Dragon Tamer

Chapter 110: Zhu Xuehen

"Is it a strong man from that mysterious continent?" the treasure house woman asked.

Deputy Dean Bai Hongbo nodded.

"What kind of clan are they, and how many strong people above the main level are there?" Mr. Wu took a deep breath, and finally asked the key.

Bai Hongbo did not answer immediately, but glanced at Nan Lingsha.

"One person is a dragon shepherd." Nan Lingsha slowly said. When she said this, Nan Lingsha's tone seemed to be unwilling to believe that she herself.

"It's a dragon shepherd who drives a purple dragon." Bai Hongbo added.

It's just this addition that shocked the several master-level powerhouses present.

One person, destroyed the palace! !

Could this dragon shepherd be a god! !

How does he manage to level the authority of the palace alone? ?

The most important thing is that Zonggong has a monarch-level powerhouse, and it is because of his existence that Zonggong can stand on top of the major cities.

A strong man who walked out of the mysterious continent can destroy the palace. Doesn't this mean that this land of Lichuan is simply insignificant to the mysterious continent! !

"Who is in charge of this city!"

"Who is in charge of this city!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out above the Dragon Training Academy.

The voice is not loud and loud, and far apart, but everyone can clearly hear every word she says!

Several people immediately walked out of the bamboo forest pavilion, and Nan Lingsha even drew a leaf of a flying boat, and carried everyone on the bamboo forest.

Not at How To Train Your Dragon Academy.

It was in the Zulong City State, which seemed to be just above the State Wall Tower. Looking over from here, you could see a proud figure floating in the sky!

"Let's go and take a look." A look of surprise appeared on Bai Hongbo's face.

The painting boat flew towards the state wall of the Zulong City State, but everyone looked extremely heavy, because the closer they were, the more they could see clearly. Among the towers of the Zulong City State, a sacred lion and purple dragon occupies the towering tower. Above...

The mighty horse is not like a creature in this world, but more like a fairy dragon in ancient mythology, overlooking the silver-gray Ancestral Dragon City-state, overlooking the mortal spirit of the entire city-state! !

It's the Purple Dragon Mastiff who destroyed the palace! !

Next to him was an aloof woman wearing a robe of Taoism. It was this woman who questioned her. Her voice could travel hundreds of kilometers to ensure that everyone in the Zulong City State could hear it.

The purple dragon is in the sky, as dazzling as a god, every scale on his body is brighter than gold jewels, not to mention the man who controls this purple dragon, there is a majesty above everyone in his eyebrows, even if not Fierce and evil, even if it is just to maintain peace, it will make people tremble involuntarily! !

Draw a boat and fly away...

Dean Bai, Mr. Wu, and the woman in the treasure house, all of them panicked.

These two people were the culprits who destroyed the palace yesterday! !

Is it possible that for them, Mie Zong Palace didn't take any effort, and the next day they flew directly to Zulong City State!

"I'm negotiating with them. If the situation is unfavorable, don't be impulsive." At this time, Nan Lingsha said.

She put the others down, obviously to face the two strongest alone.

"I'm with you." Zhu Minglang did not get off the boat.

The strong Zilong seemed to be gentle, but his whole body was full of dangerous auras. He killed so many people in the palace without a trace of hostility on his body. Perhaps for him, this creature from the land of Sichuan is not like the ants. What a difference.

How could Zhu Minglang let Nan Lingsha negotiate with such a dangerous person.

Nan Lingsha did not intend to involve Zhu Minglang in, but Zhu Minglang insisted not to leave, and she had no other way.


The Zilong man sat lazily on the tower, looking at the people of the Zulong city state.

On the street, on the road, and at the windows of the house, countless people looked at him, each of them with amazement and confusion on their faces.

Over the years, there are too many people like frogs at the bottom of a well. They only see a small piece of sky, but they don’t know that the world is wider than they thought, but they don’t know that there are people who are stronger than they know...

Oh, for them, they can't be counted in the category of people.

I am God, like a god!

As soon as the painting boat flew over, the Zilong man saw the men and women on the painting boat at a glance.

The woman seems to be a god-fan painter who can manipulate pen and ink to draw extraordinary things, and the man...

"The city is the Dragon City of Ancestor. I am Nan Lingsha, the leader of this city." Standing on the flying boat, Nan Lingsha said.

"But Zongmen?"

"No, all the city-states." Nan Lingsha replied.

"Neither are you a sect, you can do it yourself." The Zilong man said lightly.

Nan Lingsha was a little puzzled.

Are they here to destroy the sect?

There is basically no probability of sect in this land of Lichuan. If you have to say sect, the palace should be regarded as a gathering place for dragon shepherds and gods and mortals, and the rest are basically cities and city states.

The Zilong man had no intention of killing people under the jurisdiction of the city, nor did he have any interest in the flat-headed people in the city.

It's like a fairy who has stepped through this mortal world, just asking casually.

"A group of small sects of mobs, some city-states with mediocre resources, this land is just like this, it's more boring than I thought, sir, we can return." The Zilong man said with great disappointment.

"Wait a minute," said the woman with Taoist haircut.

"Master, this is already the most prosperous city-state, there is no need to go to other places..." said the Zilong man.

The hair-fixing woman walked in the air. Every step she walked on was like walking on the flat ground, but the tower was so high that she walked in the air without controlling the wind or stepping on objects, which was incredible.

Tao Xiu's hair-cut woman walked towards Nan Lingsha.

She dresses plainly, giving people a sense of oppression of a superior, making Nan Lingsha look like an enemy.

The other party's cultivation...

I am afraid that there is more than one level above me, even the master of the palace has absolutely no such momentum!

At first, Nan Lingsha thought that this powerful goddess was going to kill herself to gain her prestige, but soon Nan Lingsha realized that this woman was not looking at her at all.

She glanced over her, staring at the people behind her.

"I wish you a bright future." The Taoist woman with haircut said the name.

Nan Lingsha turned around in surprise...

How could a strong man who came out of the mysterious continent in the starry sky know Zhu Minglang's name? ? ?

"Aunt Xuehen." Zhu Minglang smiled bitterly, and finally gave an elder's gift.

The Zilong man was also surprised.

He looked at Zhu Xuehen, and then at the man standing on the painting boat...

How come there are people the Lord knows here? ?

"I'm not dead, go back and report peace." The haircut Taoist woman had a lot of words, but in the end she said lightly to Zhu Minglang.

Report peace.

I wish Minglang too!

Didn't he find the way back!

"Aunt Xuehen, you can look at the thin face of my nephew to stop the fighting. I have heard that six cities have been slaughtered. They are all people. Why are they so cruel?" Zhu Minglang said.

"The war has nothing to do with me. You have to intervene, why don't you go and talk to the Lord of the Kingdom... Oh, there are rumors that you have lost Shenfan, and you can't bear this catastrophe. You jumped into the abyss and committed suicide. The rumors are half right." Mark said coldly.

"I am the Dragon Shepherd now." Zhu Minglang said.

"Master Mu Long???" Zhu Xuehen suddenly chuckled slightly, with a bit of mockery.

The Zilong man on the side was confused.

What happened to the Dragon Mu...

The master looked down on the Dragon Shepherd? ?

But the most important person in the clan is still the Dragon Shepherd.

Also, who is this man?

Good luck? ?

It seems that this name has been heard somewhere, but Zhu Men had a very good person many years ago.

"She is the wife you met, but does she have children?" Zhu Xuehen looked at Nan Lingsha, and seemed to be very interested in her magical power.

"???" Nan Lingsha stared wide-eyed.

"This is the wife and sister who hasn't passed the door... Uh, it's the younger sister of the wife who hasn't passed the door, Nan Lingsha." Zhu Minglang replied truthfully.

"Report peace when you go home, let this woman give birth to a child for you, and raise it with peace of mind. If you can inherit the gods of one of you, it can be regarded as making up for the many regrets of our people." Zhu Xuehen continued.


I think I can save it!

Is it necessary for my aunt to be so disappointed in herself?

Also, she taught herself carefully for so many years, and in the end she didn't have a trace of supernatural power.

Maybe in her heart, she was dead a long time ago, and she suddenly appeared on this piece of land, and probably couldn't make any more waves in her heart.

Zhu Xuehen has always been like this. She has a cold temperament. In her eyes, family affection is just a thread of annoyance cut at will. She only cares about the supreme power.

"Aunt Xuehen, I still trouble aunt about what I just said." Zhu Minglang pleaded.

"I will guarantee that any sect does not take advantage of it by accident and will not kill innocent people. This is also my duty. But the disputes between the land and the city are resigned."

"That's enough, thank you aunty. After some time, my nephew will return to report safety." Zhu Minglang saluted again.

Zhu Xuehen glanced at Nan Lingsha lightly, and finally withdrew his gaze.

The Zilong man came and looked at Zhu Minglang seriously, and then stopped on Nan Lingsha.

"Master Mu Long, there are not many Master Mu Long in Zhumen, I have the opportunity to learn from each other again." The Zilong man smiled and said to Zhu Minglang.

The other party made a salute in return for kindness.

I wish Minglang in return.

Leaving on the sacred lion Zilong, Pu Shiming deliberately observed Zhu Xuehen's profile.

Since contact with Zhu Xuehen, Pu Shiming has rarely seen her caring about anything and anyone, as if everything in the world is dust particles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ insignificant.

But when she saw the person named Zhu Minglang, there were obviously emotional fluctuations in her eyes.

Despite the disappointment...

But being disappointed in a person does not mean that she has been expecting this person before?

If this person is really irrelevant, how could she be like this?

I rarely saw Zhu Xuehen's emotions, but Pu Shiming noticed that Zhu Xuehen's mood had undergone a subtle change from that moment on.

On weekdays, she doesn't need to deliberately maintain anything, just like an arrogant, pure-hearted Taoist immortal.

At this time, Zhu Xuehen was deliberately not thinking about it, not caring, not letting that disappointment become sadness in the bottom of her heart, her eyes and face were filled.

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