Dragon Tamer

Chapter 240: competitor

Meng Hanwu was in front of the door, and the ice on his cheeks was about to freeze the entire door frame.

Who will answer the son-in-law?

How come she is here to clean up those competitors for Zhu Minglang?

Meng Hanwu hesitated for a moment, and after all, he stayed in front of the princess's mansion. As long as he can complete this mission, let Zhu Minglang be the guard for a while!


Sitting down, Zhu Minglang found that everyone was in the mansion, surrounded by red maple trees, some wine, a few plates of delicate fruits, and some pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Princess Mansion, Zhu Minglang thought he had entered the examination room of some college.

"The princess likes poems, please make a poem while you wait, as your first impression." said an extremely tall maid.

Kao Wencai? ?

I was really right.

Princess Luoshui is sifting out some expensive straw bags that don't know the big characters?

Although Zhu Minglang is not proficient in poetry, in a family like Zhu Men who likes to collect antiques and famous paintings, he can basically know some.

After writing a poem about red leaves, Zhu Minglang began to look at the people around him.

What makes Zhu Minglang a little surprised is that there is an acquaintance here, it is the Prince Liang who lost his front tooth in the Dragon Girl Hall!

"Zhang San, Zhang Er, Zhang Yi, this guy, chop him out for me!!" Prince Liang also saw Zhu Minglang, and suddenly became angry.

With this roar, the missing front teeth were still exposed, which made him extremely comical, which made the arrogant and fierce and vicious, and made the ladies of the palace laugh again and again.

"Prince Liang, this is in the mansion, not in the gate. I also hope that Prince Liang will restrain. If you have any grievances, you can wait for it to be dealt with after leaving the mansion." The grand palace lady said in a more serious tone.

"Okay, okay, you guys wait for this prince!" Prince Liang flushed with his face, holding a pen, and began to write poems, but he did not make sense.

Probably the poem test set by the princess was to get rid of Prince Liang.

Zhu Minglang looked around and found that there was a young scholar with a unique temperament. His writing posture was a little weird. When he wrote, he seemed to have an aura, like instilling some power into the white paper. Above, and the lines of black ink characters are like a dragon and a tiger, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

What is this ability?

Zhu Minglang is a dragon shepherd who owns a dragon monarch anyway. If the other party is playing some calligraphy tricks, it is impossible for him to have such weird emotions.

The scholar put down his pen, then closed his eyes and rested his mind. He did not talk with others, and ignored his surroundings, just like those little maple trees that swayed gently...

Zhu Minglang looked at another place and saw a more mature man. He himself gave a sense of elegance. There was nothing special about him. It was just that the guardian standing beside him seemed to He is a powerful dragon shepherd, and his body is surrounded by a dragon's breath, like a high mountain hidden in thick fog!

"This old man, it's not forty, but thirty-seven or eighty-eight, why are you still robbing the princess with young people like us?" Zhu Minglang sat closer to the man, so he asked.

"I'm ashamed, I've been busy with national affairs, and haven't married yet. It just happens that the country is stable these years. I walked around in this country and I wanted to try it." The mature man looked very easy-going and said with a generous smile. .

"I wish the door, I wish Minglang." Zhu Minglang introduced himself.

"Tu Guo, Tu Wenhe." The mature man replied.

"Tu Guo? I really didn't hear about it. Where is it?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"It's normal for Master Zhu not to hear that, I changed my country name, and I am not a talented person, so I simply let Guobang Tu follow my surname." Tu Wenhe said peacefully.

Zhu Minglang showed no response on the surface, but was shocked!

He's a ruthless person!

Let the country follow his surname!

This guy is a country hunter!

In the Great Court Dynasty, there are many dragon shepherd teams who specialize in running in major countries, and even serve the country's army, helping them to attack cities and occupy territories.

Of course, there are also some dragon shepherds who are the rulers themselves, they continue to occupy the city and collect high taxes...

Among them, some teams of dragon herders have the ambition to hunt the country. Those important city-states and rich countries are their prey!

Those who steal hooks will punish those who steal the country.

This sentence can be described as a perfect expression for such a person!

They hunt the country, let the whole country be a vassal under their dragon shepherd, and when the country’s interests are drained, they will leave and let the country rot!

The hunter of the country is the top in the title of the dragon animal husbandry team. No wonder the guards around this person give people a sense of oppression like a mountain. Zhu Minglang can't help but admire this seemingly elegant older man.

Of course, there are also two kinds of hunters, one is willing to govern, so that the countries that have no order in themselves become orderly.

The other is equivalent to locusts crossing the border, just to sweep up the resources of this country, and don't care about the consequences. After all, they don't have the idea of ​​rule and management at all, just serve their huge dragon group.

"If you become a shark, wouldn't Brother Tu stay in the capital of the country? The women here don't want their men to show up." Zhu Minglang said.

"Haha, it depends on the situation. \\u001d" Tu Wenhe seemed very confident, as if the rules and regulations of this country might not restrain him.

While talking, a person came in from outside. He was short in stature and had a handsome face. Seeing that everyone was already writing poems, he found a place to sit down.

"Which one is from Zhumen?" The handsome short man asked as soon as he sat down.

"Next." Zhu Minglang replied.

"Find someone to guard the gate next time, find someone better." The short handsome man said.

Zhu Minglang just remembered that he had let Meng Hanwu guard the gate and would not allow anyone to step into the princess's mansion.

This short handsome man actually defeated Meng Hanwu!

Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, Meng Hanwu ran in. There were many beads of sweat on her forehead and hair. She glanced around and seemed a little reluctant to accept defeat. The man fought again.

"Forget it, people have that ability. \\u001d" Zhu Minglang said to Meng Hanwu.

"What's up with you!" Meng Hanwu glared at Zhu Minglang.

"Girl, go back to the mountain to practice for a few years, your swordsmanship is still very rough, and you are cold, not feminine, I have no interest in pestering you." The short handsome man said.

Zhu Minglang couldn't help laughing.

Well said.

She was cold all day long and didn't have a good face. It wasn't a question of whether a woman was a woman or not, but that the human touch was gone.

However, Meng Hanwu's cultivation base should be similar to that of Bai Qin'an, and the strength can crush her. It seems that the person who came in last was indeed very tough.

There are still many competitors!

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