Dragon Tamer

Chapter 141: 2 old foxes


Back to Zhumen, it was almost night.

After a busy day, he was tired, so he went to bed early.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Qin Yang suddenly appeared in his room and surprised Zhu Minglang who was alert.

"Master let you over." Qin Yang was out of sight, and a black brocade suit melted into the night. If it weren't for the luster in her eyes, Zhu Minglang thought that his house was haunted.

"What can't you say tomorrow?" Zhu Minglang was still very sleepy.

"About taking an oath." Qin Yang added.

Zhu Minglang immediately bounced off the bed and splashed his face with water.


The courtyard of Zhu Minglang is quite far away from Zhu Tianguan's bookstore. I chose this small courtyard to avoid being disturbed by Zhu Tianguan.

This father is very powerful outside, not angry and self-arrogant, but in fact it is just a talk, and Zhu Minglang sometimes annoys him.

When I walked to the bookstore, the room was not particularly big. It was surrounded by peach trees. It was just a spacious wooden bookstore with no attic. Inside, there were many ancient objects, most of which were casts with a long history.

The night is slightly cool, and when you step into the bookstore, you can see that the other side is completely open, facing the shimmering lake.

A few stone lamps standing in the water illuminate these gently swaying waves more softly. Looking along the lake, you can even see far away, there are several wooden boats sleeping under the moon...

"Are you hungry?" Zhu Tianguan sat at the long table, which was full of wine and vegetables.

Seeing him gorging himself, it should be that he was busy with something during the day, and he didn't have time to eat.

"Not hungry, you eat slowly." Zhu Minglang shook his head.

"The matter of Lichuan Earth is basically certain. There are ancient relics there. No matter how intimidating and inducing me, those old things will not let go." Zhu Tianguan took a sip of water and wine and took the rolls more casually. A piece of silk next to wiped his mouth.

"Then I have to dare to go back to Lichuan as soon as possible and take the people I know away." Zhu Minglang said helplessly.

Zhu Minglang can't helplessly watch the people living in Lichuan become slaves.

"Now there are two choices. The first is to smash the face with them directly. We will destroy whoever fights with us."

"Second...This is the competition method they proposed, which is extremely unfavorable to us, so I feel that it is safer for my father to declare war directly with them."

Clan declaring war, this kind of thing will be rare in the extremely stable and clear-cut emperor capital, but it is still common in other big countries.

It's nothing more than an irreconcilable contradiction between the forces and the forces, and they have become hostile to each other. Basically, when they see each other, they start their hands.

It ranges from crippling to abolishment and killing directly.

"For the time being, you can talk about the second method, why is it bad for us?" Zhu Minglang said.

It is too violent to execute the first method directly!

Zhu Tianguan would actually say such words, then he should have the confidence to destroy the competition, even if he can't, he will use Zhumen's current growth to force the opponent to retreat.

Just like this, I am afraid that I will make many enemies!

Zhu Sect himself has only become the leader of the clan sect forces in the past few years, and his foundation has not been firmly established.

"The second way, to put it bluntly, is that they deliberately humiliated us. As you know, the real strength of our blessing is not in the family itself, but in those forces that share our glory and our common prosperity, such as you. The Great Sword Sect in the mountains..." Zhu Tianguan stood up, facing the open wall, watching the water drop lake shrouded by night.

"I know this, so even if we want to destroy those forces, most of them still have to be shot by others." Zhu Minglang said.

"They know that our clan’s focus is not on cultivating gods and dragons, so they deliberately incorporated the competition into this power competition. Those old and cunning things, they don’t want to wade into the muddy waters, so they pushed On to those young children."

"Competition, placed in a big power comparison?" Zhu Minglang asked a little surprised.

Competition is a competition between forces.

To put it bluntly, it is to use all the forces of the entire force to win greater value benefits for their own forces.

It is generally decided by those master uncles and master-level figures, especially in territorial competitions, violent fights, and direct swearing of hostility.

In fact, it is the forces of those dragon shepherds, the resources consumed by dragons are huge, no matter how rich a city is, it may not be able to support the expenses of a dragon shepherd team.

Not to mention the forces that raise dragons, they are feeding and collecting young spirits every year, and the selection of young spirits requires a huge investment of funds and a lot of manpower.

In the rich territory, the right to sit in town will surely win a bloodshed, and there will be frequent fights between forces!

And the power competition is purely a contest between young disciples of the major powers.

Because they are not very old, have a limited network, and their strength is very limited, even if there are some contradictions between the two forces in the competition, it will not affect the overall harmony. The disciples will eventually find their elders to call the shots. The elders will also look at the background of both parties and deal with them in harmony.

Even if Zhu Tong was killed on the battlefield, or Zhu Tianguan killed Hao Shaocong, it would not cause the enmity between Zhumen and Zi Zonglin to erupt.

"You said, are they deceiving too much!"

"It seems that I wish Tianguan is too kind to these pedantic, stubborn, and old-fashioned guys."

"Recently, don't just go out casually. I will let the person who broke the door eliminate the small forces that are causing us trouble everywhere, and then I will pinch the military supplies of the army of the dynasty, and The Black Armored Army raised in the country Pei is also transferred..."

Zhu Tianguan is extremely hostile, as if going to the court this time, because of the competition, he was wronged by Tianda.

"Father, calm down first." Zhu Minglang hurriedly persuaded.

"Calm down, people are almost riding on our heads. We wish that we would not cultivate dragon shepherds and mortals, but they want us to compete with them for the land of the Ancestral Dragon City-state in the power competition. What’s the difference between telling us to get out. Son, let’s not say that this piece of land is related to you, even if it’s a completely unfamiliar and completely new piece of land, they use this way to squeeze us out, and we can’t swallow it. This tone really means that we are still the old clan????" Zhu Tianguan said with indignation.

"Father, just as they wished, we will compete with the result of the great power comparison. Both Nan Lingsha and I have participated and entered the second round." Zhu Minglang said.

"Then how can we do it, compared with the strength of those Zonglinbi disciples who have thousands of years of age, we wish the sect to suffer a big loss. Why don't those sects, clan sects, and palaces compete with us?" Zhu Tianguan said.

"So father, do you prefer to destroy other people's sects than to believe that I can stand out in this power competition?" Zhu Minglang said.

"It’s not a matter of disbelief, it’s a matter of justice and unfairness. We are now the largest clan newly promoted. There will always be some old clan and Lao Zonglin who will see us not pleasing to our eyes. If we have to make concessions on some things, we will There are second and third times... there is no need to fight with them. I want to see what they fight with us. The land of the Zulong City State, we are going to make a decision!" Zhu Tianguan said.

Zhu Minglang nodded.

Indeed, in terms of the whole matter, the major forces of the Great Court Continent used this method to compete, and they were bullying the Zhu Sect.

"Why not. We can agree to their proposal, but all the major forces have to allocate more resources to invest in the competition. Anyway, it is a competition of forces, not a competition of disciples, so how can we only use those shabby things to come out as embarrassing? If you want to play, play big with them!" Zhu Minglang said.

I wish Tianguan's eyes brightened.

This is a great idea!

Agree to this approach, but all of you increase your bargaining chips and raise the scale to the weight of the competition.

On the Zhumen side, basically there is no need to produce anything, it is nothing more than sharing the ownership of Lichuan Earth, so that the forces are qualified to fight together!

"The Cardinal City of Zizonglin, the Thunder Iron Mine of the Royal Family, the True Fire Refining Ding of the Canglong Temple, the Casting Camp of the Empire under the jurisdiction of the Holy See...I have wanted these good resources a long time ago, and Zhengshou has no reason to let them Give it to us." Zhu Tianguan immediately smiled.

"They want to make things difficult for us, so let's take their skin off. Father will put on an attitude of going to war tomorrow, and then let those who have good relations with us pretend to persuade them, and propose that everyone increase their bargaining chips..."

Zhu Minglang picked up the wine glass, handed it to Zhu Tianguan, and continued,

"The forces that we have made a big bet first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be at least the resource level of a city-state, forcing other forces to either withdraw from the competition for fear of losing too much, or to peel off together. etc. Nan Lingsha and I won this big match, and after receiving all the benefits, we returned the power resources that we have handed in as much as possible. The resources of other powers are five to five cents for our father and son!" Zhu Minglang took the wine glass and gave himself a peace Zhu Tianguan poured a glass of wine.

After Zhu Tianguan heard these words, his depression was swept away, his face was full of smiles.

He raised the wine Zhu Minglang poured for himself, clinked glasses, and said, "Respect for five or five cents!"

In front of the house, Qin Yang in black brocade clothes stood there quietly.

She glanced over the faces of the father and son, and saw their smiles tacitly incomparable, like two old foxes...

Which force is going to be unlucky?

In the past, when Zhumen was only the end of the six clansmen, Zhu Tianguan and Zhu Minglang seldom suffered under those big forces.

Now that the clan is prospering, I believe that those forces that are still making trouble for Zhumen will definitely not end well.

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