Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1365: Incarnation of catastrophe

It was an extremely calm sea, but there were one after another peculiar crystal mountains floating on the sea. These crystal mountains were as spectacular and gorgeous as glacier floating mountains.

Zhu Minglang landed in this crystal floating mountain and began to gather spiritual energy. .

The sun is still bright, but unfortunately it is not the rotation of the sword spirit dragon. In that case, the effect of gathering spirit and absorbing energy can be dozens of times, so that the nine-tailed dragon can become more stable after breaking through the Moonlight God level, and even increase it a few more times. order.

The crystal floating mountain, which was chosen by cleverness, is actually not bad.

The little gluttonous belly on the side made a "gurgling" sound, and it can be seen that these crystal floating mountains are also nourishing food for him.

"You protect the Dharma well. After the nine-tailed dragon is promoted, you can drink all the seawater here and I won't tell you." Zhu Minglang said.

According to the previous order of soul washing, the main material is still the virtual egg of Bai Qi.

In fact, the quenching bead given by the master and sister can also be used as the main material of the Six Paths Divine Purification. After all, it is the power of the soul of a 900,000-year-old Xuangu Foxxian.

But there are not too many good things, which will make the nine-tailed dragon after ascension have more powerful supernatural powers and abilities.

Everything is ready!

Zhu Minglang started the ascension ceremony of the nine-tailed dragon!

Sure enough, as soon as Jiuwei Shendi moved, the calm ocean around it began to agitate, and the wind and clouds in the sky stirred violently. Living beings are annihilated!


Torrential rain, thunder and thunder, tsunami surged, violent storm!

There seem to be countless ghosts and gods between the heavens and the earth. They are doing their best, and they are using all means to hinder the ascension of the underworld creatures into gods!

As soon as Zhu Minglang raised his head, he saw through his divine sense that there were many pairs of eyes between the restless cloud and the sea. They were staring at the nine-tailed dragon emitting bright dragon light all over the body!

There is Heavenly Tribulation Fengbo, there is the God of Tribulation Thunder, there is the Dragon King of the Sea... At this moment, the heavenly souls of many gods have formed a huge obstacle, turning into a dragon gate hanging upside down under the sky, requiring the nine-tailed dragon to rely on its own The flesh and spirit climbed to the top!

Zhu Minglang didn't know that before, God has set up several dragon gates for all gods, from ordinary to god, from **** to immortal...

The so-called catastrophe and catastrophe will be experienced in the process of growth, but when they finally break through this layer, they will eventually evolve into a test like a waterfall in the sky!

The Milky Way rolling down from the Tianqiong Waterfall is not a water flow in the true sense. It can be the thunder of Wan Jun, the fire of the calamity, or the wind of the soul...

These are just tests for the mortal body of the ascendant, but the most important thing is the soul of the ascendant.

Three souls and seven souls, each climbing stage is a lashing of the soul again and again. If the one who ascends is a human race, even if there is a stray thought during the ascension, it will be infinitely magnified at this moment, and then form a spiritual dilemma. One Soul Nian is firmly locked at this stage, and in the end, it can no longer climb up, and the body and soul are getting heavier and heavier because of this distraction!

Therefore, practitioners are easy to fall into demons, and their Taoism is easy to be unstable, and those who have not laid a solid foundation may not be able to successfully advance to the God of Moonlight even if they obtain the Six Paths Divine Purification.

To become a star god, you need to be at the extreme, to realize your own way, to move towards this way unswervingly, and to reach the realm of reaching the pinnacle.

But becoming a Moon God is more like building a dike. The reason why the Six Paths Divine Purification is Six Paths needs to be comprehensive enough, without any fragile parts, and every place can stand the test and withstand the erosion of time.

In fact, the Nine-tailed Dragon still has too many shortcomings from the real Moonlight God. It has many weaknesses, including its xinxing, which is far from being tempered, but its spirit is connected with Zhu Minglang's spirit, Zhu Minglang's spirit It has reached the point of being indestructible, even though he himself has forgotten how he cultivated to such a state...

The nine-tailed dragon's climb is not difficult. At this moment, it seems to be wearing a strong suit that is invulnerable to water and fire, and has a pair of powerful wings on its back. It is flying against the dragon gate.

However, it was so smooth that something happened when it climbed near the top.

Different from the ascension of the star god, the ascension of the moon **** is quite large, and because the opening of the gate of ascension itself is a kind of reverse chaos, it will generate a kind of reverse chaos, causing the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles to have various disturbances. kind of space warping, overlapping, corridors...

And the monsters, ghosts and monsters in the radius of tens of thousands of miles can also easily pass through these inverse turbulent fluctuations, quickly shuttle to the ascension scene, and then block the ascension dragon in the name of heaven!

Said to be obstructing, in fact, it is like a circling vulture, wantonly plundering the ascending dragon as it climbs.

Eat its flesh, eat its soul, and breathe its breath!

When a dragon is gnawed to the point that only bones are left, the soul is scratched by these despicable immortals, gods, and heavenly souls, and there is no trace of luster.

So after the ascension fails, it is definitely lucky to be able to recover a life!

The little nine-tailed dragon is a unique dragon, even a dragon raised by Zhu Minglang in a greenhouse.

Its ascension at the moment, the incarnations of the robbery that it has suffered are all enthusiastic and excited. After all, it is rare to see such a fragrant tender meat these days, just like a deer going through a quagmire full of crocodiles...

Most Ascension Dragons will cultivate themselves to be more fierce than crocodiles before they dare to pass through the crocodile pond, even if such Ascended Dragons are still in the quagmire, they will still be attacked and bitten by the group.

The nine-tailed dragon is too immature. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is so immature that after all the incarnations of the calamity have heard the news, their eyes light up, as if they have found a treasure, and they can't wait to wait for the nine-tailed dragon. Swim up and eat so much that there are no bones left.

The Nine-Tailed Dragon climbed to the upper reaches smoothly, but when he looked up, he saw countless wicked creatures waiting for it like a starving ghost hell. It was a little flustered. Lei Triple Tribulation slammed down and fell a lot.

"Don't be afraid, you just go upstream!"

Zhu Minglang comforted the nine-tailed dragon aloud.

Nine-tailed dragon adjusted his mentality and continued to climb upwards.

Qiao Caiqing on the side was particularly worried, she couldn't help but said: "We should prepare some tributes for those incarnations of the catastrophe. They tasted the tributes, which can at least reduce the momentum of their siege of the nine-tailed dragon."

This is indeed Zhu Minglang's misstep.

The main reason is that Zhu Minglang doesn't have any tributes he can afford. Besides, in the past, his promotion was based on hard power, and he rarely needed to rely on this kind of bribery.

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