Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1197: Baby god


Carrying two pots of aged rice wine, Zheng Yu walked along the Laoxi Street towards the dilapidated old temple.

"Teacher, I'm here to bring you wine." Zheng Yu said in front of the door.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, you are now my immediate boss, I should honor you." The old temple **** hurriedly welcomed Zheng Yu into the house.

Zheng Yu looked at the face of the old temple **** carefully, it was already covered with traces of time, and his pupils were a bit muddy, not as bright as when he first met him.

"I have some questions to ask you." Zheng Yu said.

"Let's talk... Why are you drinking? Don't you never drink?" The old temple **** asked suspiciously.

"Make an exception, not to mention that you have never and never drink before?" Zheng Yu said.

The old temple **** was stunned, but then he concealed his explanation with a smile. He and Zheng Yu touched the bowl, and then took a big sip of each other.

"When I was an official, I went to the mountains to suppress bandits. We sent people to monitor these thieves who had taken the lives of more than a dozen villages day and night, and waited for the support of the army. But at this moment, a village girl approached. The bandit’s lookout point was stopped by two bandits and dragged into the woods...We wanted to save the village girl, but saving people would definitely be a hassle. All bandits would escape, and they were cruel and terrible by nature. Let them this time. Escaped, I don’t know how badly the people at dawn will be harmed in the future, but we can hear the cries of the village girl very clearly. We clearly know how tortured the village girl has gone, but we can’t save her. Teacher, let’s do it. Is it wrong?" Zheng Yu said.

The old temple **** was silent.

He drank heavily and drank the wine that Zheng Yu had brought in a few seconds.

After drinking and flushing, the old temple **** gently patted Zheng Yu and said, "Have you executed those bandits?"

"They are all killed, but one is not spared." Zheng Yu replied.

"What happened to the village girl?" The old temple **** then asked.

"We rescued her from the cottage, but we didn't have the face to face her." Zheng Yu continued.

"Have you talked with her?" The old temple **** continued to ask.

"No, I...I don't dare..." Zheng Yu said of the pain and helplessness in his heart.

"You didn't talk to her, how did you know that she didn't mean it?" said the old temple god.

Zheng Yu's face was full of confusion, and he didn't understand what the old temple **** said.

The old temple **** drank a sip of wine, but found that the wine was gone. He looked up outside the window and saw some subtle changes in the clouds, so he handed the wine jar to Zheng Yu and said: "The wine is gone, go to the street. Give me some punches."

Zheng Yu was stunned for a while, his eyes fixed on the old temple god.

After Zhu Minglang informed him of what was about to happen, Zheng Yu actually blamed himself very much. If he hadn't left the temple, the old temple **** might not have died.

I was careless and underestimated the strength of Hong Mo, the **** of evil wishes.

However, what makes him feel like a throat is that he can't change all of this.

Knowing that the old temple **** would die, Zheng Yu could not tell him and could not save him.

The death of the old temple **** is related to all the actions of Hong Mo afterwards, and it has a significant impact. Once this link changes, it may cause all their future trends to be predicted by the other party.

"Here, the old temple god, Xinghua couldn't find his life, I'm sorry..."

This sentence has been lingering in Zheng Yu's ears.

There is some pain in his heart.

Just like the woman who hissed and screamed, she chose to ignore it.

At this moment, I couldn't say anything, and couldn't break the destiny that had become a foregone conclusion.

"Zheng Yu, go, go and pack some wine for the teacher, I will answer your confusion." The old temple **** smiled and handed the wine jar to Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu looked at the old temple god's old smile, but his eyes were already moist.

His heart is depressed and painful. He doesn’t know how to choose. He has already committed a mistake on the same issue. Now he faces it again. He doesn’t know what the right choice is right. He doesn’t know how to make a choice. God changes the destiny at this moment, or let everything happen like this, taking care of the overall situation...

"Teacher, I...I have to be here with you, I..." Zheng Yu's voice has changed, with some choking.

Seeing that Zheng Yu was not leaving, the old temple **** took a piece of yellow paper from the table and wrote a paragraph on it with a pen. Then he handed the yellow paper to Zheng Yu and said: "This is what I gave you. Answer, smear it with rice wine, and you will see the answer."

"I can't go, you will..."

"Listen to me, go!" The old temple **** said solemnly.

Zheng Yu was startled again.


Zheng Yu walked out of the old temple, he did not dare to look back.

He knew that it was an extremely terrible curse.

He walked towards the wine shop at the end of the street in despair. He Nv's voice came, and Zheng Yu couldn't even hear what she said.

Zheng Yu remembered the yellow paper in his hand, so he immediately poured a jug of wine from the jar.

The wine was sprinkled on the yellow paper, and the line written on the yellow paper finally appeared.

"The village girl's surname is Joe."

Seeing this line of words, Zheng Yu suddenly felt like a thunderbolt, and his hands trembled involuntarily.

Village girl surnamed Qiao...

One of the villages slaughtered by thieves was named Qiao!

And within a radius of hundreds of miles, there are only dozens of households in one village with the surname Qiao, nothing else!

That village girl is the only survivor of Qiao Village. She didn't break into the village for no reason...

She took risks with her body, the purpose is to help the government find the robber's lair!

"How do you know, I didn't do it intentionally?"

Suddenly, Zheng Yu saw the second sentence slowly appearing in the yellow paper!

Zheng Yu remembered every detail that Zhu Minglang described. In the realm of foresight, he saw that the wine jar was empty, so he took the initiative to make a drink for the old temple god.

But isn't it because the old temple **** knows Zheng Yu's character and his meticulous etiquette.

And this time, even if Zheng Yu had brought the wine, the old temple **** suddenly drank it, deliberately drank the wine dry.

He saw that Zheng Yu was not going to drink, and even took the initiative to let Zheng Yu go to the street to drink.

In the end, he even berated Zheng Yu for drinking with the order of the teacher and told him to leave.

In other words, the old temple **** will find a way to distract Zheng Yu, let him face Hong Mo alone!

The old temple **** knew that Hong Mo was coming.

The old temple **** knew that his death was approaching.

The old temple **** hopes to use his already dying life for Zheng Yu to get a chance to hit Hong Mo hard.

This is his choice.

How do you know that I didn't do it intentionally?

Zheng Yu could no longer control the tears in his eyes. The tears fell on the words "knowing" and "intentional", and soon the tears wiped off the wine on the yellow paper, making the original words appear again. Slowly blur and disappear.

On the side, He Nv looked at Zheng Yu, who was staring at the yellow paper and crying in a daze. Some sorrows could not be disguised and controlled. Her emotions would hit her heart heavily, causing pain and depression to erupt instantly and turn into a face. On the tightly twisted sobs, the eyes are the wounds of the heart, and the tears are the blood of the heart. After encountering such a heavy injury, it will not stop pouring out...

Of course the wound of the heart will heal and make it stronger!

After Zheng Yu cleared up his emotions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the stuff in the deep heart was emptied.

After he became a god, he was wandering around and never found the puzzle and answer in his heart.


This is his demon

In the city of God, Hong Mo dug out Zheng Yu's deepest heart demon, using self-blame and annoyance to flog himself over and over again, causing him to nearly collapse.

At this moment, he knew that he had solved the demon, and he also knew that there would be no confusion and hesitation on the way to becoming a god.

He will no longer be afraid to look directly into his heart.

In the same way, he will no longer be afraid of this deceptive **** of evil wishes!

The old temple **** used his last life to teach himself the last lesson, and he also forged a true fearless heart for Zheng Yu!

When facing Hong Mo with such an innocent heart.

In his eyes, Hong Mo would be like a jumping clown! !

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