Dragon Tamer

Chapter 242: Contend for


In the capital of the country, some gates are still in an endless stream, and countless handsome sons squeeze their heads, all wanting to see this official lady again.

In front of some houses, even if they visited Maple Leaf Fragrant Flowers, they were still unremarkable, so angry that some female heroes pulled off their veils and dragged those handsome boys into their yards on the street.

The flowers blooming is worthy of recruiting son-in-law in the autumn festival, and it is gradually approaching the final day of buying son-in-law.

Zhu Minglang is very confident in himself, and sure enough, there are quite a few ladies who wrote their names in the red love leaf, so Zhu Minglang has become a good son-in-law without any accident.

The higher the quality of the son-in-law, the more he puts it behind. After all, there are already some sons and buddies who can't stand the generosity and beauty of those women. They rushed to the arms of those powerful women early. Love Hongye writes the most, and is the most loved by the ladies of the dignitaries...

On the day of the contest, Zhu Minglang took a special break. When he looked in the mirror and saw his handsome appearance, with a smile on his lips, Fang Niannian next to him looked at Zhu Minglang with a strange look.

Although he didn't say a word, Fang Niannian's eyes told him: You finally did this job.

"Shut up!" Zhu Minglang glared at this girl with an angry look.

"They didn't say anything!" Fang Niannian replied dissatisfied, but there was a smirk on his cheeks.

When I first see you, I know that you are a soft food.

No, the soft rice has reached the level of the son-in-law, and he is indeed the top soft rice man!

Wu Feng, Yun Zhonghe, and Shao Ying were very confused about Zhu Minglang’s going to fight for a son-in-law. After all, they had all seen Li Xing painting and Nan Lingsha. Such a pair of stunning beauties, could it not satisfy Zhu Minglang’s needs? Do you want to say that Princess Luoshui, they may not be amazing, right?

Probably the scumbag is like this. He will never be satisfied and always like fresh ones.

"Hall Master Wu." Mr. Koi wandered on the table, his eyes staring at Zhu Minglang, and he asked solemnly.

"What's the matter, sir?" Wu Feng asked.

"What kind of feed do you Sword Sect Yaoshan usually purchase, why can you feed a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy so mature?" Mr. Koi was puzzled.


Before heading to the palace, the palace was already overcrowded, and the proportion of women was the majority. After all, many good men did not leave their homes.

Yingying, Yanyan, and the fragrance fragrant. When Zhu Minglang walked towards the Guofutai in front of the palace, looking at the crowded scene, he couldn't help falling into contemplation.

He remembered the situation when he was wandering near the painting boat in the Academy of How to Train the Dragon. In the end, he still took this step, but he was not in the small painting boat, but in the huge capital of the country.

Calm, calm, with a smile on his face, showing a game world, cynical temperament, Zhu Minglang try to show his familiarity with the road...No, I am the first platform to compete!

"I wish Minglang, I wish Minglang, my sister will buy you!" At this moment, the **** Ding Long girl in the Dragon Girl Hall shouted.

"In terms of financial resources, there are few forces that can compare with my Hua family. My sister is afraid that she will bear the pain and give up her love." The pure flower dragon girl laughed, a posture that had already been determined to be clear.

The matter of the Mianshan Sword Sect actually spread quickly in the country. These days, with the preaching of the female princesses, female marquis, and female city owners, I wish Minglang easily defeated the master of the Mianshan Sword Sect Commandment Hall. Everyone knows, and this time buying a son-in-law, the main force is also this group of female powers, presumably they will not be stingy with silver.

"You guys, you just like this kind of fresh meat. If you want my sister, I still love the elegant and easy-going little uncle. No one will compete with this princess. Although he has never been to my house, I want to order him. That's it!" said a magnificent princess, she did not wear a veil.

"Don't fight, in the end, the princess still has to pick the son-in-law first, and only our sisters will pick the rest." A female Hou smiled charmingly.

"By the way, women from other countries should also be involved, don't ignore it."

Buying a son-in-law, even women who visit here can also participate, as long as they are willing to bid, gold and silver jewelry, silk satin, and land deeds are available. The country itself advocates wealth, and every woman has a preference for collecting jewelry.


Your son-in-law will step out one by one, and the women who have written the name of Maple Leaf will bid. Of course, even those who have not written the name of Maple Leaf can still participate, but in this case, the son-in-law has the right to refuse.

This is a bit more rational.

After all, the name will be written down, and it is usually a mansion that the man has personally visited.

If you haven't met at all, it's still the kind that is extremely wrong. It's really hard to accept that you can take your son-in-law away with money.

One by one, most of the excellent sons-in-law have bids, and they are in the match of the big ladies.

Half of the price paid belongs to the palace, and the other half belongs to the men. To be honest, seeing those handsome young boys being carried to the price of hundreds of thousands of gold, Zhu Minglang still feels a little bit emotional. It is still very easy, as long as you are willing to let go of that useless discipline.

Zhu Minglang's attention was mainly on Princess Luoshui.

There were many good sons-in-law and good son-in-law before, and most other princesses would make symbolic bids.

In the eyes of these noble princesses, it’s good to have more choices, so even if they have the most favorite goal, they will bid many times. Even if they accidentally buy a few sons-in-law, they will start The son-in-law chooses the best, anyway, they have a lot of money and don't care about spending money for beautiful men.

Of course, if the female dignitaries who don't wear the veil, they will bid when they see them. Anyway, how can they be too many in their own palace?

"Ahem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sister Ding, I have a doubt. Look at those female aristocrats. They have raised so many men. They should all sleep with them. If they have children, what? Discerning who is it, and whose surname is it?" Yun Zhonghe asked in a low voice about the Ding Long Girl in the Dragon Girl Palace.

Ding Longnv and Hualongnv both looked at Yunzhonghe with the expressions of watching the demented child.

"Of course it is with the female noble family name." Ding Longnu said.

"Uh, don't you need to figure out who the father is?"

"Is that necessary?" Ding Longnv said.

"Okay, when I didn't ask." Yun Zhonghe made a bitter face, and it was hard to keep asking.

"What is Brother Yun really worried about? Don't worry, even if the female dignitaries recruit male harems, these men are all top grades, but not all goods can catch them. For example, Sister Ding, I also raise men. I am attracted to the likes of Mr. Zhu. Even if the brother Yun is like this, Yushuizhihuan is a little risky. My sister does not want her children to be as ordinary as Brother Yun. "Ding Longnv said.

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