they give priority to killing Stakeholder's mother Xu Yu, it does not make sense, because Stakeholder Xu Yu may also have spare Stakeholders!

Nuwa Dragon cast the spell once again. She understood that it would not make any sense to smash the wooden stake man Mo Tu into pieces. Instead, it would be blocked, and the ancient arm in this cave could be quickly disposed of.

This ancient arm should be the hand of a famous mysterious ancient giant. Even if the deity is dead, its arm still contains the power of the universe. Mo Shou is using the power of the mysterious ancient giant's arm to arm himself. Let him be such an organization that has the same ability to control the destruction of the world.

Nuwa Dragon tried to destroy this ancient arm, but this mysterious ancient giant's hand was obviously protected by some kind of magic rune, and it was difficult for Nuwa Dragon's spell to completely destroy it.

At this time, the elven Yinglong seemed to have found a small loophole it could get into. It used its claws to dig through the barrier formed by the rune, and then climbed into the hands of the mysterious ancient giant.

It’s just that even Nuwa Dragon’s spells can’t destroy the hand of this mysterious ancient giant. It doesn’t make much sense for the Elf Dragon to get in. While Nuwa Dragon is thinking about how to disintegrate, she sees the Elf Dragon’s body with a blue glow. The hair was stretched out, and the petite and exquisite body suddenly turned into a big ball of hair. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

The fluff is like a magnetic needle, beginning to absorb the aura around it.

The power of the universe contained in the hand of the mysterious ancient giant seems to be a kind of aura. They are dragged by the fairy dragon, and like the water in the canal, they dump on the fairy dragon like crazy.

The blue glowing light on the fairy dragon is getting more and more brilliant. Although its size has not changed much, the dragon's breath has suddenly skyrocketed.

In the past, the fairy dragon would store it in its own hair after absorbing a lot of aura, and then give it to other dragons. The little guy didn't like to grow up, but he was loyal to helping others.

But this time, it seemed that the universe aura in the hands of the ancient giant was too huge, and the elven Yinglong had to digest a large part of it by himself, and then gave this aura to the Nuwa Dragon.

Despite this, the fairy dragon still holds up its belly round and round.


The fairy Yinglong hit a big hiccup, and his cultivation level suddenly rose to the level of a god.

Nuwa Dragon was also wrapped in fluorescence. Her cultivation level was relatively high. This time the gift of spiritual energy was not enough to improve her cultivation, but the feeling of being wrapped in this ancient universe made her feel extremely comfortable. , She can even feel that this ancient mysterious giant is a species of the same age as her, and the aura of the universe contained in it also comes from that age!

Finally, the arm of the mysterious ancient giant slowly withered, turned into a withered wood, and completely lost its vitality.

At the same time, at the ground and fire, Mo Shouzheng raised his palm and patted Zhu Minglang heavily. Zhu Minglang almost subconsciously retreated, because he knew that a weapon Tathagata would fall above his head. Palm.

As a result, nothing happened!

The power of Mo Shou's left hand, the palm of his hand, has disappeared!

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