Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1383: big villain

Remember [New] for a second,! "Has the hatred between Li Tianhou and Vega really let go?" Zhu Minglang asked hurriedly.

"Li Xuansang believes that although the red sundial is a dragon, its nature is simple, and like most sword spirits, there is no hatred and anger. After it was tortured by purgatory, it did not hurt the innocent, which has proved its simple nature. Later, they also confirmed that the red sundial actually has an owner, and there is an extremely powerful contract in its soul, so Li Xuansang and Li Tianhou believed that the one who killed Li Yin should be the original owner of the red sundial, and their hatred should be placed on the The murderer should not be blamed on an unintentional sword," said the green-red unicorn demon.

"Ah??" After Zhu Minglang listened, the whole person was not well

It turns out that in this legendary story, he has been playing the ultimate villain in the story!

I do not have it!

I'm still in a cocoon!

Sword Spirit Dragon's personal behavior, the owner does not pay!


Headache! !

If Vega knows that the disciple she accepts is to kill her father's enemy, this beautiful story of master and apprentice has turned into a midnight murder!

what a situation.

Why did Jian Linglong want to kill Li Yin? ?

The most troublesome thing is that Jian Linglong still won't answer his reason!

It's not good to run to Vega, and then suddenly say with a serious face: Putting aside the facts, how desperate did Sword Spirit Dragon have to kill your father?

calm down.

This has to be considered in the long run.

First of all, Li Tianhou and Vega understood Sword Spirit Dragon.

But they did not understand the master of Sword Spirit Dragon.

In this way, the existence of the flare is for this, is to find the original owner of the sword spirit dragon. .

As long as one day, the sword spirit dragon is suddenly recalled, Li Tianhou will follow the vine to find himself, and then behead the villain who murdered his husband!

Fortunately, I have been cautious.

If you want to take Jian Linglong with you from the beginning, it will be a big deal.

If Li Tianhou wanted to send him away, it should be a matter of moving his fingers.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? You are asking about some very ordinary things, and you thought you were coveting Li Tianhou's treasure." The green and red unicorn demon said.

"You know a lot. Actually, I'm not asking about things. I just want to chat with you and make an interesting friend like you. I'll ask you about anything else in the future. By the way, your elders are If you are looking for you, you have to give him a message, if he makes a big move, wouldn't it be in vain for you to stay here and try hard?" Zhu Minglang said.

"This... I don't want him to know that I am here. He hates the human race, and he doesn't allow me to serve the human race. He pretends to be a unicorn demon and looks down on the people. I... I just want to return to my original appearance." said the man.

"In this way, you give me a token that you are still alive, and I have an explanation for him, but I won't tell him where you are?" Zhu Minglang said.

"That's fine." The green-red unicorn demon nodded, then took off a piece of fresh scale armor from his body and said, "It just grew out this month, it can be distinguished, he will know me when he sees this. alive."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I wish you an early fulfillment of your wish." Zhu Minglang said.

"My name is Wu Cun."

"Zhu Lang."

"Although we are friends, if you want to break into this place, I will still behead you."

"You're so honest." Zhu Minglang couldn't help laughing.

The flare came from Li Tianhou, and things were completely figured out.

But a new problem came again, and Zhu Minglang began to have a headache.

First of all, why did Sword Spirit Dragon want to kill Li Yin, the young Heavenly King?

Secondly, the relationship between himself and Jian Linglong should not be exposed. Once Li Tianhou and Vega were aware of it, he would be speechless.

Zhu Minglang believed that Vega was sensible, but it was difficult for Li Tianhou to say, under the crushing of absolute strength, it is better not to give yourself to others to deal with.

Finally... how can I get a drop of Li Tianhou's fresh blood.

It must be fresh blood to remove the flare on the sword spirit dragon. Li Tianhou is now definitely a Juntian boss at the corona level, and he is still very powerful among the bosses.

What's more, she has now confirmed her position in Juntian, and it is not easy to make her hurt and bleed.

Alas, rescuing the Sword Spirit Dragon is indeed not an easy task. With his current status and strength, it is as difficult as reaching the sky!

Returning to the waiting hall, Zhu Minglang saw Vega walking slowly from the other side.

She glanced at Zhu Minglang and asked, "Where have you been?"

"Look around, it's very unique here," Zhu Minglang said.

I don't know why, I was used to seeing Vega on weekdays, and Zhu Minglang didn't think there was anything wrong with looking at each other like this, but after knowing the story, Zhu Minglang felt a little guilty for no reason.

It seems that it is also a sin to become her disciple.

"After a while, you will take your junior sisters to buy some clothes in the city. We will stay here for a few days." Vega said.

"Oh, oh, good." Zhu Minglang nodded.

"What, is there something else?" Seeing Zhu Minglang's strange expression, Vega stared at herself.

"No...nothing." Zhu Minglang actually thought of the scene where Vega appeases the sword spirit dragon. Although he has never seen it before, the description in just a few words is impressive.

"The queen pays attention to etiquette and doesn't like to be frivolous. You are a little out of shape today. I will introduce you when I have the opportunity in the future." Vega said.

"Well, well..." Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

It turned out that she thought she was dissatisfied.

To be honest, Zhu Minglang really doesn't want to see Li Tianhou now. It is true that many immortals are proud of being able to see Li Tianhou, but Zhu Minglang is really flustered now.

Accompanying the junior sisters to buy clothes, the three junior sisters have probably been practicing in the deserted Asgard for too long, and they can finally embrace the splendid atmosphere of fireworks in the world. Although they only bought a few clothes to wash, they are as crazy as sweeping the streets. I bought all the beautiful jewelry and silk.

Zhu Minglang is making plans for his future. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If you want to remove the flare, it is hard to achieve. After all, Li Tianhou's strength is there, not to mention Li Tianhou has her own powerful followers, and she has a very good relationship with the Wufang Emperor.

Gotta wait!

Wait for a godsend and use some tricks!

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, why are you staring at the girls on the street like you've lost your soul?" Nie Qiqi came over and asked with a smile.

"My eyes, there must be a place to put them." Zhu Minglang said.

"Oh, the descendant of Li Tian is good, she likes me very much, and the master plans to let me follow Li Tianhou more in the future, so that I can learn some spells in charge of Tianchen." Nie Qiqi said.

"Really, that's very good!" Zhu Minglang's eyes glowed.

Maybe Nie Qiqi can help him realize it ahead of time!

In the future, I need to help Nie Qiqi more. It is best to let her become a big moth in the southern heaven like myself. As long as she becomes a moth of a rope, Nie Qiqi can report to herself all of Li Tianhou's schedule!

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