Dragon Tamer

Chapter 135: Group fight



The big power comparison is placed in the bronze-colored imperial palace, the huge battlefield, but the intersection of the five imperial city avenues, so those who want to watch this competition only need to walk along any imperial city. At the end of the avenue, you can see this prosperous confrontation between the dragon shepherd and the mortal!

The imperial city avenue of the imperial city of water drop lake, in fact, is the prosperous road outside the court of Zhumen.

Zhu Minglang originally wanted to fly directly into the imperial capital Yangcheng on the Shenmu Qingshenglong, but considering that the imperial capital Yangcheng was not in Zhumen's territory, he was not allowed to fly with dragons.

It was still early, and my aunt Bai Xin asked Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha to prepare a luxurious carriage for them to go slowly, and by the way, they could take a look at the prosperity of Water Drop Imperial City and Central Imperial City.

Slowly arrived in the central imperial city, the ground was already covered with bronze-colored boulders. These boulders were neatly cut and polished smoothly, with sunlight shining on it, like a place of gold and copper.

"There are a lot of people." Nan Lingsha said softly, seeing that such a spacious road had become somewhat congested.

"Let's go over, the carriage will not know when it will arrive." Zhu Minglang said.


The Great Forces Competition is conducted in a very open way, the five imperial city avenues, as long as you think you can, even if you walk in the brass battlefield, as long as you can last for the specified time, you are considered selected.

Therefore, there is basically no such thing as signing up in advance for the power competition. Even if you are not a member of the power, you can also enter the battlefield. When you can sustain it for several rounds, naturally there will be power who will want you.

When Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha arrived at this brass battlefield, there had been a lot of people around them, as if they were celebrating some festival.

As for those restaurants that are open around the brass battlefield and have excellent views, they are even more prosperous. For some people, sitting in the restaurant and drinking while enjoying the chaotic competition in the bronze battlefield is also an ultimate enjoyment. .

For this reason, some prestigious people in these restaurants set up a gambling game and set up a number of disciples before the competition began. Every time one more round is passed, even if they win.


Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha walked into the brass battlefield, and Qin Yang had arranged a seat for them to avoid being crowded with the crowd.

The Brass Battlefield is an epic arena left behind during the reign of the Holy See. It is large enough to hold nearly 10,000 people to train together.

There is no wall around the battlefield. Only the crescent-shaped pond river separates the crowded city streets.

Therefore, as long as the people in the imperial capital come early, they can occupy a good position on the other side of the Chi River and directly watch the thrilling battle in the brass battlefield.

Similarly, those restaurants built around the brass battlefield have a better view.

To put it bluntly, anyone can come to see it, even tickets are not charged, come early, don't be crowded behind the crowd.

And on the water surface of the moon arc-shaped pond, there are some white big stone pavilion seats, which are prepared for the noble people of the major forces.

Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha were in one of the water pavilions at this time. On the table, there were already water grapes, big bitter melons, fragrant peanuts, and some wines and melon juices bought from restaurants.

When it comes to luxury, there are not many silver bars at all. I just look back and see the crowds of people on the streets outside Chihe, crowded and noisy. Under the blazing sun, you will feel that this pavilion, which is exclusive to a few people on the water, is extremely noble. , After all, even some merchants with a wealth of money have to go to the upper part of the restaurant to book a place in advance.

"We wish the door, is anyone attending today?" Zhu Minglang asked Qin Yang.

"Master Hui, we Zhumen mainly focus on casting art. Compared with other forces, we are not so good at fighting, killing and killing. Therefore, we are not planning to compete for any place in this competition." Qin Yang Explained.

"Is it so Buddhist?"

"But in order to prevent some forces from being overwhelmed in this group of heroes fighting each other, only one or three children of one force are allowed to enter the arena at the same time." Qin Yang said.

"The rule seems to be a group fight." Nan Lingsha pointed to the stone bridges. People in the stone bridges have stepped into the brass battlefield one after another, and they have chosen a position that is advantageous to them in advance.

"Yes, a hundred people will enter the field in each round. Either the time is up and the people who are still standing on the field can enter the next round, or there are only the last ten people left." Qin Yang nodded.

A hundred people beat each other!

It turns out that the Power Contest is so exciting, and I thought it was one-on-one in a rigid arena!

This way, I wish Minglang like it.

Looking at Nan Lingsha again, there seemed to be some luster in her eyes.

"After the marginal forces enter the arena, the son and Miss Nan can enter." Qin Yang held two waist cards in his hand and handed it to Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha.

"Number fifty-five, and number fifty-six?"

"It's going to start right away, the son and the young lady are careful. After the start, don't make enemies too much. Try to choose some weaker opponents and eliminate them first." Qin Yang said.

"How many rounds is Hao Shaocong in?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The third round is already the battlefield of the strong among the forces." Qin Yang said.

Zhu Minglang took a bunch of grapes and started walking towards the brass battlefield.

Nan Lingsha also slowly stepped into the venue that was still filled with the **** smell of the previous battle.

However, Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha didn't mean to unite.

They went to different sides.


"These two people came out of the pavilion. They should also be the children of the big powers. Why didn't anyone tell me in advance? Buying their numbers will definitely make a profit!"

"It seems to be from Zhumen. Didn't I hear that a boy from Zhumen died in it a few days ago."

"I was there that day, that kid was a dragon shepherd, the dragon was killed, and the man was gnawed so terribly, it is estimated that he carried it back to Zhumen, but his parents would not recognize him."

"Zhumen is good at casting. I haven't heard of any special dragon shepherds and gods, and I don't know who this will be on the battlefield."

People are already discussing.

There are some people who are extremely enthusiastic about this kind of competition, and they can even name the names and backgrounds of most of the children who enter the venue.

But I wish Minglang and Nan Lingsha...

It is unfamiliar to many people.


"A group of scattered people also want to fight for fame in this kind of place, don't even lose their lives in the end." At this moment, a young man wearing a black straw hat said.

The young man with a black straw hat is at a position less than twenty meters away from Zhu Minglang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He seems to be entering the stadium late.

Generally speaking, people who enter the field will keep a safe distance from surrounding opponents immediately to avoid being attacked by multiple people.

But the young man in the black straw hat didn't care at all, as if there was no one on the battlefield that could catch him.

And he stands where he wants to stand.

"Hey, grape eater..." The young man with a black straw hat glanced at Zhu Minglang and said.

Zhu Minglang threw the grapes into the air, Xiao Bai on his shoulders quickly lifted his claws, and saw the wind-like claws stroke the big crystal grapes.

The grapes peeled off in mid-air, revealing plump and tender flesh.

Then it fell precisely into Zhu Minglang's mouth.

"What?" Zhu Minglang asked, chewing the flesh, tilting his head.

"Don't roll away now, you won't have a chance for a while." The black straw hat youth said a little arrogantly.

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