Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1358: Incense to seek children

"One hundred orthodox recipes can cure thirty diseases, so it's natural; one hundred orthodox recipes can cure one disease, and the recipe that happens to cure a disease is the magic pill!"

"Orthodox formula, seek truth from facts, and tell the patient what the consequences are as much as possible."

"The remedies are exaggerated, and they must be a cure for all diseases, and medicines to cure them."

"From the perspective of the communication effect, the folk remedies must be more popular among the people, and the way to seek orthodox prescriptions is still very difficult for some toiling people, and suddenly there is a folk remedies that effectively treat several problems. Naturally, they are rushing, as if they found some treasure!"

While walking, Zhu Minglang expressed his views on the loss and tilt of this belief.

Vega Xingxian listened very carefully. Her little apprentice made a good interpretation of orthodox beliefs and mountain beliefs with square and remedies, which made Vega Xingxian feel that this young apprentice seemed to be an old-fashioned young man. , Experienced old fairy general.

"I like to read books on weekdays, so people are smarter, and some things, Zhiwei sees..." Zhu Minglang said.

"You are suitable to be in charge of the world." Vega Xingxian said.

"I understand thoroughly, but it doesn't mean that I am suitable for management. In fact, I have little patience with people, especially those who are stupid and ignorant and will harm others. There are many such people. I generally like to send them to heaven, not to influence them. , Educating them." Zhu Minglang said.

"Let's go up and meet for a while with this powerful goddess." Vega Xingxian said.

"No surprise, he is also a fairy. The recipe is too clever, there must be a monster!"

The remedies are really spiritual, and they will basically be included, and then they will become the gods of the earth and the mountains, but the probability of this is actually very small, as small as nine out of ten, they are all scams, and they have already set their sights on one. She's a fairy, her nest is Luoxiang Mountain.


When I arrived at the Taoist temple on the mountain, Zhu Minglang found that there were too many people here. They spontaneously repaired the surrounding of the Taoist temple, and built temples for the Taoist goddess. It is for the benefit of their children and grandchildren.

There are indeed many such men and women inside and outside the palaces of the righteous gods. It is hard to say whether they can be appreciated by the gods. There are too many people like this around the gods, and they are very likely to be seen and appreciated by the gods. Not even one part.

However, a fairly cohesive, influential belief has clearly formed here, and it's only been a few short months.

"What are the two of you here to ask for?" As soon as you entered the Taoist temple, there was a mountain boy in front of the door to ask. He looked very immature, only thirteen or fourteen years old.

"You don't need to ask, of course it's asking for a child." Another mountain boy who looked more lively laughed.

Young men and women come together, and there is no one who is not seeking a child, and the goddess in the mountains also spreads the gift in this regard.

Vega Xingxian was stunned for a while, but she didn't think about what to say.

Zhu Minglang immediately took the call, he smiled and said: "Isn't it true, my family and I have been together for five years now, and we can't get pregnant. People are pressing too hard. The neighbor next door got married at the age of fifteen and had a baby at the age of sixteen. I felt that I had lost at the starting line, so I came here to ask the lady to see who my family and I were. It wasn't that there was a problem."

"Pfft, you're also interesting, and you want to be a father even when you're not young!" said the lively mountain boy.

"Well, I have a beautiful wife in my family, and they all hope to pass on their good looks to the next generation."

The lively mountain boy swept across the cheeks of Vega Xingxian, seeing that she did not speak, but showed a bit of shyness, and did not think there was any big problem, so he gave a small incense card and let the two of them in .

Walking into the Taoist temple, Zhu Minglang and Vega found that there were actually not that many people inside.

"The two mountain boys are not easy, it's better not to arouse their suspicion." Zhu Minglang explained in a low voice.

"Well, it's not an ordinary person." Vega Xingxian naturally noticed the two mountain children, seemingly innocent, but in fact they were examining every person who entered the Taoist temple of the goddess.

If there is a slight problem, it is estimated that it will be notified immediately.

Their wild beliefs naturally have to take precautions, and once they are seen through, they have to run away.

Zhu Minglang and Vega did not follow Shan Tongyin's route, but walked around in the Taoist temple.

There are obvious warnings in some places. You can see Taoist nuns in blue and red clothes. They are holding whisks. Almost every appearance has a special sign. The most notable thing is that they are all very young.

See through the red dust at a young age?

The two were walking, but they saw a group of people in a side courtyard.

These people apparently lived around here, and they lined up in a long queue and entered what looked like a Taoist clerk.

Zhu Minglang and Vega paid attention to them for a while, and found that these people seemed to come here to collect money.

"That old man." Vega pointed to one of the crowd.

Zhu Minglang also saw the old man, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "The usual tricks of all corners of the world deception, ask for support."

"No wonder there are many people going up the mountain and few people entering the Taoist temple." Vega Xingxian also understood at once.

"It is estimated that dozens of villages and towns in this hundred miles are doing this business. They have become the trustees of this Luoxiangshan Taoist temple. They only do two things every day. There are not many pilgrims who came here for the first time and other real pilgrims like us, but these are the people who were killed." Zhu Minglang said.

Let the villagers of hundreds of miles become the trustees of their Taoist temple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This empress is also a big hand.

Moreover, there are many people who believe in things like wild belief, and they may really become a small mountain god.

"The king of the world has made a move, go and take a look." Vega Xingxian said.


Bypassing the Taoist nuns with whisks, it didn't take long for Vega Xingxing and Zhu Minglang to find the King Guard who was abducted here.

King Wei was taken to a separate Taoist temple, which was extremely guarded, but Vega had a way of knowing what was going on inside.

She took out the small harp from before and gently hooked the strings with her fingers. The strings vibrated but made no sound.

After a while, a human voice came from the small harp, and it was the voice of King Wei.

"See Empress Luoxiang." King Wei's voice came from the piano.

"How am I here?" Soon, a voice similar to that of a young girl came.

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