Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1163: ambush

Latest website: Xuanlong flew to the ancestors of the nomadic giant fairy tree, the surrounding void was full of those huge branches and huge roots. This picture made Zhu Minglang feel extremely shocked...


Xuanlong seemed to have discovered something again. It flew towards a main tree trunk with similar eye patterns.

In that eye pattern, there was a crystal clear thing, emerald green fairy fat!

It is the resin of the nomadic giant tree, that is pure enough to be compared with the dragon gate spiritual thing!

When the Xuanlong approached, the fairy fat turned into a green bead on its own, flew towards Xuanlong's body, and fell on Xuanlong's Xuanlong Xuanfei like soft rain and dew.

The dragon's light appeared on Xuanlong's body, its body was absorbing them, and its cultivation base was rising!

"Brother Zhu, your wish has come true." Zheng Yu also could see the gods, and it took a long time to say to Zhu Minglang.


Xuanlong has been promoted from the middle position to the upper position!

The upper dragon king!

I wish Minglang watched it blankly for a long time.

The ancestor of the nomadic giant tree seems to have been waiting here for a long time, and his gift coincides with Zheng Yu's words, a perfect coincidence!

"Brother Zhu don't look at me with this look. Even without me, Brother Zhu should be able to get this gift. You have a fate with this ancient tree." Zheng Yu said.

Zhu Minglang looked at the debris piled up in the sky.

For Youhen Star itself, it is also a huge catastrophe. After all, there is no sea of ​​emptiness around Youhen Star. Its fall is purely an impact, and the entire star will be as fragmented as the nomadic giant tree ancestor.


After Xuanlong finished the promotion, his perception ability became more acute. It suddenly uttered a cry toward the dark heavenly secret, and then saw a terrifying sword emerge on the top of the dark sky.

This sharp sword was so big that it occupies the main field of vision. Zhu Minglang couldn't help taking a breath, and quickly let Xuanlong avoid it.

Xuanlong waved its wings, enveloping Xuanfeng all over his body, and dived down onto the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Like a cyan meteor, Xuanlong pierced through the atmosphere of the sky, and leaned across the sky of the Big Dipper, and fell towards the location of Kaiyang Shenjiang by the desert!


Above, Zhu Minglang looked up again, and saw that huge and incomparable sword. The sword had a terrifying soul-locking ability. It stabbed this vast desert and also stabbed Zhu. clear.

Xuanlong immediately raised his tail, and resisted it with the tail of Yanyue!


The sword of the sky and the tail of the moon collided, and the brilliant sparks seemed to be a grand flame ritual, ignited in the northern desert, shining the desert into a fiery red color!

The desert itself was extremely hot. With the interweaving of this force, everything seemed to be burning violently. Zhu Minglang saw countless huge sand dunes like flame mountains.

Zhu Minglang felt the trembling, and his head buzzed.

He glanced at Zheng Yu next to him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, we seem to be in ambush." ​​When Zheng Yu said these words, a group of people suddenly appeared in the North Desert.

These people are dressed in sackcloth and their faces are pale. The strange thing is that they have no mouths. It is not that their mouths have disappeared, but that their mouths seem to be sewn up with a needle and thread!

"Silent monk!" Zhu Minglang said in surprise.

These monks who can’t speak are more advanced than ascetics, and they are the warriors of Tianshu Shenyu second only to Arhats. They are different from those Jinzun monks in that they were once gods and saints. Because they were found guilty, they were arrested by Shenyu. Transformed into this look!

Recently, Zhu Minglang has been following the movements of Tianshu Shenyu.

The Tianshu Shenyu Arhat group is growing, and the monk group is also expanding. What is particularly terrifying is these silent monks. They have become the sharp blades of Huaqiu to eliminate dissidents. Many organizations that do not obey Huaqiu’s rule have been treated by these silent monks. In these organizations destroyed and destroyed, a large number of people have been transformed into such silent monks!

"Brother Zhu, do you have a good strategy?" Zheng Yu looked around, but found that the number of monks was so large that they seemed to be Tianshu Shenyu coming out of the nest.

"Go!" Zhu Minglang said plainly.

Although Zhu Minglang may not be afraid of these monks, Zhu Minglang felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, just as Zhu Minglang was driving Xuanlong away from this flaming desert, a person flew down with a sword high in the sky, and her sword slashed on Xuanlong's body, blocking Xuanlong's path.

Soon, the Heavenly Sword Blades fell one after another, cutting the desert out of several rift valleys. Although Xuanlong had the ability to attack and predict, these Heavenly Sword Blades weren't the main purpose of killing it, but blocking it. Flight trajectory.

At the same time, the huge group of silent monks was chasing by the red cloud, and they cast the magic spell together, and saw a sackcloth that covered the sky appeared in the dark sky, and this sackcloth covered the piece of Xuanlong. Sky……

For a while, the sky and the earth have disappeared, only the linen prison demon formation that cannot be torn apart and broken, Zhu Minglang's face changed slightly, these people seem to have come prepared, and they have long arranged a sky and earth net here!

"I wish Minglang, this time you are dead or alive!!" A sharp voice came.

Zhu Minglang looked around and found a **** standing on the huge sand dune. He was also wearing sackcloth, but his sackcloth was dotted with traces of evil flowers, including the skin exposed in his short sackcloth, which was densely packed. Evil patterns, look at these evil patterns a few more times, they are creeping like a viper centipede!

"Swagger?" Zhu Minglang almost didn't recognize this person.

It's really swaggering!

Has this guy become so crazy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can he make such an inhuman and ghostly look? Anyway, he is a righteous god!

"This guy, something is wrong." Zheng Yu's eyes became fierce, he quickly turned out the classics in his hand, and then found some similar evil patterns in a thick page!

"He looks a bit familiar, I have encountered it before." Zhu Minglang remembered the old man Wei Zhuo who was in Yuheng God City before!

He sacrificed his family and gained a strange evil power.

Later Zhu Minglang also knew that Wei Zhuo's power was due to the worship of Hong Mo, the **** of evil wishes!

Sure enough, when Zhu Minglang looked in another direction, he saw a familiar figure.

The guy’s dress is extremely simple, no different from the shopkeepers that can be seen on the ordinary street. He also wears a civilian hat on his head. It happens to be such a market hawker, but it is a nightmare for countless people. He is more hidden than some. The fairies in the world are even more terrible. Some fairies can eat people, **** their souls, and collect the sun. Once they become infected with the **** of evil wishes, they will surely destroy their families and their families, and no one can live in peace!

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