Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1185: Mythical Beast in the Painting

On the long streets of the temple, the lights are still brightly lit. Silk and painted paintings make this originally colorful ancient long road more romantic. People are neatly dressed and watched in the long road with smiles on their faces.

They didn't notice anything that happened on the other level, just as quiet as usual.

Nan Lingsha stood quietly on the star-catching pavilion of the temple, just like the most magnificent star in the night sky. There is still a huge painting in front of her, but the scene in the painting has a natural harmony with the scene of peace in front of her. The difference is that in her paintings, smoke is everywhere, blood is flowing into the river, and the sky of thunder and fire is intertwined to form a doomsday scene!

Everything in the painting is slowly changing. The scenery inside is destroying, and the crowds inside are fighting. Nan Lingsha overlooks everything in the painting, her cold eyes revealing the arrogance of the gods.

The mortal world is under control.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Finally, two people rushed out of the painting. They were like small ink dots when they were in the painting at first, but when they exploded their magical power and flew towards the sky in the painting, the scroll trembled violently. When I get up, the surrounding air is like water ripples with incredible ripples...

In the ripples, the chief Luohan and the female Xiuluo were killed, and the strength of these two people obviously reached the level of the gods.

The two of them were blood red, and their anger turned into blood red arrogance burning violently all over them.

Except for them, the rest of the people stayed in that painting forever. They just want to tear the painting fairy to pieces, otherwise they can't eliminate their hatred!

"Now, I want to see what else you can do!" Qui Luohan took a step, step by step towards Nan Lingsha.

Nan Lingsha's paintbrush was dry, and countless pieces of discarded drawing paper were scattered in front of her.

She bit her finger, dripped her own blood on the paintbrush, and painted with blood. All of the special drawing paper flew all over the floor. They flew back and forth in front of Nan Lingsha, and Nan Lingsha also At the same time paint on all these drawing papers.

There was something on these drawing papers, which seemed to be sealed in the painting, and Nan Lingsha was not repainted, but just added the most important stroke on it!

An ancient Canglong, a pair of blood-red eyes were spotted by Nan Lingsha.

In an instant, the dragon came to life in the painting. It rushed out of the painting wall, spread its teeth and danced its claws, and used its body like a mountain to lie in front of Quiluohan and Nan Lingsha.

A noble Xiahuang was painted with colorful crown feathers by Nan Ling's yarn.

Xia Huang was full of fire, and Xia Huang woke up, spreading its luxurious and beautiful wings, hovering arrogantly on top of Nan Lingsha, as if the soul of Nan Lingsha's body came out of its body, setting off this Nanlingsha It's even more irresistible.

The faces of the chief Luohan and the female Shura looked a little ugly.

I thought that I had broken away from the other side's painting realm, and this painting fairy was left at their mercy. How could I know that this painting fairy had such supernatural powers that he could bring the things in the painting to life directly!

Forget it if they are alive, but they can clearly feel that the alive Canglong and Xiahuang possess the ancient power, and their strength will definitely not be inferior to them!

Can the objects in the painting have this kind of cultivation? ?

The chief Luohan and the female Xiuluo knew that they had no retreat at this time, and they had to fight to the end with this painting immortal!

The chief Luohan rushed to the blue dragon and fought with it with his own savage power.

Female Xiuluo stepped on the Xiahuang. She possessed ten arms, and each arm transformed into an ancient magic weapon. In her opinion, this demon method must be flawed, and it cannot be compared with the real Xiahuang. Compared with Huang, so as long as you fight with it, Xia Huang will soon become ink!

However, both the female Shura and the chief Luohan underestimated Nan Lingsha's strength.

The combat power of the two sacred beasts she conjured by magic is not inferior to that of the body. Nan Lingsha also risked her life when she painted and enchanted the two sacred beasts. It is her own blood.

The chief Luohan and the female Shura tried their best, but in the end they just ended up with these two sacred beasts.

If they hadn't experienced the torture and fight of the painting environment, both of them could win the beast in the painting, but they had already lost a lot of divine power in the painting environment!

"You are not far from death!" Qui Luohan was exhausted, but still didn't mean to give in.

With a random wave of Nan Lingsha, replacing Jian Hui with a brush style, she abruptly chopped off the head of Qui Luohan!

On the side, female Shura saw this scene and was about to ask for mercy, but Nan Lingsha didn't even have a chance to speak to her.

An ink thread hanging down from the air wrapped around the female Shura's neck like a python. With Nan Ling's heavy lifting up, the female Shura's whole body was hung up, and her neck was directly cut off!

One after another, some people from Tianshu Shenyu escaped from the terrible painting realm purgatory, which also included the Flower God and Hua Chong.

Behind the two, a group of defeated generals followed.

However, as soon as they stepped out of the painting environment, they saw the scene of the execution of the two great gods, Luohan and Xiuluo. When they looked at the veiled Nan Lingsha again, UU read www.uukanshu. Com's sense of horror is like a poisonous snake swimming every inch of their skin and going to their throats into their lungs!

They backed away, not daring to take a half step forward.

I think when I first met this painter in Huacheng, the strength she showed was not as terrible as it is now!

But just as they retreated, several figures appeared in the atrium of the temple at the same time.

They have never appeared before, nor have they entered the painting realm. They even waited until the quiarhan and the female Shura died before they appeared.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful painter beside Li Yunzi." The speaker was a woman, and she was holding a Wenzhu Frost Sword.

"You are?" Nan Lingsha hadn't seen this person.

"Nangong Jianxian Xiji." The woman said.

"Nangong Jianxian, why didn't you show up earlier, maybe these two don't have to die." Hua Chong said.

"If they don't die, how do we know if we are in her painting realm now?" Nangong Jianxian Xi Ji laughed at this time.

Hua Chong and the Flower God were both stunned, and suddenly felt that Nangong Jianxian's smile was as biting as ice cold.

"In a painting like this, I call out two divine beasts in the painting. I think the mana has been exhausted. I have to admit that you are an extremely powerful **** I have seen. It's a pity that you can't escape! If you don't struggle, you can. Let you die happy!" Nangong Jianxian Xiji said.

Next to Nangong Jianxian, there is a sword-holding man wearing a dark dragon robe. The man wears a bamboo strip hat and exudes an evil aura. Under the eternal night, this man is like a ten thousand-foot ice cave. , And getting close gives people a feeling of extreme danger.

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