Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1449: Cangling Nuwa arrives

Remember [New] for a second,! In the past, her words were divine words, and everyone would obey and believe.

But this time, Chu Ying couldn't take her eyes off Nan Lingsha.

Compared with the people who gave her life span, her faith was a bit pale and weak. Chu Ying was frail and sick since she was a child, and it was useless to seek medical treatment because she had a physical problem. If she wanted to survive, she could only ask God.

She also worshipped other gods, but none of those gods had mercy on her.

Instead, it was a **** she had never believed in. That night, she honestly described her life to her, and expressed the sadness of her growing frailty. The **** she had never met sympathized with her and gave her her life.

Chu Ying didn't even know the name of the god, the other party was just a simple gift of life. After Chu Ying came back to life, she tried her best to find the god, and finally felt that Cangling Nuwa was the closest person to the god, so keep following...

Now, her faith has been shaken.

Because the true God is right in front of her eyes.

If there is no conflict, this true **** is like an ordinary passer-by of his own vitality, and he will never show it!

"She is the true god, she has given me life, she is the true god!!" Chu Ying was in a trance from the beginning, but now she is very sure.

"Then...then it's true that we cut our longevity??" Zhao Jiajia said in disbelief.

They all act according to what the Nuwa women said. Isn't this punishing evil, they are doing things to save their lives, aren't they accumulating Yin virtue!

"How can you be shaken, how can you be shaken! If a random **** appears and makes you shake your most lofty beliefs, then you are not worthy of being called Cangling Nuwa's believers. This is a test, you must Get over it, then you are the true disciples of my god!" The Nuwa woman once again made a high-pitched voice, still carrying the bewitchment of the Nuwa demon!

Zhu Minglang naturally knew that the voices of the Nuwa tribe were enchanting with banshees.

From this point of view, this Nuwa woman is guiding the Cangling Sect's confession to do things, and obtains her own practice from it.

This is interesting!

Because behind her, there is probably a righteous god.

"It's better to call your gods like this. Let's face to face and see if your gods instructed you to do this, or did you misinterpret her god's will?" Zhu Minglang said.

From the very beginning, Zhu Minglang wanted to see this Cangling Nuwa.

In fact, they are not pleasing to the eye, and with the cultivation of Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha, they can easily be wiped out.

But when the realm has reached their level, these practitioners are actually not much different from ordinary people. It is a bit boring to use such means to treat ordinary people.

The God behind them is what Zhu Minglang wants to see.

"Yeah, we can call my gods!"

"My **** has just received our offering, and she must be watching us."

"My God will come to justify our name."

Several members of the Cangling Sect felt that this approach was good.

Fighting is worse than fighting.

It is better to persuade the other party with your sincere beliefs.

Chu Ying is the most supportive, and other members also think this method is good.

The true God is coming, and each of them wants to see a miracle!

If their gods come and drive away these two great gods for them, it does not mean that the Cangling Nuwa they believe in is orthodox and the most noble!

"They may not be qualified!" The Nuwa woman said coldly.

"That's nothing to talk about, I will treat you as a cult and completely wipe you out in the name of righteous gods!" Zhu Minglang smiled and patted the little nine tails on his shoulder.

The little nine-tailed dragon's breath skyrocketed from its cuteness, and it transformed into a nine-kunlong dragon.

When the Cangling Sect people saw that it was a divine dragon of the Moonlight Realm, they were all dumbfounded! !

The people they hired at will, so powerful!

They hire people just because they don't want to waste energy on the road.

Only now did they realize why they were not hindered by dragons along the way!

"Servant, my **** will be willing to come forward, call her quickly!!"

"Yes, we can give our lives for my god, even in the face of an invincible enemy, but we have to die properly, we don't want to die in the name of tarnishing the will of God!!"

"Please, call on my god!"

Those from the Cangling Sect naturally knew that it was too easy for the Moonlight Divine Dragon to kill them!

Only their God can save them now!

The Nuwa woman saw that the situation was not good for herself, and she also knew that only the gods she worshipped could save her at this moment.

"Okay!" The Nuwa woman made this decision, and her eyes showed a bit of arrogance.

She stretched out her palm and stroked her palm with a totem dagger.

The bright red palm is facing the round of the bright red fan moon, and the fan moon seems to have opened a door!

The moment the moon gate opened, there was a bridge of moonlight leading to this valley, and on the red bridge of light, a hazy figure was slowly drifting towards here!

The arrival of this figure caused everything in the surroundings to suspend. The flowers, plants and trees even began to become nihilistic. A grain of dust was inexplicably still in the air, and even the wind blowing in the distance seemed to stop in this space.

Time seems to be frozen at a certain moment.

This space also seems to be completely isolated.

Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha watched the summoned **** at the same time.

Although it is still impossible to judge whether it is an avatar or a deity, but judging from the impact of the arrival of the other party, it is definitely a very high god.

As the hazy figure approached, Zhu Minglang realized that it was an ancient **** who was half human and half snake.

Her eyes are blood emerald green, which is exactly the same as that of the Nuwa woman. They all have an unusual coquettish temperament, which is a little less holy than Zhu Minglang's Nuwa dragon. , but more atavistic!

Nuwa is the real Nuwa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang has been identified.

This is a **** of the Nuwa tribe with a very pure blood.

She is probably also in charge of the Cangling Ten Thousand Races, the Mother of Monster Race, Alien Beast, Holy Dragon, and the Queen of All Races!

Cangling Nuwa stood in the bridge of light, she seemed unwilling to set foot in this world, she just stared at the people who had called her with those blood-green eyes.

His lips were eerily bright red, as if smeared with bright blood.

The smooth snake body stretched out and maintained an upright state.

She said nothing, just stared at the crowd.

When the people of the Cangling Sect saw the arrival of the True God, they all knelt down and worshipped.

This is the second miracle they have seen today!

"My God, in desperation, I called for your true body to come. Our belief was questioned by these two righteous gods who didn't know where they came from, and they threatened to destroy us as evil people. You will uphold justice for us!" The Nuwa woman knelt on the ground, buried her head in the soil, and said.

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