Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1446: Dot matrix sacrifice

Remember [New] for a second,! Chu Ying had a smile on her face, and asked her junior sisters to take out the spiritual fruits and put them on the prepared fleece blanket.

Other members of the Cangling Sect also began to arrange, and they stored all kinds of exquisite small magic tools on their bodies, such as those small altar buds, which were put into the soil and watered with some Nuwa rain and dew, this altar. The buds will immediately grow and form a very beautiful flower altar!

A few random arrangements have reduced the wild atmosphere here, and it has become like a small fairy valley where fairies live.

Soon, they started arranging the tent pole again. It was obviously a log that looked like a firewood. As a result, it slammed into the ground, poured some rain and dew at random, and turned it into a standing holy column.

It felt like they were conjuring a trick, and it didn't take long for this small valley to be turned into a gorgeous and exquisite altar by them.

Those little dragons were also released one after another, and they tasted the sweet and delicious fruits at will.

"Eat more, you will have to forage by yourself in the future, you can't be so reckless, you must be more careful, or you will lose your life." The woman covered in red silk whispered to the young dragons softly. .

The young dragons should have been raised for a while. Although the entire Dragon Valley is filled with the breath of dragons, it is still an unfamiliar place for them.

While eating, they looked around. One after another, some daring young dragons and growing dragons have walked towards the depths of the valley, and some spread their wings and flew to their own with the last food gifted by humans. mountain forest.

Zhu Minglang was watching these Cangling Sect people doing good deeds, when suddenly there was a strange sound from above his head. He looked up, but found a red Qiankun net covering the valley and slowly falling down.

I don't know what material this Qiankun Net is made of, it is extremely sticky. Those young dragons that have just taken off will be immediately stuck when they touch this Qiankun Net. The more they struggle, the more this kind of mesh they have on their bodies!

"Be careful!" Zhu Minglang immediately shouted at the members of the Cangling Sect who were releasing life.

It's a pity that these people's vigilance awareness is too poor, and several younger disciples are also caught in the net.

They tried to use their supernatural powers, but as a result, they seemed to have been poisoned, their bodies were limp, the mana in their bodies was quickly emptied, and it was extremely difficult to perform a small Dao technique.

Zhu Minglang originally thought that a predator had set a trap here, but when he took a closer look, a large group of people were standing on the valley, and they were completely waiting for the rabbit here!

"It's finally here, but we have to wait so hard!" The long-faced Sanxian smiled.

"What are you doing!" Chu Ying recognized the man at a glance. They were the members of the Lingmu faction who had been rejected earlier.

At first, they were also introduced by others and got acquainted with them, but after meeting, they felt that these people were not very reliable!

Sure enough, these people are out of their minds.

"Naturally, he came to seek money and kill himself." Zhu Minglang said.

"Brothers have sacrificed their lives in this dangerous dragon valley for some high-blooded dragons. Your Cangling sect is better. There are so many good dragons, but you want to release them and give us all these young dragons. Isn't it even more meritorious?? " said the leader of the Lingmu faction.

"We don't make it difficult for you. Pack the young dragons for us, and you can leave." Another tall and thin man said. Gu Li

"Hey, it's really a big deal. With so many high-blooded young dragons, I don't worry about not being able to sell them for a big price."

"This is really much easier than running into the mountains. It's not bad for us to catch such a young dragon in a year. Fan Cheng and Fan Heng are real brothers. Remember our Fengxuan faction for good things. ."

There are many people standing above the valley, and there are hundreds of people, and their cultivation is not low. After all, if they can go to such a deep place, they have to pass the sky labyrinth first.

"You will be punished for what you do!" Chu Ying scolded.

"Hahaha, you will continue to do good deeds in your next life. You are welcome to be vulgar and wicked. Fellow Daoists, don't be stingy, just do it!"

A savage and sarcastic laughter suddenly sounded, and hundreds of people called out hundreds of ferocious dragons in an instant. The inside and outside of the valley were suddenly filled with the roar of dragons and dragons. Some of them hovered over the valley, covering the sky and the sun. Some have already stepped into the valley with heavy steps, and a few predatory ancient dragon gods of war have been impatient, and they rushed in!

"Aren't the two escorts, why haven't they shot, they are going to be massacred!" Qin Chuan shouted to Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha anxiously.

Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha had no intention of making a move, and the two of them even took a few steps back in tacit understanding.

"Don't join in the fun, come with us." Zhu Minglang said to this dragon wild boy Qin Chuan.

"It's too unsympathetic to see you die. Seeing how well-dressed you are and your extraordinary equipment, I thought you could beat these robbers to pieces!" Qin Chuan said.

"Don't you think it's strange, why do these people know that we are coming here and ambush in advance." Zhu Minglang said.

"Didn't the people from the Cangling Sect invite them to go with them? Probably they accidentally leaked the news at that time..." Qin Chuan said.

"I think it's impossible for people who come out to walk the rivers and lakes to have no brains to this level, not to mention that their Cangling Sect is not a pheasant religion." Zhu Minglang said.

When I said these words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, something happened.

I saw the woman with her eyes covered with red silk, she suddenly took off the red silk covering her eyes, and revealed a pair of incomparably enchanting pupils!

This pair of pupils is the color of red jade, and the light that seeps out of it is very strange, as if a blood moon suddenly shrouded this sky valley, and everything is covered with a layer of blood!

She had a cold face, and a terrifying power burst out from her eyes. Suddenly, the people who gathered here and the dragon they summoned seemed to have their souls taken away. Their bodies were completely rigid and stood there, even their faces The expressions are in a frozen state!

"Dot matrix, sacrifice!" The woman said to the members of the Cangling Sect.

These Cangling Sect personnel also took out short daggers covered with ancient patterns from nowhere, cut open their palms one after another, and smeared the blood flowing from their palms on the wooden altars and holy pillars previously arranged!

Evil radiance appeared on the wooden altar and holy pillar, and formed a strange echo with the slowly rising Fan Yue, as if Fan Yue had come alive at this moment and turned into a totem beast!

Changkong Fanyue opened his mouth and sucked in the spirit of the people and dragons in the "altar" of the valley.

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