Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1374: Unicorn devil and salamander

Remember [] for a second,!

I don't know if I don't investigate, this investigation scared Zhu Minglang quite a bit.

This treacherous sea is as big as a broad valley, and after exploring for less than three miles, I see a similar huge corpse, and it is also not low in level!

They are all dead, and they have been sealed here for an unknown number of years, and most of them are in the shape of fossil jade!

A fossil jade body cannot be washed by the soul of the Chongdelong dragon, how about two, three, or ten? ?

There are more than you can imagine!

Zhu Minglang felt joyful at first, but gradually he felt a trace of fear of the unknown! !

Shen Xin calmly, Zhu Minglang originally wanted to rely on his willpower to dispel this panic, but his meditation method does not have any effect at this moment...

Oops! ! !

Zhu Minglang couldn't help his heart beating violently!

I feel that the panic is not due to the influence of the unknown waters around me, but that I am being targeted by something!

It is very close to itself! !

Consciousness is suppressed, perception becomes weak, there is a great horror immortal in this strange sea! !

Suddenly, all the strange lights suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings escaped into the silent darkness.

But this kind of darkness has made Zhu Minglang's consciousness clear. He can clearly perceive what kind of scene this area is like, and he can see countless corpses floating in the entire sea.

These corpses are like a group of dead fish and shrimp, mixed with the sea water, and rotting in a foul-smelling bay!

And among the countless fossil bodies floating around, there is a living creature whose breath makes Zhu Minglang panic!

This living creature stood quietly at the bottom, with a pair of eyes glowing with ghostly flames staring at Zhu Minglang in the high waters.

It doesn't show hostility, it just scrutinizes the uninvited guest.

The panic that Zhu Minglang felt just now comes from this strange sea creature. It is the only life in the entire seabed tomb, but it is different from the fresh life!

For a moment, from the outline of its body, Zhu Minglang thought that it was a lizard demon **** with a long tail, the kind that could stand upright, but after a closer look, he found that this guy is definitely not a low-level species like a lizard!

It has a tail, it has dragon horns, it has claws, but it stands upright like a human being.

Of course, its body is not as beautiful and clean as Bai Lin, its body seems to be covered with scales and rust, in addition to other rot scars and moss!

Rao is so, such a **** and demon that looks like a rotten fossil, it still shows a bit of high-spirited momentum! !

"Half-human unicorn?"

Zhu Minglang looked at this creature and asked tentatively.

"Human race??" The guy who looked like a unicorn also spoke, and he spit out human words.

"Why are you nesting in this underwater tomb?" Zhu Minglang said.

This is clearly a tomb area. .

The bottom of the ocean is actually the cemetery of marine creatures. Except for some special sea mud creatures, all living creatures of the ocean roam in the ocean.

There are so many corpses in the entire Weihai, which also shows that most of the sea **** creatures in the Nanshan Sea will eventually "leave leaves and take root" here, and eventually become those fossil bones.

As for this undersea unicorn, Zhu Minglang didn't quite understand it, unless it was a undead like Chongdelong.

But then again, looking at the appearance of this unicorn, it is indeed very close to the undead.

"Can't you see that the deity is trapped here!" The unicorn said.

"I guessed it, I have never seen you like this. Are you a unicorn or a devil?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Kirin Demon Seed!"

"Oh, oh, who trapped you here?" Zhu Minglang asked.

When asking these words, Zhu Minglang also noticed that the lower body of this unicorn demon was very bloated, obviously out of place with its upper body.

Zhu Minglang then got closer, but was horrified to find that the lower body of this unicorn demon was still wrapped around something!

This thing is obviously alive, a bit like a giant salamander, and it should also be a boss-level existence in this undersea country.

"It's just an inferior unicorn, don't pay attention to it, in another hundred years, after the scales and armor of its body are corrupted by this strange sea, I can eat it, little friend, when you come to me, I I'll give you a piece of Qilin Immortal Meat, the leanest one!" At this moment, another voice came out, and this voice was obviously the thing that entangled the Qilin Demon.

What are they doing? ? ?

Tangled, bound, immortal? ?

How many years have you held this pose? ? ?

"What kind of grudge is this, the two of you have been entangled in this seabed tomb for so long?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Zhu Minglang has generally understood the situation.

Whether it is the Qilin Demon Seed or the mysterious Sea Zhangxian who can't see the body, they should all belong to the demon cultivators with vast magical powers. They once fought here and finally choked each other's key points!

Judging from the words of the mysterious sea Zhangxian, it is obviously planning to use time to kill this unicorn demon.

And the unicorn devil seems to have a unicorn claw pierced into the vital part of the mysterious Huanzhangxian. As long as it comes out, the mysterious Haizhangxian will die, but it is a pity that he is entangled by the sea salamander and cannot move!

"Its core has been pierced by me, you help me cut off its body and let me get out of trouble. Except for its core, I will give you everything else, this guy is worth the million-year-old Primordial Demon Cultivator outside, Yueyao All those who are in the realm are regarded as rare treasures!" The unicorn demon said immediately.

"Hehe, isn't the body of the unicorn devil worth anything??" Salamander laughed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You help me kill it, I can fulfill your magic wish, this is the unicorn devil Unique magic. "The unicorn devil continued.

"It got out of trouble, and the first thing it did was to kill you, little friend, so that it could save a unicorn horn of its own, a unicorn horn needs to be sacrificed by a god, so why don't you join hands with me, It will be killed, and I will give you its divine wish horn, and you will be able to get everything you want." Said Salamander.

"I can swear by my soul, you help me, I will never harm you!" said the unicorn demon.

"I can also swear by my soul..."

Zhu Minglang can hear one head and two big.

"Two, two... two big men, stop arguing for now, with the two of you, it's very difficult for me to help any of you, you immortals fight, don't drag me into a mortal pit ." Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Minglang is not stupid.

There are still a lot of corpses floating in this sea area. These corpses are not fossils, but rather live!

How did they die? ?

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