Dragon Tamer

Chapter 130: Eat soft rice again?


In the inner courtyard of Zhumen, there are a lot of maple forests and willows, and one after another, buildings like towers and halls are scattered in this half-mountain lake island.

Looking back, you can see the whole prosperous and dreamy Water Drop Lake City at a glance. It looks like you have stepped into a world-class garden. The wide road is full of orchids, branches, wickers, The grassland and flowerbeds were all well repaired.

The outer courtyard still has a strong atmosphere of the city capital, but when it comes to this inner courtyard, it is completely another world, as if it is the gathering place of the aura of the entire big water drop lake, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as the Lingshan Wonderful Garden.

This is the true background of Zhumen. At the door, I don't know what it is like. I am afraid that the palace and the imperial court are not as quiet and elegant as here.

"The stone arch bridge we crossed just now was the boundary between the inner court and the outer court. Alas, my uncle and aunt were too tolerant of humiliation. I don't want to talk to my father about this kind of thing. In the end, I will swallow my anger." Zhu Minglang sighed.

"Do you think I don't know about this?" At this moment, a man fishing at the shore of Gu Liushu Lake said.

Zhu Minglang, Nan Lingsha, and Fang Niannian all looked at the lake at the same time. At first, they didn't notice a person sitting there.

"Your wife and daughter are all this old, so you brought them home. If it weren't for your old wife to tell me, we would give you a funeral in the inner court next month." The angler continued.

Fang Niannian and Nan Lingsha looked at each other.

Uncle, don't pretend to sit on the other side and don't turn around. Please read it clearly before speaking.

Who is his wife and who is his daughter!

"Father, I haven't seen you for many years. Your eye disease hasn't been cured yet." Zhu Minglang walked towards the angler with the two girls.

The angler then looked at Nan Lingsha and Fang Niannian for a while, and finally turned his eyes back to Zhu Minglang, and smiled embarrassingly: "Your mother never allowed me to marry a little wife, or you have a comfortable life. Throw away the envious cultivation bases of others, leave the complicated clan family behind, and live this little trouble-free life..."

"Uncle, don't live in the world you think, we are not!" Fang Niannian said angrily.

"They are members of my Dragon Shepherd Team. This is the mortal being from the Nan clan of the Ancestral Dragon City State in Lichuan, Nan Lingsha. The person calling your uncle is my Longliang Manager. We are partners, not partners." Zhu Minglang explained it seriously.

"What did you say you were?" The angler stood up slowly, staring at Zhu Minglang with a pair of serious eyes.

"I said I am now the Dragon Shepherd Master." Zhu Minglang greeted him with his eyes, and did not shy away.

"Master Mu Long, Master Mu Long!!!" The angler seemed a little frustrated when he heard these words, he almost threw the fishing rod in his hand, and said with grief, "Zhumen Zhuyi, there is nothing in your eyes. Status? You said that you want to play swords, and then followed you Aunt Xuehen to the Sword Sect in Yaoshan. Now that the sword repair is gone, I am actually very happy for my father. I can finally let you learn the craftsmanship of Zhumen with peace of mind. , It's good for you, good for you, and became a dragon animal husbandry again. What is the shame of casting art?"

Fang Niannian and Nan Lingsha were aside, their mouths opened.

Daddy Zhu Minglang, there seems to be something wrong.

As the helm of Zhumen, shouldn't you be serious and majestic, and not laugh at your son? Why does it look a bit...a bit like a humble little father?

"Father, in fact, I have practiced. I cast an armor for my dragon and I will show it to you later." Zhu Minglang said.

"So you picked up the ancestral craft because of the dragon?"

"If you want to understand this, I can't help it." Zhu Minglang said helplessly.

"All right, for the dragon, for the dragon." The angler sat back again.

He beckoned towards the lake, like someone on the lake.

I saw in the tranquil lake, like a geese flying across the water, a heroic woman in a black brocade fell on the lakeside, the whole figure looked like a piece of ice out of the water...

The black brocade-clothed woman didn't say a word, but kept a half-kneeling position, with no other emotions visible on her cheeks.

"Originally, I asked Qin Yang to chop off the hands and feet of the little beast, and save his life to give your uncle and aunt a change of identity, but since you have said that in the mourning hall, I There is no need to do it here," Zhu Tianguan said.

"It turns out that my father has made arrangements. I thought that my father's bones would not be loose in a few years." Zhu Minglang reluctantly smiled.

To be fair to Zhu Tong is to be worthy of Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin.

"Some things are better for you to deal with than I do secretly." Zhu Tianguan said.

It is normal for the forces to compete secretly, and there are frictions and grievances with each other, but there are also some unwritten rules.

If Tianguan Zhu made a move and killed Hao Shaocong, it would be difficult to protect some of Zi Zonglin's seniors from attacking some juniors of Zhumen.

"This matter, they are against you?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Half of it, they wanted to irritate me and threw out a few Hao Shaocong and Hao Yong so that I could attack them. This would mean that I broke the rules first, and Zi Zonglin would be able to unscrupulously suppress and bully us in the future. Younger brother of the Chinese Communist Party." Zhu Tianguan said.

"Do you know the stakes, or do you plan to let Qin Yang do it?" Zhu Minglang said.

"They calculated their calculations. I vented my anger, and there will be similar things in the future. I will do the same." Zhu Tianguan snorted coldly.

Don't talk to him Zhu Tianguan about the pattern, he will avenge his grudges!

Of course, Zhu Minglang is back...

It used to injure the enemy a thousand and self-destruct eight hundred, now there is no need to self-destruct.

What kind of conspiracy the other party uses, they can just give a tooth for a tooth.

Let Zhu Minglang kill Lieutenant Hao Shaocong in the competition, the big deal is the money for the funeral, and they will go out.

I believe that Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin will spend this money very happily. Maybe a professional coffin-carrying team will be hired to make their Haojia decent and decent!

"Father, I heard from my old lady that Zhumen has changed a lot recently. Did something big happen? We Zhumen is also one of the six clans. Although it is the last, why is it so downright now?" Zhu Minglang said .

"What kind of despair, son, do you still have this sect in your heart?" At this moment, Qin Yang in the black brocade said.

"Aren't you down?" Zhu Minglang asked in confusion.

"Are you so unsure about being in charge of the clan for your father?" Zhu Tianguan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Now the Zhumen and the Pu clan are the two heads of the six clans. The other four clans have been suppressed by us, not to mention the small families like Hao Yong and Hao Shaocong. Without Zi Zonglin, we will destroy them. No one dared to point fingers at the whole family. It is precisely because of the rapid development of our family family in recent years that has aroused the jealousy of the royal family, Zi Zonglin, and other family families and forces. This has caused a lot of trouble." Qin Yang said.

Zhu Minglang opened his mouth wide and couldn't get close for a long time.

The so-called accident...

Was it from the end of the six clans to the top of the six clans? ? ?

Master Jianzun, can you not speak so vaguely?

Along the way, Zhu Minglang was also very worried, afraid that the people in his clan would be downhearted and bullied.

Especially when I came back, I saw the white funeral lantern!

"So you don't have to be too fearful when you do things in the future... But you should do less to cut off the hands and feet of the descendants of the royal family. Don't leave others handles when you do it. You have to do it perfectly, you know?" Zhu Tian The official language said earnestly.

Fang Niannian and Nan Lingsha were aside, and they all felt weird.

Is there a father who teaches his son to act like this? It shouldn't be a painstaking effort to make his son be stable and not impulsive?

"By the way, there is something for my father to handle for me quickly..." Zhu Minglang said.

"Which girl has a big belly?" Zhu Tianguan asked.

"Excuse me, please don't be disrespectful. I'm talking about important matters. Lichuan Dadi, does my father know?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Of course I know that this piece of land is not as simple as it seems. In some days, I am afraid that many forces will get involved." Zhu Tianguan said.

"What does father know?" Zhu Minglang was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Zhu Men would be basically not interested in such a distant piece of land. How can you listen to his tone, there are already many big people eyeing the land of Lichuan? ?

"I just heard some fragmentary statements. Lichuan Earth is actually older than Jiting Continent. There are many undiscovered ancient relics buried there, and even ancient dragon gates..." Zhu Tianguan said.

"Is this?" Zhu Minglang looked confused, turned his head and glanced at Nan Lingsha.

Nan Lingsha did not answer.

I don't know if I haven't heard of this at all, or if there are secrets I haven't told myself.

"So you have to compete, you may not only face the juniors of some clan families." Zhu Tianguan also knows Zhu Minglang's thoughts.

"Father has any good ideas?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Is there any idea? Anyway, we wish the door is full of jealous people. Any bit of trouble can cause a lot of trouble. It may be a little difficult for us to bless the whole land of Sichuan. If that rumor is true~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Those old monsters will definitely not let us be alone...but it shouldn’t be a problem to protect the four city-states you mentioned. It’s really not possible. Pull your grandpa into the group and tell him that there are ancient sword graves in the land of Sichuan. , With Jianzong Yaoshan, this matter is safe." Zhu Tianguan said.

Zhu Minglang nodded. Actually, he had this idea a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't even go to the Sword Sect of the Remote Mountain.

"With the words of my father, I feel relieved. Alas, I thought that the clan was a huge change and it was difficult to protect myself. I wanted to come back and rejuvenate the clan. It seems that I was worrying too much." Zhu Minglang said.

"Heh, for my father, I knew you were unreliable, so I had to think more deeply than you. We hope that there are not many dragons and pastoral masters, and we can't give you much support. Or I will go to the royal family and tell you a family Becoming a horse or something, with the resources of the royal family, you can definitely make it easy for you to climb to the top!" Zhu Tianguan's eyes lit up, as if he thought this method was good.

Eat soft rice again? ? ?

I wish Ming Lang don't do it!

Hey, why do you want to say it again?

Fang Niannian on the side was already laughing so hard that she could not lose her waist.

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