Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1192: Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains

"This matter must be discussed in the long term." Zheng Yu sighed after hearing this.

It can be seen that he also needs some time to digest these things Zhu Minglang said, especially the part about him.

"Anyway, let's follow the previous trajectory first, so that God Xuan Ge can't see the clues." Zhu Minglang said.

"That said, knowing that there is an ambush, we still have to hit it?" Zheng Yu said.

"Well, fortunately, we were in danger before. It won't be too difficult to get out this time. Of course, we also have to give the other side an illusion that we almost succeeded." Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, I will also go to meet the **** of evil wishes for a while to see what he can do to reach the sky!" Zheng Yu nodded.


Going to Wuyang in Kaiyang, Zhu Minglang clearly remembers that the remains of the nomadic ancestor giant ancestors are still floating on Wuyang Mountain.

He flew into the void and once again bowed to the life he admired, and only then obtained the drop of resin spirit from the ancestors of the nomadic giant tree.

Successfully promoted Xuanlong from the middle position to the upper position. Zhu Minglang looked back at Zheng Yu.

"Don't you have the magical powers to reward good and punish evil? Look at my head with such a rich purple qi. Should I be rewarded with merit? It just so happens that I have a cautious wish, that is, to help me see my mystery Does Long hope to attack the supreme god?" Zhu Minglang said to Zheng Yu.

"Brother Zhu, I have the skill of observing luck. It stands to reason that this resin spirit is your merit reward this time. Not to mention, this kind of opportunity itself is also a certain chance, I can fight for you again to cultivate a chance , But you have made this request a little too much. The level of the supreme **** is too difficult, and the success rate is not great." Zheng Yu said.

"Then how can my Xiaobai's cultivation base go to the next level?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"This should be possible. Within one month, your little white dragon should be able to meet the chance of a middle-ranked god. Of course, this chance is not necessarily a pie in the sky. It may require you to put in a certain amount of action and effort, even with some It's dangerous," Zheng Yu said.

Opportunity is actually a fleeting opportunity, it will come, or somewhere, as to whether it can be grasped depends on the practitioner's own good fortune.

Zhu Minglang smiled.

This is tantamount to gaining an opportunity for cultivation in vain.

Get that little bit of life in the dead.

Zhu Minglang knows that with the passage of time, he is also entering a dead end, but it is just this little change, a small improvement, that is his vitality in that absolute dead end! !

Therefore, Zhu Minglang must also make good use of Xinghua’s foresight ability to do the best for himself!


After all, the enemy appeared. To be honest, seeing the **** of swagger die again, Zhu Minglang is still very happy.

This kind of dog has died hundreds of times, and Zhu Minglang will be patiently watched. I don't know how many people in the Tianshu Shenjiang have been punished by cruel beliefs. This is all thanks to the **** of swagger and his swagger Tianfeng.

He deserves his sin, and his method of death is most in line with his identity. A **** who is not enterprising and has been abandoned by the times but continues to be a demon. Even if he destroys his humanity and pays all the price, it is only a small one. Role! !

Whether it is a practitioner or a god, in the practice of climbing the Tianhe River, it is actually the same as sailing against the current. Many domineering gods will soon be eliminated in the ever-changing world.

"You're not in a hurry for a while, let Lu Wu stab me with a sword." Zhu Minglang saw that the time was about to come, so he reminded Linghuling who was hiding in the dark.

Ling Huling frowned.

She feels that Zhu Minglang is a bit risky. Lu Wu’s current cultivation is also very terrifying. After becoming the leader of the Extinction faction, Lu Wu is no longer the former fairy master. If she is determined to kill, Ling Huling It may not be able to resist her.

"It's okay, my body is strong, not to mention that I know what sword technique she will use to sneak attack." Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Minglang doesn't want his dragon to get hurt.

The dragons of their own are in the stage of upgrading their cultivation, and an injury will have a great impact on their promotion.

So Zhu Minglang intends to take down Lu Wu's sword by himself...

Nu Wa Long began to pinch people.

She blew the air, turning the person she pinched into a mysterious ancient giant.

Of course, Nuwa Dragon also breathed a sigh at Zhu Minglang at this time, adding a layer of skin-like divine soil to Zhu Minglang's skin.

Finally, Lu Wu came out!

The location of her ambush is exactly the same as before, no difference.

Her sword skills have not changed either, a sharp stab, so fast that even if he knows that Lu Wu will be killed at this time, it still brings Zhu Minglang a strong sense of oppression!


A sword almost pierced Zhu Minglang's chest, and Zhu Minglang retreated backwards enduring the severe pain.

Tianshalong and Nuwalong shot at the same time to block Lu Wu's terrifying killer move, but this still did not cause much hindrance to Lu Wu. She easily passed through the defenses of the two dragons, and once again moved towards Zhu Minglang. His heart stabbed.

At this time, Ling Huling jumped out from behind Zhu Minglang, her sword swung out a gorgeous Qingluan sword spirit, and flew toward Lu Wu sharply.

The difference from the previous one is that Linghuling’s cultivation level has increased by one level this time, reaching the middle god. Lu Wu’s cultivation is also the middle god. Ling is a backhand assault!

Linghuling shook Lu Wu away and left several sword wounds on Lu Wu's body.

This time, Lu Wu was hurt more severely, and she stared at Ling Huling with very angry eyes.

Just a little bit killed Zhu Minglang!

"Go!" Zhu Minglang clutched his wound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and cried out with difficulty, and then quickly evacuated the killing formation carefully prepared for him.

This time they evacuated faster, and Xuanlong also showed great power and killed a large number of silent monks.

"Don't chase, Zhu Minglang was seriously injured. He needs a long time to recover, and he won't be able to make any big waves in the future." Although Lu Wu was not reconciled, he was quite satisfied with this assassination.

Xuan Ge has already explained that this time the assassination may not be successful, but the key is to give Zhu Minglang a heavy blow and limit his rapid improvement.

As a dragon shepherd with many powerful dragon species, once he obtains a chance, he will increase his strength very quickly.

Zhu Minglang, as the chosen person, is the last to climb the Longmen Sky Peak. God can be said to have high hopes for him.

While Hua Qiu is sitting on a large amount of resources and his strength is rapidly increasing, Zhu Minglang will also grow substantially. In Xuan Ge's view, this time an ambush can suppress Zhu Minglang even if he is successful!

On the other hand, Zhu Minglang threw the jade amulet he had prepared early from his arms, and found that the jade was completely broken, and could only be discarded with tears. This was given to him by Meng Bingci, and he was able to protect his vitals at a critical time.

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