Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1151: Shenjun Bailong

"Can you represent one of the gods and convey his will to him???"

"Yes. Shen Sang, do you know that, the only male sword immortal in the Yuheng Star Palace, he can become a god, thanks to my gift. I am in charge of many people's immortal paths, and I like to have a heart with those Obsessive people make deals, equivalent deals.” The young man continued.

"You can make me a god????" There was light in the eyes of the swaggering god.

"It's extremely simple."

"Then what do you ask for?" Swagger asked.

"Determination, your determination to become a man and a fairy!" said the young man.

"Hehe, look at me like this, isn't the price I paid enough!" said the swagger.

"Of course it's not enough. You have nothing. You have to abandon your seven emotions and six desires and look at your three souls and seven souls. The human soul and the earth soul flee when you cross the catastrophe. It's too cowardly, it doesn't hurt to abandon it," the young man said.

"I don't understand what you are going to say!" Shendao swaggered.

"For example, among the seven souls, one of them represents family affection." The young man said this, looking at Pang Ying, who was walking over with a basin of water.

Pang Ying intends to wipe the wound for the **** of swagger.

In the end, he saw the **** of swagger sitting alone in a pool of blood, as if he was talking to someone.

This scene is extremely weird, as if a person is really sitting in front of the swaggering god, talking to him.

Crazy, my brother is really crazy.

"Brother, wash your face, there is still a lot of heaven and earth, and I will always find opportunities again." Pang Ying comforted.

Suddenly, the eyes of Swagger God stared at Pang Ying terribly. Pang Ying only felt flustered, and then she felt something violently grabbing herself and dragging herself somewhere.

Pang Ying didn't know why she couldn't use her strength at all. She recalled the scene when the pigs as tribute were towed away. At this moment, she is no different from those livestock!

"Big Brother!!!"

"Big Brother!!!"

"Save me, big brother, save me!!!"

Pang Ying struggled, crying loudly.

She was dragged upside down. Pang Ying looked at the swagger, but what he saw in his eyes was a hint of excitement and excitement!

"Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt at all."

"Close your eyes and enjoy the moment of death."

"When you arrive in my **** world, you will find how tender the pain at the moment of death is."

Pang Ying couldn't see the person who dragged her, but she was terrified to the extreme.

She had no resistance. She could only see a sharp knife used to cut the pig's throat flying from the kitchen, and then slowly piercing into her carotid artery...

The blood surged, and it was true that there was no pain, only endless humiliation and fear. She didn't know what killed her, and she didn't know who her life was sacrificed.


In the ear, there was a person's brisk humming sound.

No matter how commonplace, like the masters who entertain themselves in the slaughterhouse.



I found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

I wish Minglang start to make breakthroughs in cultivation for Bai Qi.

The moon glazed sacred jade, this can be regarded as a very rare fetish.

Zhu Minglang put it in the clear water, washed it clean, and then put it on Bai Qi's body.

A beam of bright light fell from the black clouds, and the Fengyue White Dragon seemed to have complied with the call of this month. His white and flawless body slowly floated into the air, like a kind of sacred baptism, and the Fengyue White Dragon’s skin changed. It is as crystal clear as colored glaze, and its feathers are more like works of art carefully carved by a master, exquisite and perfect!

The dragon of Fengyue, at this moment, is it really like a pet spirit born in the middle of the moon? Even with its feathers spread out in the air, it is like a magnificent silver moon, hanging on the dark night, with the dragon's light shining This Shenzhou land!

The essence of the moon was being absorbed, and Bai Qi was changing little by little in the moonlight, strands of ice shrouded in this mountain forest like yarn, turning into a trace of holy **** frost in the process of landing.

There was no violent wind, no lightning and thunder, and no anger to the heavens and all kinds of roars.

Bai Qi's entire promotion process went very smoothly, and even holy frost filaments in the sky continued to fall into this world, washing the dirt brought by the surrounding darkness, and purifying the creatures who were entangled in darkness.

More like a gift from God, Fengyue White Dragon completed this promotion without twists and turns.

If it were to slander the gods, seeing such a scene would definitely make him feel angry. After so many hardships, he could not step into the gods, but this white dragon only absorbed the essence of the moon for a while, and became Dragon of Fengyue God King!


Bai Qi floated down and fell by Zhu Minglang's side.

Zhu Minglang stroked the fringe-like white velvet under his neck, and smiled on his face.

Thinking back to when Xiaobai was a small ice silkworm, it was so fragile and small, as if it would be eaten away by sparrows in the yard if he didn't pay attention.

Now, it is the fairy king white dragon, Cang Yue's darling, and the dragon **** that billions of creatures need to look up to!

Human beings are blessed by gods.

Cangling naturally needs their gods to guard them. The Dragon God is obviously the most respected **** of birds and beasts, giving them the ability to open up the world and call the wind and rain!


Returning to the God Capital of Xuan Ge, Zhu Minglang noticed a large number of dark swirls around the God Capital of Xuan Ge!

It was like a black tide, flowing violently outside the major holy cities of the gods, and tens of thousands of Yin soldiers and demons were hiding in the terrifying dark tide, making a roar of hunger.

Zhu Minglang was very surprised.

Although Yong Ye is the carnival of creatures in the underworld, this place is the **** capital of the star gods, how could it be entrenched in such a huge army of ghosts in the dark night.

"Could it be that God Xuan Ge had some accident?" Zhu Minglang speculated secretly.

Only the fall of the gods will cause her gods to have no trace of deterrence against the darkness~www.wuxiaspot.com~wither! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

Suddenly, Yan Wanglong let out a roar, shaking Zhu Minglang's spiritual realm.

Zhu Minglang summoned the Yan Wanglong out, and originally planned to let it walk the Yin army wandering outside the Xuan Ge God Capital, but Yan Wanglong's behavior was extremely abnormal.

Its pair of ghost pupils turned red, and a red ghost flame appeared in it.

On Yan Wanglong's back, and on the texture of his body, all the flames of the Netherworld turned into cursed blood-red poisonous flames.

"Yan Wanglong, calm down!"

Zhu Minglang hurried to appease Yan Wanglong, but Yan Wanglong couldn't listen.

It rushed towards the fluctuating dark frenzy uncontrollably, and Zhu Minglang even felt the trembling of the soul bond between himself and Yan Wanglong.

This is a sign of breaking free!

It is a sign of rebellion! !

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