Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1149: Wind catastrophe

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"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky thunder constantly lit up in the night sky, and each of them was like a blooming purple flame, which could ignite this long sky.

Seeing this anger from the gods, Pang Ying and the old Taoist couldn't help but began to worry about swaggering.

You must know that they have never seen such a terrible thunder tribulation before they have practiced for so many years.

"Brother, don't forget it," Pang Ying said.

Swagger God did not answer, he focused on fighting the thunder catastrophe.

According to his own god's specifications, even if he had the most breakthroughs, it was only forty-nine sky thunders. He only needed to survive these forty-nine sky thunders to become a god.

However, Tian Lei dropped more times than he had imagined, and there were almost eighty-one waves!

After half of the sky thunder, Yao Shen's entire face was black, and his skin was scorched by thunder and lightning in the tattered clothes.

At the time of promotion, the three souls and seven souls will generally be there, but these three souls and seven souls seem to fear the thunder punishment of the heavens, and one of the souls and two souls begin to escape from their shells!


Even his soul doesn't believe that he can be promoted, and he is afraid to follow him in ashes!

Sweeping God gritted his teeth and continued to bear the thunderstorm in the ruins. The hail wind blowing from the sky was more like a sky whip, beating him fiercely.

Finally, the earth soul that swaggered the gods also began to waver.

The clan and organization that swayed the gods themselves did a lot of evil and didn't save him any virtue. Faced with the questioning and torture of God, the earth soul of swaying the gods could not last a few rounds at all.

Only the heavenly soul that swaggers the gods is still holding on.

Naturally, the heavenly souls are the most determined. All the heavenly souls only aim to become higher immortals, break away from the mundane cause and effect cycle, and become the incarnation of God, with a long life span, and admiration by all gods...

"It's almost done!! Today, I will become a fairy prince!!" The swagger **** suddenly roared under the extreme pain.

He didn’t care about his skin and flesh, and he had to climb to the fairy road. He was very clear about what he would get after he survived this catastrophe. Today, he has to break through the bottleneck that has not been able to break through for a long time. On your own head!

"Yes, yes, if you have been practicing with this mentality of seeing death like home, you will certainly have the hope of becoming the leader of the gods of the Big Dipper." Thumbs up with.

Swagger opened his eyes fiercely.

The faces of Pang Ying and the old Taoist master were filled with joy. Has God finally approved of swaggering gods!

In this world, few people can really hear the voice of God!

There is no smile on the face of the swaggering god. As a **** who has also been brilliant, he understands the rules of this world better than the little gods around him. God does not have a true god, let alone talk to the world!

It must be a **** who is in charge of Xiantu's destiny, belonging to an existence of the upper immortal level, and he is staring at his promotion process throughout the whole process.

Swagger remained vigilant, he didn't think it was lucky, on the contrary he began to show hostility.

"Which celestial being, but come to help Pang a certain arm?" Swagger asked tentatively, but he couldn't show his weakness, and then added, "If you are just passing by, please go ahead and stay away. The promotion is a big deal, and Shu Pang has to be careful."

"Did you know that on the path of immortality, you are not only fighting against the heavens and the ten thousand demons, but also fighting fiercely with people. As a god, your calamity does not lie in the sky thunder, but provokes people who shouldn't be offended. "The voice from the sky came out again.

As soon as he heard the swagger, his face immediately changed!


This guy is here to seek revenge!

He has been very low-key recently. When did he get involved with such a **** who can control the tribulation? ?

However, the **** of swagger can clearly feel a kind of fear from the depths of the soul at this time. His heavenly soul is trembling, even forcing his body to kneel in front of the opponent.

Since the heavenly soul is afraid, it shows that the other party is definitely not pretending to be a ghost, and the person in the heavenly catastrophe is definitely a **** with a high godhead!

"Hmph, don't think I don't understand the laws of heaven, don't be arrogant here, if you want to disturb me, then ask Tianshu Luohan to answer or not!" The swaggering **** is not a fool, he also understands God's will. Vague, no **** can make rules on behalf of God!

"Swagger, you don't deserve to be a god, let's practice for hundreds of years!" The voice in the sky came out again.

When the voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly broke out in the sky, and the eighty-one thunder tribulations had ended, but the swaying **** never thought that there would be even more terrifying wind tribulations!

This wind is definitely not an ordinary air current. The wind thrown down in the sky is like the whip of a wind **** in the hands of a heavenly giant. Every time it hits the mountain peaks, it is like a slash of the ancient gods!


This Fengshen Heavenly Whip whipped on Boss God's body, and Boss God was so painful that his facial features were distorted!

"Help me, help me!" Swagger, realizing that it is impossible for him to resist this kind of wind catastrophe by his body, he hurriedly said to the Tianshu Luohan.

Tianshu Arhat hesitated.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky, wanting to know who the **** in the sky was, but seeing the half-dead look of the swaggering god, he still flew up in the air and formed a prayer bead with the beads on his neck. , To resist the horrible whip thrown down from high in the sky!

As the Tianshu Arhat lifted into the sky, Ye Niangniang was passing through the Taoist temple silently, and drifted behind the swaggering **** like a ghost.

The **** of swagger was originally aware, but a mysterious violent catastrophe suddenly appeared in the sky. Thousands of winds lashed out, and the swagger **** himself was scared, and he would have given up promotion if he didn't have the Tianshu Arhat to protect himself!

It was so painful that the **** of swagger didn't even notice that the thing hanging on his neck had disappeared.

The **** of swagger could not keep sitting cross-legged, he supported himself with one hand, the soul of the sky was still there, and the three souls were missing by one, the **** of swagger would never have thought that his promotion would be so difficult. Wise is not so difficult.

Also, who is the **** in the sky who is blocking oneself!

Taking a deep breath, the swagger **** has been beaten to a bit unconscious, but he still has to insist, because he feels that he is about to pass this level, and only needs to draw a little bit of Yuehua's power!

The path of practice is to sail against the current, and if you don’t advance, you will retreat. What's more, it’s the breakthrough stage, and all you need is that effort...

However, the swagger **** who had adjusted his state suddenly felt that his body was no longer absorbing the essence of the moon!

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