Dragon Tamer

Chapter 206: Magic Cult

Nan Lingsha took out a scroll.

She tossed the scroll in the air, and in the process of turning it over, Zhu Minglang saw that the scroll was depicting a rainstorm.

I saw the scroll slowly dissolving, but suddenly the cloud covered the **** altar of the hill.

Zhu Minglang originally thought it was washing rain, which could wash away all the evil and mess here, but the rain in the dark clouds, like rain spikes, plunged into the hills and blood pools one by one.

They are rain water, but they have extremely strong penetrating ability. The dense rain spikes fell, destroying the hills, and at the same time crucified the blood leeches that were devouring the dragon in the blood pool.

The blood leech dragon has extraordinary strength.

Just after transforming the dragon, he has already shown the breath of a dragon general. In the blood pool, he saw the blood-red leech dragon twisting its ferocious body, violently hitting the surrounding rocks, avoiding these rain spikes falling from the sky. .

"Qingzhuo, purified it." Zhu Minglang called out the Shenmu Qingshenglong.

The Shenmu Qingshenglong flew, and the cyan vertical pupils stared at the direction where the blood leech dragon was escaping. This blood leech dragon was also weird and weird. It could turn into a **** pus and flow into a crack in the rock.

The azure dragon pattern of Shenmu Qingshenglong lit up, and it spit out a beam of cyan mist, which suddenly penetrated all the rocks, and made the cursed blood boil...

The brilliance of the holy dragon has a strong purifying and annihilating effect on this most evil thing. The blood leech dragon looked forward to split into countless small blood leeches, but in the end they were all annihilated by the dragon light spit out by the Shenmu Qingshenglong!

Rain nail baptism.

Holy light purification.

The blood leech dragon was also completely eradicated.

Zhu Minglang asked Shenmu Qingshenglong to turn those corpses into nutrients for the earth, gifting them to the lush wilderness, and preventing the evil resentment from giving birth to evil creatures that shouldn't appear.

To deal with these well, Zhu Minglang will feel relieved.

This kind of leech dragon is more terrifying than those thousands of years of ogre. How they were born, they relied on the same way to ingest food, a dragon-level creature, if it is extremely cunning, nearby towns and villages It is very likely to suffer the disaster of extinction, not to mention that the blood leech dragon's cultivation base has been increasing, and it will almost become a mortal slaughter.

"It's probably because God has pity for the people, but he has no time to take care of it, so he has given the star painting girl the ability to meet disasters, right?" Zhu Minglang said.

Such evil things can be eradicated before they are born, which is the greatest good deed.

"You can drive away those grievances," Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang nodded, stretched out his hand, and began to gather souls and brew beads.

The dragon souls of the blood leech dragons are nothing more than those tragic souls. They wander around this hill, and they will still form a strong death spirit, attracting some evil spirits.

It may be due to Ganghualong.

The soul orbs collected by Zhu Minglang are of very high quality, and there is still a spirit of sloughing on the dragon. Such soul orbs are very suitable for spirit beasts to cross the dragon gate!

It seems that accumulating virtue and doing good are not small.

It's just that the Dragon Ball is too hostile, and its attributes are not very consistent with its own dragon beasts...

Those who want to come to breed dragons such as bone dragons, corpse dragons, ghost dragons, etc. will be willing to pay a high price to buy them.

Putting it away for the time being, Zhu Minglang also breathed a sigh of relief.

This should be no problem.

Before long, the hills will be covered with lush grass and trees, and the dead souls will not have nowhere to rest.


Leaving the hill and returning to the team, the others are waiting for them, obviously there is some time to wait.

"You two left the team alone, what did you do?" Wen Mengru asked a little puzzled.

"Hehe, young people, just pay attention to interest. Ten years ago, my husband and I always liked to sneak up and do crazy things in some pleasant places... Well, now they are just ordinary people who work hard." Master Long's wife sighed and said.

Wen Mengru immediately understood the meaning when he heard it, his cheeks were red, and he took a bite, and quickly rode on the back of the great horned dragon, without interfering.

The two Sister Sisters on the side were very curious. The younger ones didn't understand what the crazy thing was, so they asked without shy.

The atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while, Zhu Minglang couldn't predict the things, and explained that he was accompany Nan Lingsha to take the scene and paint.

"Cough cough, little brother, let's bear it again, we will arrive at Long River City immediately, mainly because you have been going for too long, and everyone is getting impatient." Wu Feng whispered to Zhu Minglang. .

"Brother Wu Feng, you have a lot of knowledge, and I just want to ask you something. In fact, when Nan Lingsha and I were walking far away, we found a hillside altar..." Zhu Minglang whispered.

Zhu Minglang described the situation there to Wu Feng, and Wu Feng's face also showed a little consternation.

He pondered for a while, and said: "There is a magic city that worships the eyeless gods. They believe that all tyranny, sin, and impulse in the world originate from the eyes, and the eyes are bewitching people's thoughts. Little by little, they dragged the living people into the abyss of degeneration...Of course, this is what they said on the face. In fact, they often force some people to go to school, cut off their eyes, and make them incapacitated. In the end, I can only listen to the voice of their sect and become a slave to their sect."

Zhu Minglang frowned.

The Great Court Continent is quite vast, and many places are even in a closed state. The civilization of Sichuan is far more than some tribes that no one cares about. This also makes many weird evil gods invade the minds of some foolish people. , And developed into an evil sect.

Although dragon shepherds and gods and mortals prospered through sects and gradually become stronger, the world is so bizarre, and with the help of some seemingly miraculous phenomena, countless sects have expanded.

The Eyeless Sect is also one of them.

The most frightening thing is that certain sects do have some secret methods that can make people in the sect become powerful in a short time, or change from an ordinary person to a dragon shepherd or a mortal.

"Our itinerary originally passed by Beicheng. If you want to figure out this, we can change to take a rest in Beicheng. The Eyeless Sect should have a nest there." Wu Feng said.

Zhu Minglang looked back at Li Xinghua, the anxiety on her face didn't seem to be eliminated much.

"Ok~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's go to Beicheng."

"I will find the right time to talk to the sword aunts of Mianshan Jianzong. They are obliged to do this kind of thing," Wu Feng said.

Jianzong is one of the four major forests in the Ji Ting Continent.

The Sword Sect of Mount Yao always fought against the City of Sin.

Mianshan Jianzong couldn't tolerate half of the evil sect in his eyes.


(Chaos: The biological clock is reversed~~~ The update becomes midnight~~ The familiar update time disorder has come again, and finally the new book lasted for three months.)

(The update may be late, but it will never be absent! You can watch it early tomorrow morning, which means I update at 6 o'clock in the morning every day!)


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