Dragon Tamer

Chapter 137: Gu Long Lieyong

Zhu Minglang put a hand on his cheek and slid weakly along his forehead, nose, and mouth.

Does your own tyrannosaurus have the blood of a skunk? What is your act of pouting your **** and brewing this ultimate stench toward the group of dragons at the vent?

The master has never taught you this trick since he has a soul bond with you!

To be honest, on such a crowded occasion, Zhu Minglang seemed to pretend not to know this **** dragon.

The ridicule ability of this group should be counted in the ancient dragon combat skills. The bones of the ancient dragon ancestors scattered in the secret realm of unknown continents will be resurrected with anger!

"Without the Dragon Lord, wouldn't Bai help you?" Zhu Minglang said to Da Hei Ya.

This group of annoyed dragons does not have a dragon master level.

There is no need for Bai Qi to make a move.

The stronger ones in this game, like the shadow sly dragon just now, had already acted to death by Bai Qi.

The strength of the four-clawed mountain dragon should not reach the main level, Zhu Minglang felt that Big Black Fang could handle it.

Big Black Tooth was aggrieved. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and saw that Shenmu Qingshenglong was also surrounded by a group of flying dragons. It was impossible to help himself in a short time.

"Oh!!! Oh!!!"

Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang roared a few times, as if to cheer himself up.

"First deal with the four-clawed mountain dragon, find a chance to kill more dragon generals." Zhu Minglang said to the **** tooth.

Tyrannosaurus Leichang no longer played treasures. To become as strong as Bai Qi, it had to put in more effort. Soon Tyrannosaurus Leichang adjusted its state, and a pair of crocodile pupils looked at the group of surrounding people. Dragon beasts.

In fact, those who enter the field know their own strength well, if they can join forces with the weak and weak, it will be more beneficial for them to enter the next round by first killing some relatively strong dragon herders.

So as soon as they saw Fu Jinyu from the Canglong Temple and her Four-Claw Mountain Dragon slaying against the Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang, they came one after another.

"This shameless stinking dragon is yours?" Fu Jinzhen from the Canglong Temple asked fiercely.

"Everyone has three urgency, not to mention the flesh-eating ancient dragon, with the strength of the girl, should be able to enter the next round easily, why bother with my dragon beast?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Hmph, if you make this girl unhappy, it won't be as fruity as you. The dragon follows the master, don't think you can get rid of that sloppy and stinking smell if you are well-dressed!" Fu Jinchen said.


I’m not happy about this!

"The temper is not small, I will throw you into the pool for a while to calm down," Zhu Minglang said.

"Dare you!!" Fu Jinzhen said angrily.

As she said, she pointed her finger at Zhu Minglang and gave orders to the four-legged dragon under her.

The claws of the four-clawed mountain dragon were extremely powerful, just like some tigers and leopards. When it rushed, the bronze-colored ground was crushed and cracked by its claws.

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus did not head-to-head with this blue dragon. After all, not all blue dragons are very weak. This mountain dragon belongs to the blue dragon and is extremely powerful in hand-to-hand combat!

Moreover, there is a layer of brown skin muscle on its body, sometimes flowing like mud on the surface of its arthropod dragon body, keeping its body flexible and swift, and sometimes it solidifies quickly, turning into a hard magic stone armor, black Tyrannosaurus claws are hard to tear open this layer of defense!

Zhu Minglang also noticed that in terms of defensive ability, the Black Cangsang Tyrannosaurus could not be compared with these four-clawed mountain dragons, so he decisively summoned the silver-blue heavy armor, making the Thunder Cangsang Tyrannosaurus body become solid and thick!

The silver-green heavy armor is a kind of magical armor, it will not isolate the thunderscales of Tyrannosaurus Thunder.

I wish Minglang let the **** tooth and this four-clawed mountain dragon deal first, and the target turned to other dragon generals. I also hope that other dragons will fill the black tyrannosaurus with thunder energy in the future. Four-clawed mountain dragon head-on collision!

Regardless of the size of the Lei Cang tyrannosaurus, a heavy armor, relying on the descent of the mosasaur, it sometimes slipped like a loach, piercing among the more awkward beasts.

The four-clawed mountain dragon had vented its brute force on other dragon beasts several times, and in the end, few attacks really fell on the Thunder Tyrannosaurus.

The female disciple of the Canglong Temple, Fu Zhenying, gritted her teeth with anger. There is no place for the power of its four-clawed mountain dragon, and it is clear that the Thunder Tyrannosaurus is not high in level.

With the cover of other dragons and beasts, the thunder scales on Tyrannosaurus Thunder had begun to shine.

Moreover, as the blood on the battlefield continued to fill, the battle became more intense, and the eyes of the **** teeth were glowing with blood red!

Zhu Minglang caught the changes in Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus breath at almost the same time. He immediately used his spiritual sense to investigate. Soon Zhu Minglang saw the strange blood in the air, like a trace of special energy, little by little. Gathered towards the tip of Leicang's nose.

Every time you breathe in these threads of blood, the scales on Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang are brighter, and the muscles of the ancient dragon in its body seem to be swollen and firm!

It is the blood of Lieyong!

The chaotic fighting on the battlefield is constantly stimulating Tyrannosaurus thundercang, and constantly stimulating Tyrannosaurus thundercang old dragon's power!

"Oh roar!!!"

Suddenly, the Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang, who had been avoiding the attack, turned around and used his front paws to hold the Luanlong that had hit it.

Brute force broke out, and a wild and wild predator aura surged all over the body. Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang lifted the four-clawed mountain dragon, and slammed it to the ground, causing the four-clawed mountain dragon to head directly. Booming, his whole body curled up and crashed into the bronze-colored ground.

The Four-Claw Luanlong Dragon ploughed a big gully, and there were many cracks in the hard, hardened skin muscle.

"Oh oh oh!!!!!!"

Raising his head with a violent roar, all the electric wires produced by the action of thunder scales and moist air gathered in one place at this time, and then turned into a series of thunderbolts, blasting along the path where the four-clawed mountain dragon was thrown out. ! !

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thunderbolt hammered the earth with piles, and the earth was continuously blown to pieces. When it reached the location of the four-clawed mountain dragon, the four-clawed mountain dragon had just got up...


The four-clawed mountain dragon flew out again, including the Fu Jin on its neck, which was also shaken to the ground, rolling dust all over.

Fu Zhenzhen stood up, wiped the dirt on his face with his hands, and his eyes were full of anger.

She glanced at the injured four-clawed mountain dragon, her eyes began to turn cold.

Fu Zhenzhen stretched out his palm, and opened the recall pattern with one hand, and retracted the four-claw mountain dragon into his spiritual realm, while the palm of the other hand opened the recall pattern again...

"Steelthorn Canglong!" Angrily Fu Jinyi shouted.

Inside the picture, an adult blue dragon flew out awe-inspiringly, its head was like iron, showing a metallic texture.

Its lengthy body is not only covered by dragon skin like steel armor, but its dragon scales are even more special.

Those scales, in the form of needles of pine leaves, stand up one by one, and the distance of each sharp scale is very close, so except for a small part of the body is covered by steel armor, including the tail, neck, and head. They are covered with such spines, scales and iron thorns! !

Such a steel-armed, stabbed adult blue dragon stood on the battlefield, and stood out from the crowd, making the people who were far apart and watching could not help but step back a few steps, feeling that those steel thorns would hurt them.

An extremely dangerous aura exuded from all over her body. This Steelthorn Blue Dragon was obviously Fu Jinzhen's dragon chief. She originally wanted to stay until the next round to show her true strength, but now she doesn't care about that much.

"Pull out all its teeth first, I want to see its mouth full of blood!" Fu Jinying commanded proudly.

The steel spines blue dragon looks like it is made of metal. Even the blue dragon has a terrifying sense of power. It twists its tail and suddenly slams it out. For a while, the steel scale thorns on its tail have formed. A torrential rain that swept across steel thorns laterally...

The steel thorns are densely packed and nailed to some ground rocks, even the rocks are directly broken into powder!

The scope of the torrential rainstorm that was swept away by Cangjing Canglong was extremely wide. For a while, the dragon herders who wanted to fish in troubled waters didn't even know where to dodge, and they were hit hard.

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus stood there, even though he was wearing an extremely sturdy silver-blue heavy armor, the nail-like power still hurt when hitting him.

With such a heavy body, it retreated bit by bit in the rainstorm steel nails. Not long after, this silver-green heavy armor was pierced by the scales of steel thorns. You can see many spine scales. Into the muscles of Tyrannosaurus Thunder.

Blood slowly overflowed from these punctured wounds. When Zhu Minglang saw this, his intention was to bring the **** tooth back into the spiritual realm. After all, it is more than one realm away from the steel thorn blue dragon...

But Tyrannosaurus leucocephalus did not intend to leave the field, it could be seen that its nostrils were enlarged and it was sucking in a lot of air around it.

Zhu Minglang will soon see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a larger amount of blood energy has poured into the body of Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang, and the red air silk that others can’t see even coiled into a red air. Blood vortex.

It's not just the **** smell around it, but the blood oozing out of Tyrannosaurus Thunder didn't even slip off, but after not long after being in contact with the air, it evaporated hot.

This process of blood steaming is like Tyrannosaurus thundercang-saurus bathed in an ancient alien method, stimulating every skin of its body, awakening the most ferocious and violent predatory power in its bones, and causing its blood to burn in its body. ! !

Fanatic, grumpy, fearless! !

Thunder Tyrannosaurus didn't care about the stab wounds on its body. It stepped over the wounded dragon beasts, and even took the initiative to meet the Steelspine Dragon. It bit into the Steelspine Dragon's neck, regardless of the Steelspine Dragon. Those spiny scales on the neck!

Didn't Fu Jincheng want to see its mouth full of blood? If you bite it down, Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus will indeed be full of blood, but Steelthorn Canglong must also have its head broken!

The bloodline of Lie Cang is making Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang stronger, and will definitely not bow to any creature, even if the opponent's level is above him!

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