Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1451: new clues

Remember [New] for a second,! "Can you find the Nuwa Holy Land?" Zhu Minglang asked.

The Nuwa woman raised her head. She was stunned for a while. After realizing that she could still be saved, she hurriedly said: "The slaves have been looking for the revelation scattered in the world, and there are already three revelations!"

"What is this revelation?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The Nuwa Holy Land is hard to find. In order to give those Nuwa descendants who have accidentally fallen into the mortal world a clear way to return, there will be special revelation to inform the Nuwa people how to return to the Holy Land and find the six revelations. You can determine where the Holy Land is." Cangling Nuwa explained.

"Then you really have some use, so keep your life." Zhu Minglang nodded, forgiving her.

The women of the Nuwa nationality were grateful and gave some humble and flattering compliments.

Zhu Minglang was too lazy to listen, so he waved his hand to signal her to shut up.

"How did you come up with this method of coming? For example, I need you to help me deal with some enemies that I am inconvenient to shoot. How should I call you?" Zhu Minglang said to Cangling Nuwa.

Such a strong thug, it would be a pity if he didn't use it properly.

It just so happens that I am in desperate need of help right now!

"This... I can use this. If the blood in my palm is a sacrifice, I can make my real body come. If I use other offerings, it can only be my incarnation." Cangling Nuwa presented a totem dagger, respectfully. said respectfully.

"Can it be only you Cangling Nuwa?"

"Yes." Cangling Nuwa nodded, this totem belongs to her Cangling Nuwa.

Therefore, even if the goddess of the Nuwa dragon is higher, it cannot come like her.

Zhu Minglang accepted this totem dagger.

"Please give some enlightenment to these believers of mine. Obviously, their behavior is biased." Cangling Nuwa said in a tone of request.

Cangling Nuwa obviously wants Zhu Minglang to preach for them, teach them how to regulate their behavior in the world, and how to truly improve their morality and merit.

The members of the Cangling Sect never imagined that they would instill various sectarian thoughts into Zhu Minglang along the way, and in the end they actually became listening to Zhu Minglang's instructions.

"I never teach people how to do good deeds, but once someone or a god's behavior crosses the bottom line and commits an unforgivable sin, I will send him on the road without hesitation." Zhu Minglang said.

How can good and evil be so easy to distinguish.

Many times, if you look at it from the standpoint of one person, what you do is just the emotions that most ordinary people will release.

Zhu Minglang's realm can't reach a living Bodhisattva or a living Buddha. He is an executioner, an executioner on the execution ground of the gods. own higher deity and divine power.

"No matter what kind of lofty gods you believe in, the first thing you have to do is not to please your gods, but how to be a flesh-and-blood person, otherwise your yangshou will not last you to see your true **** again." Nan Lingsha spoke at this time. said.

The life-breaking act, the real punishment has been given by God.

And because they still believe in Cangling Nuwa, and people are also one of Cangling, this punishment will be aggravated.

"This... This is all caused by my greed. It has nothing to do with the brothers and sisters. I led them to an evil path in the name of the Nuwa tribe. Please punish me." He woke up, and pleaded.

Nan Lingsha nodded and agreed to the request of the Nuwa woman to bear the heavy punishment.

"How to do this?" Zhu Minglang asked curiously.

"The total number of shortened lifespans cannot be increased or decreased. She loses more lifespans, and others will decrease accordingly." Nan Lingsha said, a life pen appeared in her hand.

She walked in front of the Nuwa woman, and at the moment when her eyes lit up, a virtual image like a ghostly calendar appeared on the top of the Nuwa woman's head.

The most amazing thing is that the Nuwa woman can see it herself, at this moment, she is completely scared!

There is still some luck in her heart. Fortunately, the other party is just scaring herself. The gods who can change people's longevity are a legend in themselves, and no one has really seen them, let alone believers and temples...

But at this time, she saw the **** of life, and saw that she "corrected" her lifespan for herself.

Cangling Nuwa looked at Nan Lingsha in astonishment. In fact, the goddess's lifespan is also controlled by this goddess Ming. As long as her godhead goes up, she can even change her own Cangling Nuwa's lifespan!

This made Cangling Nuwa terrified for a while.

What are the virtues and abilities of his own believers, and they bump into two great gods at the same time.

"Treasure the little time you have left. If you really do good deeds with your heart, God will naturally return your longevity." Nan Lingsha put away the life pen after completing the increase or decrease of her lifespan.

The Nuwa woman has become so humble as a puppy who doesn't even dare to wag its tail. She doesn't listen to her kowtow or says thanksgiving.

An ordinary person like Qin Chuan watched this whole process.

He couldn't believe the whole process, he actually led the way for the two true gods, why was the **** beside him, and he didn't even notice it? ?

They saved themselves.

He even fought for himself, invited the other gods over, and then criticized and ordered to rectify!


After resolving the matter, Zhu Minglang and Nan Lingsha continued on their way.

This is an unexpected gain, after all, Zhu Minglang has found an important clue.

After completing the rescue of the sword spirit dragon, you can go to find the Nuwa dragon!

"Wait a minute~www.wuxiaspot.com~wait a minute."

Behind, came Qin Chuan's shout.

Qin Chuan ran up panting, looking like he was in a hurry.

"The task of leading the way has also been completed, you can go back." Zhu Minglang waved his hand, indicating that Qin Chuan did not need to follow them.

"But you saved me, otherwise I would be really dumb. I have never seen a **** like you." Qin Chuan said with a tone of thanks.

"It doesn't matter if it's a **** or not, even ordinary people will help out with righteousness." Zhu Minglang smiled and said.

"My dragon mother told me to be grateful, you saved me, I have to thank you." Qin Chuan said.

"It seems that your dragon mother is an extraordinary dragon with wisdom..." Zhu Minglang said.

"I can take you to see Zhu Jiuyin." Qin Chuan said.

"No, we're not for Zhu Jiuyin... Wait, what do you mean, do you know where Zhu Jiuyin lives?" Zhu Minglang was stunned for a while, then looked at the dark boy in surprise.

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