Dragon Tamer

Chapter 288: Bewitching the Dragon?

Zhu Minglang, like a pupil in a private school, nodded vigorously, listening to the teachings of Mr. Koi.

But Mr. Koi looked at Zhu Minglang suspiciously, and suddenly asked: "Have I said this to you many times?"

"No, this is the first time Mr. Koi has told me." Zhu Minglang said.

"You have to make your own judgments for young spirits, young dragons, and Chulong. After all, it’s a little luck to transform the dragon. But for some dragons, I think I can specify for you. If you encounter them, capture them as much as possible and tame them "Mr. Koi said.


Generally refers to the contest between the dragon herder and the wild dragon.

Not all dragons are raised from the young age, there are also some wild dragons, they will choose to sign a spiritual contract with the dragon shepherd.

But adult wild dragons have matured minds. They are proud and feel that human beings are a group of lower life beings. It is far more difficult to reach a spiritual agreement with them than to choose young spirits and young dragons.

In short, it is impossible for a novice dragon shepherd to capture wild dragons and tame them.

Zhu Minglang should be a novice, considering the length of employment.

So taming wild dragons is a difficult task for the dragon shepherd...

He simply can't!

"Mr. Koi, what good recommendation do you have?" Zhu Minglang asked humbly.

Zhu Minglang didn't go deep for the time being, just standing on the top of a mountain with a wider view, observing the movement in the stone village.

The surface of the Shitou Village looks like a quiet cottage, and people can also be seen patrolling, but the whole village has no breath of life at all.

There are no children playing, no women washing and cooking, and no woodcutters and farmers chatting on the way home. Everything looks so strange.

Zhu Minglang needs to wait for Jian Linglong and Shenmu Qingshenglong to regain their energy, so he sat on this hill, staring at the stockade, and asking for some knowledge on the dragon shepherd.

"You're half-hearted, you need too much knowledge, it's suitable to go to the Dragon Training Academy for a period of study." Mr. Koi said.

"I don't know the difference between Ji Ting's Dragon Training Academy and Lichuan Dragon Training Academy. It should be similar. After all, Dean Duan is also from the mainland." Zhu Minglang said.

"It's too rare. It may take too long to find it. According to your situation, I think you must have at least one purple dragon." Mr. Koi analyzed seriously.

Zilong? ?

Zilong is good.

Very much in line with the Rainbow Team that I implemented first!

Zonglin abounds in Zilong, it is Zizonglin.

Zi Zonglin is the most powerful, spreading all over the Ji Ting Continent, and it is one of the few who can fight against the court!

The four major forests, led by Zi Zonglin.

"Zi Zonglin, their Zonglin has the secret of the dragon gate, and can always find the blood of the purple dragon from the seemingly ordinary creatures, and help them to cross the dragon gate and become the purple dragon of noble blood!"

"Zi Zonglin's selection of young spirits and Chu Long are definitely the best in Ji Ting Continent!"

Mr. Koi actually hopes that Zhu Minglang will go to Zizonglin to study and at least learn their skills of Xianglong.

Every creature of the rigid dragon has a strong plasticity, especially the four stages of transformation.

The skill of Xianglong is extremely low cost, because most young spirits and Chulong are very easy to obtain, but once the dragon is successfully transformed, it will take off.

For creatures, transforming a dragon is equivalent to a rebirth.

No matter how inferior life is, even if it is a trivial firefly, after transforming the dragon, it will suddenly leap to the cloud that Fanling can only touch after thousands of years of practice. Most importantly, this cloud is only the beginning of the dragon's transformation. , After completing the four growth stages of the dragon, there will be a qualitative leap!

"This time the matter is handled, I must look for a purple dragon when I go back." Zhu Minglang nodded seriously.

"There are many types of purple dragons, and some bloodlines are not as high as the **** teeth. If you want to choose, you have to look for the supreme purple dragon." Mr. Koi said.

"Oh?" Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus slowly turned his head, looking like he was offended.

"Oh what oh, you are a prehistoric little black crocodile who has transformed into the current level. It is already a miracle. You know how to eat all day long, and you waste the ability of the awakened ancient dragon. You will deal with those lost dragons in the stockade. Take the lead!" Mr. Koi burst into full fire, and gave a head-and-head criticism of Big Black Tooth!

"Oh!!" Tyrannosaurus Lei Cang was aggrieved and looked at Zhu Minglang with a grievance.

Da Hei Ya didn't have any opinion on Zhu Minglang.

It was the big brothers and big sisters who had solved all the enemies that had appeared recently. Big Black Fang often rushed out domineeringly, roaring and roaring, and when he was about to fight for a good time, Bingchen White Dragon and Sword Spirit Dragon had all solved.

This feeling of lying down was pretty good at first, but it's really uncomfortable after a long time.

"It's okay, take your time, the cultivation base is not enough, the equipment comes together, when I unlock some of the bans on the melting fire armor, you will be invincible again!" Zhu Minglang said comforting Da Hei Ya.

"Oh!" said Da Hei Ya, the molten heavy armor seems to have indeed changed, especially since it has broken through its cultivation base and became the dragon master, the molten heavy armor seems to have been tempered.

The storm phantom feather that Zhu Minglang holds is a feather that will be strengthened as the dragon beast grows.

And this molten heavy armor made by Zhu Tianguan seems to have this particularity, it will complete a quenching and refining as the dragon beast cultivation base improves.

It is worthy of being the master of Zhumen, and the dragon armor made by himself is like a real dragon beast, which can continuously tap its potential!


In the afternoon, Zhu Minglang found that there was still not much movement in the village, and outsiders would not even notice the strangeness of the stone village.

Zhu Minglang couldn't help but set his eyes on the people who had been manipulated.

I remember that when I first entered the Shitou Village, there were a few gatekeepers in the village who spoke in the same way as normal people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even made the illusion of deliberate resistance.

The Yin Lingshi girl said that they had no soul.

A group of walking corpses, on the contrary, imitated people's behavior so realistically, which is a bit weird in itself.

If you regard the Sanglong tribe as an unsuccessful one.

Demon Shadow Sanglong is a hunter.

Batwing Sanglong is a soldier.

Gui Yin Sanglong is the leader.

Di Ye Sanglong is the tactician.

So what is it that controls the minds of these people?

The ancient poisonous fly dragon did not have the ability to confuse people, and the filthy night sang dragon was only one of the poisonous dragons...

"People who drink water will be poisoned to death and then manipulated."

"If the evil night sang dragon does not have the ability to bewitched, does it mean that there is also a sang dragon with extremely high intelligence and an extremely understanding of humans, which makes the dead look no different from the living."

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