Dragon Tamer

Chapter 272: Run away!

   distributed water bags to people in Shitou Village. With drinking water, these people were still shrouded in a haze of death.

   What's more, the water will be drunk soon. Without the stream or the old well, they are still facing death.

   "Is it okay to move the people from the stockade, the water sources here have been polluted, and they cannot survive." Hu Bailing said.

   "Impossible, as soon as we leave the stockade, there will be hordes of mourning dragons appearing, and then it will be a dead end." Huang Lu shook his head.

   "You can never hide in this stone stockade and wait for death, and if you look at your stockade wall, you can't withstand the dragon at all." Song Luo said.

   While several people were arguing about coping strategies, Zhu Minglang heard some weird voices.

   He left the crowd and walked towards the back of a barn.

   There is an old well behind the barn. Zhu Minglang heard the sound from here.

   The water source of the old well should be contaminated, and it has been nailed with wooden boards to prevent people who are dehydrated and irrational from drinking.



   The faint cry for help came out from the well very strangely.

   Zhu Minglang felt extremely horrified, why would someone call for help in the well? The most important thing is that this sound still seems to be audible only to me, and other people didn't even notice it.

   "Quick...Run away!"

   A voice that almost overlapped with the weird cry for help suddenly floated out. Zhu Minglang listened carefully, and then I heard that the cry for help was mixed with another kind of cry, warning something!

   Is it asking for help or is it alert?

   Zhu Minglang can't distinguish this weird sound at all, and he feels more like a monster in his heart trying to figure out the source of the sound.


   Suddenly, this shout was so clear that it came out from the bottom of the well, as if it was a shout for everything, more like a dead soul who has suffered pain telling the person who is still alive, this place is extremely dangerous! ! !

Zhu Minglang shuddered all over, but he overcame the fear and lifted the wooden planks nailed to the mouth of the well. Suddenly one after another stuffed bones came into view. The whole well was filled with no contaminated water at all. But the Shitouzhai tribe who was brutally killed!

   Why was the body thrown into the well water? ?

   Even if it is a contaminated water source, the way the corpse should be treated should not be...


   Just then, the low cry for help came from the barn.

   Zhu Minglang turned his head and looked into the dark and deep barn, but saw a pair of vicious eyes, which lit up terribly, and stared at him with a wicking cold light!

   A lost dragon walked out of the barn silently.

   Its chest and abdomen are squirming, and the unusual dragon beast roars from its slightly open mouth, it is the rhythmic and deep cry for help!



   This sound came from the chest of the dragon wriggling.

   It imitates the human voice! !

   I wish Ming Lang stared at the lost dragon hidden in the barn.

   At this moment, Zhu Minglang finally understands why Li Xinghua didn’t let himself go there to call for help in the night mist...

   These lost dragons, they are using human cries for help to attract human companions into their traps! !

   "Yu Suo protects the star painting and Nian Nian!!"

   "This stone stockade is a trap!!!"

   I wish Minglang suddenly realized something, and hurriedly shouted at the few people on the empty floor in front of the door.

   At the same time, a group of mourning dragons in the barn were killed. They had long and curved jaws. The teeth of the upper jaw were more like hooks. Once they bite the living creature, it is impossible to get rid of it!

   Zhu Minglang did not dare to hesitate, and called out Bingchen White Dragon.

   The barn is not big, but this dark barn is like a magic nest leading to a crypt, one by one, it pounces on Zhu Minglang, surprisingly fast!

These sang dragons are shrouded in a layer of magical shadows, like bat monsters in the dark magic cave, which makes them obtain a terrible mourning power throughout their bodies. Even the sang dragons with low cultivation levels can burst out Terrifying lethality.

   Not only the barn, but in the gloomy rooms near Zhu Minglang, there were mourning dragons. They surrounded Zhu Minglang and Bingchen Bailong, making it difficult for Zhu Minglang to get out for a while.


   On the other side, at Kongping, Nan Yusuo heard Zhu Minglang shouting at a certain distance.

   She was about to rush in the direction of Zhu Minglang, but suddenly she felt something, stopped her step abruptly, and quickly retreated backward.

   On the high stone hills, sharp iron spears flew down, and slammed into the place where Nan Yusuo was just now, nailing the earth apart!

   "Swish swish swish!!!"

Near    Kongping, there are dozens of stone hills. The stone hills were originally empty, but suddenly there appeared a group of figures, holding bows and arrows and iron spears, they all launched a sneak attack on Nan Yusuo!

Fortunately, Chilong was right next to Nan Yusu. She quickly turned into a tight dragon ring and protected Nan Yusu with her body. The arrows and iron spears with strong penetrating power pierced its softness. Blood spilled from the wound.

   "Are you crazy?" Hu Bailing shouted.

On the cliffs around the stone wall, many pupils shot coldly at Hu Bailing, Songluo, Fang Niannian and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the night mist, one can see one after another scary silhouette, right Creeping on the cliff, looking like waiting for you!

   The middle-aged man named Huang Lu had a smirk at this time. He and the gatekeepers of other stockades quickly retreated out of this area and merged into the back of the blood-stained house.

Inside the seemingly gloomy room, heads of mourning dragons crawled out, some of their cheeks were still stained with unwiped blood from just eating, their paws were bloody, and the whole body exuded a sense of mourning. Can't satisfy them!

   "The people in Shitou Village who are still alive have been taken away by the Dragon!" Zhu Minglang's voice came from the barn.

However, his voice was soon overwhelmed by the low roars one after another. In the windows of the village houses with lights on, one shadow after another was reflected, not a human figure, but with long jaws and fangs. , The horrible Dragon of Claw!

These mourning dragons can fly on the cliffs like tigers and leopards, or they can crawl upside down on the beams like lizards and spiders. Some of them are weak and boneless and hide under the barn in groups. Climb out! !

  It is not the team that sent water that bewitched the soul, but the people in this stone village!

   This Lihuagou Second Village...

   is already the lair of the dragon! !


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