Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1340: feast

"Li Ya has some blood relationship with me, they invited me to go, you can go there on my behalf." Vega said.


"If you don't like that kind of occasion, you can leave with a gift of blessing." Vega Xingxian said.

"That's not true. I like places that are more lively, but their marriage..."

"It's inconvenient for me to say more, you can observe for yourself." Vega Xingxian said.

Zhu Minglang looked at Vega and thought about it carefully.

Is it because he has some blood relationship with himself, do you want to avoid suspicion? ?

blood relation? ?

Zhu Minglang remembered that someone said that the power behind Vega is quite powerful, so this Li Ya is probably from the same immortal clan as Vega immortal.

Might be able to investigate something!

This is a chore, you can take it.

"How should I send blessings?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Let Bi Yixian dance around their newcomers for a while," said Vega Xingxian.


Zhu Minglang took the wedding invitation, just went out, and saw Nie Qiqi walking towards here, with an unhappy look on her face, she was probably a little tired from practicing and being on duty.

"Senior brother!" Nie Qiqi changed her words the fastest. After knowing that she had a very destined playmate, Nie Qiqi finally forgave her mother Ying Yuexian for forcibly stuffing her here.

"Qiqi, I'm going to have a wedding wine, will you go with me?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Okay, okay, this kind of place is the most lively!" Nie Qiqi immediately became energetic when she heard it.


"Qiqi, what did Master and Sister ask you to do, pay attention to the changes of the stars?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"I don't know yet. Master just let me learn to count the stars first. Every day I have to accurately count the number of stars in a corner of the sky. If I lose my mind, I have to start all over again." Nie Qiqi has a bitter face.

"It should be of great use in the future." Zhu Minglang said.

"It should be, but I have counted the stars according to what Master said these days. I feel that my perception and consciousness have become much stronger, and some of the more difficult spells in the past have become easier for me to perform. I feel that Master is good. Amazing, so mysterious." Nie Qiqi said.

"Then you have to study hard." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"Are we there yet?" Nie Qiqi asked.


At the foot is a splendid palace tower, with countless fairy trees such as peach blossoms and pears in full bloom, brilliant and beautiful, they are shining under the sunlight, as if a small flower and leaf is better than the extravagance of the palace on earth.

This is a quite elegant fairy tower, an extremely spectacular cliff city in the capital of the sky.

The so-called Yacheng is that the entire city is built on scattered cliffs. It is not the mountains that are stacked with mountains, but the magnificent Xianlou Holy Palace. All these beauty and luxury are even more eye-catching, especially at night. In a real sense of magic!

In the center of the Immortal Palace Que in Yacheng, there is an Immortal Pool.

It is said that there is a dragon under the pond, which will come out of the water every ten years and give it to others as a gift of Youtan Pearl.


Yatan Xiangong Que is a city of its own in the ten thousand li heaven, and it is also at the level of the gods.

It is not so vast, but it is exquisite and unique. The spiritual energy of the immortal secluded pool nourishes every cave mansion. It is the divine villa that most practitioners dream of!

There is no covered bridge over the secluded pond, which is said to be disrespectful to the dragon under the secluded pond.

So to get from this side of the Xiangong Tower to the other side, you have to surround the cliff and pass through those scattered plank streets.

It was the first time that Nie Qiqi came to this kind of place, and the whole person was lost in such an incomparably dreamy world. It felt like a cliff cave city that only appeared in a dream.

"It should be this Immortal Mansion, let's go in." Zhu Minglang said to Nie Qiqi.

There are a lot of guests, and the area is very lively. It can be seen that the groom and the bride are very popular. At the same time, the family and immortal sect behind them are also very famous. Zhu Minglang sees that there are almost no ordinary guests here.

It's a divine marriage.

Zhu Minglang took Bi Yixian and handed over the invitation, so he stepped into the banquet.

It's been a long time since I ate dinner, and Zhu Minglang almost forgot to send a congratulatory gift, so he had no choice but to take a decent treasure and put it on the table, thinking that he was a businessman, and he should be able to ask Master and sister for reimbursement when he went back.

"Zhu Lang and Nie Qiqi, the direct disciples of Immortal Weaver, are here." After the gift was delivered, a loud announcement sounded immediately.

Sure enough, Shen Tu and Li Ya came to greet them in person, and it could be seen that they would take the initiative to show up only when the distinguished guests came, and the other guests would be received by their family members.

Zhu Minglang didn't expect his face to be so full now.

"It's Junior Brother Zhu, I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Shen Tu said politely.

"Didn't your master come?" Li Ya asked.

"Master has been busy with the alternation of the sun and the moon recently, so he can't get out of the way. He specially asked us to send her blessings." Zhu Minglang said with a smile.

Saying that, Zhu Minglang opened his hands gently, and Qingyixian and Chiyixian flew out at the same time, their unique brilliance was like a bright moon shrouded.

They are auspicious birds in themselves. With their appearance, countless flowers that have not bloomed for a long time bloom, and the holy fruits of many holy trees ripen in an instant, exuding a unique fruity fragrance, and immediately the entire immortal mansion and the buildings outside are full of them. Such an aroma.

For practitioners, getting auspiciousness means getting peace. The newlyweds had smiles on their cheeks when they saw the Bibi bird flying around them, and even the surrounding guests gathered around and watched The pink auspicious aura on the top of their heads indicates that they will have a unique opportunity in the near future...

"Thank you for your blessings, thank you for your blessings, you two, please take your seat." Shen Tu's face was full of joy.

Li Ya is a little disappointed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She actually hopes that the Weaver Fairy can come in person, but this blessing is already very specific, even at the level of a god, it is very difficult to get this kind of auspicious atmosphere , In the distance, it is an opportunity, and in the near future, it can resist a disaster.

Zhu Minglang took back the two birds.

All the guests were amazed, and some young men and women were even more envious, but when Zhu Minglang walked to the seat, the expression on his face changed.

"What's wrong?" Nie Qiqi asked.

"Biwing birds didn't get together." Zhu Minglang said.

"What is this indicating?"

"It means that they are not good match for each other." Zhu Minglang replied.

Biyixian can identify the quality of love.

The relationship between the two is obviously not very strong.

One is false, one is false, so why hold a wedding banquet so solemnly?

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