Dragon Tamer

Chapter 139: Ultimate predator



In Chihe, a magnificent grand pavilion, thin white gauze covers the sides and carpets. A group of maids stand upright there, tall and charming...

They were serving four young people, among them Hao Shaocong.

He was wearing a black silk gown with black hair and a pair of jet-black eyes, staring coldly at Zhu Minglang's location, staring at the black tyrannosaurus.

"Huh, even playing a primary tournament is so hard. If you know that he is a trash, I pushed it into Zhu Tong's coffin that day and let him and Zhu Tong sleep together!" Hao Shaocong looked at the battlefield. Situation, said disdainfully.

"We didn't let you take the blame, you have to go. If I accidentally killed a domestic slave, the family must first come to me to apologize for the first time, worrying that the slave is annoying me!" Zhao Xi said .

"It's not my father yet, what if I don't go, Zhu Tianguan will take my life, what if he understands Zhu Tianguan's personality." Hao Shaocong said with anger.

The knock on his forehead hasn't gone down yet, and a good forehead is now swollen like an Antarctic Celestial Weng like a peach.

Whenever thinking of the humiliation in the mourning hall that day, Hao Shaocong wished to jump into the bronze battlefield now and kill Zhu Minglang and his dragon!

"He should have passed this round. In the next round, we will find a few reliable ones to see if we can kill all his dragons." Zhao Xi said coldly.

"Just killed his dragon?" At this moment, a young man in royal brocade laughed.

"This...Emperor brother, Zhu Tong and Zhu Minglang are not at the same level. Zhu Minglang is a member of the inner court of Zhumen, and he is the only son of Zhu Tianguan, or a closed disciple of Zhu Xuehen. Taigong belongs to the sword sect of Yaoshan. Sword Master, if he dies, even our elders may not be able to withstand the anger of these people." Zhao Xi was stunned.

"He wants to kill me, I will kill him." Hao Shaocong said without being too afraid.

"I just said casually, Hao Shaocong, he really said in the mourning hall that he will definitely take your life in this big competition??" The man in the royal brocade robe asked with a smile.

"Ms. Zhao was there at the time. You will know when you ask Zhao Xi. This Zhu Minglang is too arrogant. Before this guy returned from the Sword Sect in the Yaoshan Mountain, he didn't put any of our children in the eyes. No one in the emperor knows that his sword repair is dead, and he still doesn't want to be a dog with his tail clipped! I want to see how he kills me, because this tyrannosaurus that has not even reached the main level is ridiculous!" Shao Cong said.

"In my opinion, he can't make it through the second round."

"Well, we will kill him in the second round, slaughter all the dragons he summoned, and still want to rely on the dragon shepherd to rise up, we will directly kill him!"

"In the second round, is there anyone from our Imperial Youth Gang, it's best to choose that kind of person to do it, do you understand what I mean?" said the royal man in Jinpao.

"What the Emperor Young Master meant, of course we understand..."


On the bronze battlefield, Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang once again clashed with Azure Dragon of Steelthorn.

It can be seen from Longwei that the Steelthorn Blue Dragon is gradually weakening.

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus is more brave as it fights, the more blood of the ancient dragon flows out, the stronger the blood flames on its body.

However, the wound of the Steelthorn Assassin Dragon was constantly deteriorating and expanding, and every additional wound added reduced its strength by a few points.

"Hateful, hateful, just a small step away!" Fu Jinzhen couldn't swallow this breath at all.

In fact, its steel spinner black dragon is in the advanced stage. This advanced process is to shed the steel skin and spinous scales layer by layer. The steel spinner black dragon is temporarily unable to perform the black dragon profound art at this stage.

It is impossible for this tyrannosaurus to be able to parry if the Azure Dragon Profound Technique is to come. A few rounds of collision can crush the tyrannosaurus directly, and there is nothing behind this.

In the end, she, the Canglong who was about to enter the main level, could not even match the dragon of a high-ranking dragon general. It was a shame and shame!


The scales on the Thunder Tyrannosaurus always remained full, and the inexhaustible thunder and lightning was like a huge electric whip, slamming the steel thorn blue dragon fiercely.

The Thunderscale Big Black Fang was drawn from Lei Kun Canglong's soul orbs. As long as there was enough energy to activate these Thunderscales, its power would not be inferior to the power of the main level.

Therefore, the thunder and lightning are fierce, and the skin on the steelthorn blue dragon is already festering, how can it withstand this offensive again and again!

Finally, the female disciple of the Canglong Palace, Fu Jinchen, still kept a trace of reason. Not far away, she saw the Steelthorn Canglong fighting like this again, so she opened the map and received the wounded Steelthorn Canglong into her spiritual realm. .

"You won, but your dragon hurts more than mine!" Fu Zhenzhen admitted losing, but was not convinced at all.

Fu Zhenzhen was right. Big Black Tooth suffered more serious injuries. Few pieces of flesh on his body were intact. It was purely because Lie Yong's incomparable talent for fighting spirit was supporting him. The Big Black Tooth in this state, The vitality will be several times stronger than other dragon species.

The injury that looked extremely serious in normal days was just an unusual bite mark when the blood of Lie Yong was completely boiling.

All in all, my physical condition may not be better than you, but you will always fall before me!

Predators, this is the case.

Falling down means death!

"Black Fang, come back." Zhu Minglang himself felt distressed. The great black dragon became a blood-red dragon. Since the opponent has conceded defeat, there is no need to fight again.

The **** tooth was panting, and the dragon's breath was full of red blood flames. His eyes swept across the battlefield and found that there were still many dragons and beasts in the battlefield.

It seems that I remembered Zhu Minglang's words, today's training task is to clear out all the dragons in this field.

Not waiting for Zhu Minglang to open the recall map, Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus has already rushed towards the next target, an ancient dragon with two blade tails, like a long cut!

Cut the dragon!

Also a predator in the jungle!

At this time, the dragon-cutting was fighting with a red dragon, and the earth magma sprayed by the red dragon made the other dragons and beasts retreat, but the dragon-cutting was not afraid at all.

When the Lei Cang tyrannosaurus rushed into the battlefield of these two dragons, both the cut dragon and the red dragon were shocked!

In terms of size, Tyrannosaurus Thunder is two sizes larger than the Scissor Dragon and Red Dragon. They were still immortal when they saw more powerful predators kill, but they immediately stopped fighting each other, forming an extremely tacit understanding. alliance.

The Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang was not here to fight alone. It lifted the soles of the big dragon's feet, and its whole body was red and glowing. As its big feet fell, the horrible trampling force spread toward the two dragons!

Both the Scissor Dragon and Chilong Station could not stand firmly, but they had lost their chances when they originally wanted to fiddle with each other.


Lei Cang tyrannosaurus bowed the body of the Tyrannosaurus, and illuminated the heavy horns on his forehead, and then under the attachment of thunder and lightning, the body seemed to have obtained an explosive force that exceeded the limit of the physical body!

Thunder bombardment! !

The lightning burst, the Tyrannosaurus thunderbolt that collided completely turned into a thunder chariot, and the surface trembled.

The big rock pillar in front of it didn't create any obstacle at all, and the rock pillar shattered like foam.

But the cut dragon is still trampling, and it is difficult to stabilize the pace, the terrible Thunder Tyrannosaurus has already been thundered and lightning!


In this collision, the strong shearing dragon flew out a hundred meters away, and the sternum was broken.

When he fell heavily to the ground, the owner of the cut dragon was dumbfounded.

Who did I provoke? I finally found an opponent who seemed to be evenly matched, and didn't really want to defeat the red dragon. It was nothing more than delaying time between the two sides and arguing for a place.

Who knew that a tyrannosaurus came to the south, and his dream of advancing to the next round was shattered!

Besides, the Chilong is actually no better than cutting the dragon.

The Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus breathed out blood and fire, and what was spewed out was a tornado of blood and fire, sweeping the molten lava all over the floor into this red dragon's breath.

Chilong had nowhere to hide, and finally fell into the pond river, his body was filled with cold water, and his whole body was choked uncomfortably...


Lei Cang tyrannosaurus roared, as if this still couldn't satisfy its uncooled desire to fight|Hope.

Its big crocodile eyes, full of blood-red pupils, are looking for the next predatory dragon on the battlefield that can rival him.

Soon, Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang stared at a blue Tyrannosaurus, from one end of the bronze battlefield to the other, it rushed towards this blue Tyrannosaurus dominating in another area.

The Blue Tyrannosaurus had a stronger physique, a full head taller than Tyrannosaurus Thunder.

Not to mention its small flesh mountain-like body, standing in the bronze battlefield, it reveals an aura that no one can provoke.

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus came to kill, and had the roughest physical collision with Blue Tyrannosaurus.

With this collision, Tyrannosaurus Leichang flew upside down, and the bloodstains all over his body rubbed on the ground, but these bloodstains quickly burned on the ground, turning into frantic blood, following the nostrils of Tyrannosaurus Lei With a heavy breath, the bones of its whole body made a burst of noise! !

The potential in the bones and blood was stimulated again. The Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus was obviously covered with injuries, but it seemed to be constantly reborn in this **** battle. As long as it does not fall completely, as long as it does not die, it will become stronger!

Get up.

Not satisfied!

Come again! !

After the Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus exploded, the breath became more vigorous.

It showed the tattered silver-blue heavy armor on its body, and it was also covered with the thorn scales of the steel spinner black dragon.

With its horns straight, it turned into an ancient bull, and once again rushed towards the more powerful Blue Tyrannosaurus!

This time, it didn't get out of the shock again, and saw the Black Tyrannosaurus pushing the Blue Tyrannosaurus back little by little with the body of the Blue Tyrannosaurus Roshan.

The owner of the Blue Tyrannosaurus was on his back, feeling the difference between the first collision and the second collision. This middle-aged dragon shepherd was also very surprised.

Seeing that his Blue Tyrannosaurus was about to be pushed into the rock pillar, the middle-aged dragon shepherd immediately jumped off the blue Tyrannosaurus back and landed in a safe position.

Finally, Blue Tyrannosaurus stopped, still relying on the huge rock pillar, barely supported the brutal force of Tyrannosaurus Thunder.

Blue Tyrannosaurus forelimbs are relatively short, and the main attack method is a strong neck and broken dragon teeth!

It swayed its neck back, and then slammed into the face of Tyrannosaurus Leichang sideways, beating Tyrannosaurus Leichang with blood all over the face.

Licking the blood on the crocodile's face with his big tongue, Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang once again stuck to the Tyrannosaurus Blue, relying on the arrogant flesh of the ancient dragon to directly carry out a powerful fight! !

"Crazy dragon, really a mad dragon!" The middle-aged dragon shepherd cursed.

There are not many people left on the bronze battlefield. As long as you clean up those who fish in troubled waters, everyone will enter the next round together.

Why do you want to fight to death at this time? Is there any deep hatred?

"My dear friend, let me go, your dragon has crushed me, and you may be eliminated yourself." said the middle-aged dragon shepherd.

He doesn't belong to any power, but just a casual person who travels to the imperial capital and purely seeks to enter the next round of high rewards.

Originally, he played steadily and steadily. With the strength of Blue Tyrannosaurus, he could basically hold on to the end...

Zhu Minglang, who followed along the way, did not answer the dragon shepherd's begging for mercy.

Big Black Tooth fought **** battles, and it was in a state of constant fighting, constantly knocking down its opponents, and achieving its only predatory supremacy.

On weekdays, there is rarely a chance to find so many dragon beasts for Big Black Fang...

I feel that this battlefield can give Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus a leap in strength.

What Big Black Fang needs most is to fight...

Constantly fighting, constantly stimulating potential, and constantly breaking through the shackles of one's own blood! !

Since it felt it was not enough, how could Zhu Minglang stop it.

Why doesn't it want to become as powerful as Bingchen Bailong! !

"Oh roar!!!"

As the bloodline of Mosasaur and Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus thundercang is absolutely not afraid of any kind of dragons in terms of bite force.

One bite on the back of the blue tyrannosaurus, a large piece of blue tyrannosaurus was lifted off, revealing one after another huge spine.

As for Big Black Tooth himself, a large part of his chest was missing, and part of his sternum was exposed. You can see the blood flowing inside, which is no different from the delicate lava. When it touches the outside air, it becomes hot. Burn it!

Even so, Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang did not feel any pain, but the blue Tyrannosaurus howled painfully and actively avoided this close bite.

This retreat gave Leicang Tyrannosaurus an excellent opportunity.


Crack roar! !

The roaring breath is blood red, and the gap in the chest is like a furnace opening the door, and you can clearly see that the fuel inside is burning, bursting, and tumbling!

The blood flame crackling roar hit the blue tyrannical body, tearing its wound more severely.

Wound worsening ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not have much effect on the ancient dragon with strong vitality like Blue Tyrannosaurus, but blue Tyrannosaurus does not have this brave blood and cannot eliminate the body like Tyrannosaurus Thunder Pain, and turned blood donation into his own violent amount...

To be seriously injured is to be seriously injured, greatly reduced in physical strength and greatly weakened in combat strength, Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus finally launched a collision against Blue Tyrannosaurus again!


Finally, the stronger Blue Tyrannosaurus was also knocked down by the Black Mossaurus.

Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang stomped on the blue Tyrannosaurus, bathed in blood flames, and the thunder scales shone.

It raised its head and roared, and the roar resounded through the bronze battlefield, as if it was declaring the only overlord of this territory! !

There is no more powerful ancient dragon!

There is no other dragon species that can compete with it! !

It is on this battlefield-the ultimate predator! !

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