Dragon Tamer

Chapter 297: counting stars


   The climate in Runyu City is really comfortable.

   Even in winter, you only need to wear a close-fitting lining, and then casually put on a good-looking gown, which will not feel cold or look bloated, which will affect your appearance.

   It's time to worry about Longliang again.

   Xiaobaiqi’s star fragment crystals were almost eaten, and Zhu Minglang had to drag people to several nearby countries to collect them.

The meat of Da Hei Fang is easy to solve. Hao Ye has hunted for Da Hei Fang’s monster beast meat that can’t be eaten for a month. Fang Niannian also sold the excess meat that is not suitable for storage and exchanged some dragon meat biscuits. Make sure that the big stomach king will not be hungry this winter.

  The wood juice of Shenmu Qingshenglong also has to be purchased with money, and the fruit of Judemo cannot be eaten as a meal.

   The main thing is that Xiao Baiqi's rations are expensive.

   I feel that no matter how many gems Zhu Minglang has searched, it is far from enough.

"Di Shi’s people have all taken away, the total is 700,000 gold. This time we have a good harvest!" Fang Niannian smiled, and when she saw a large sum of money entered the account, she was very happy. If the library is empty, she will feel insecure.

  The powerful dragon is far from a house of gold that is reassuring, at least Fang Niannian always thinks so.

   "The Dragon Soul Orb should also be very valuable, and it was also sold in the auction afterwards," Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, Xiao Baiqi's ration is about 150,000 gold, which can be eaten for two months. This time I changed the Yuehua crystal. After the bloodline is reshaped, the Yuehua crystal fragments seem to be more in line with Xiao Baiqi." Fang Niannian seriously handed Zhu Minglang the account.

   "Seventy-five thousand a month?" Zhu Minglang looked straight.

   Raise a dragon, with a fixed consumption of 75,000 per month!

   Fortunately, this time I made a lot of money, otherwise my small vault would be collapsed again.

"In fact, it is because of the closure of Runyu City's commercial roads. If Runyu City becomes a commerce and trade, many resources can be directly transported, and the price will be lower by 30 to 40%. Now it is not just that we have to spend a lot of money on Longliang. The dragon shepherd army, the dragon shepherds riding the blue wolves, and the dragon raising dragons in Runyu City, basically have to pay a high price to buy from elsewhere..." Fang Niannian said.

   "Not only is it lower than a few percent, as the lord of the city, I have to collect sales and taxes!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Yeah! I heard that Canglangqi has indeed been doing well recently. They wiped out all the robbers and bandits nearby. Not to mention, they are still receiving the **** entrustment of the Tawny Land Caravan. Why not open up Runyu City’s commerce? "Fang Niannian suggested.

  偌 is a big city with people everywhere.

   It just happens that there are not a few decent markets, no workshops, no shops, not even restaurants, small stalls, or food sellers.

   looks prosperous, but in fact it is extremely bleak.

   "We have applied for the seal of the city lord from the Academy of Divinity. With the seal of the city lord, many things can be implemented logically." Zhu Minglang said.


   One month, it passed quickly.

   Zhu Minglang applied for the seal of the city lord from the Academy of Divinity before. Considering that the seal of the city lord is still made of ancient lamp jade, Zhu Minglang is more eager to get it.

   When it's time, Zhu Minglang plans to go to the residence of Shenfan Academy.

   But the day before departure, there were a few people outside of Runyu City, claiming to be the academic affairs of Shenfan Academy.

   "Who is the lord?"

With a loud voice, on the stone brick level outside the city gate, a man wearing a crown of feathers and a colorful robe stood there, and behind him was also a person wearing a red crown and robe. He was magnificent, luxurious and arrogant. !

   Zhu Minglang came and looked at the five people from the Shenfan Academy.

   Come here, just go to the mansion to speak directly, why stand at the gate of this city, and look arrogant as if you are giving Runyu City a command.

   At any rate, it is the power of this land. It should be equal to the ruler. But looking at their faction, it feels like the world has come down to the world!

   "Are you here to return the seal of the city lord? I applied to the Shenfan Academy a month ago, and now Runyu City has been under my jurisdiction for more than a month." Zhu Minglang said.

   "What's the seal of the city lord, we are here to inspect on behalf of the order." The man in the color robe said.

   I looked closely and discovered that the man wore a gorgeous peacock robe, and the crown on his head seemed to be related to peacocks.

   "The orderer inspects?" Zhu Minglang looked puzzled.

"Not long ago, you announced that Runyu City belonged to Lichuan. We suspect that you took advantage of the loopholes in the dynasty's laws, under the guise of our Divinity Academy, to avoid national wars, and maliciously occupy the Wuzhu City, so we came here to investigate this matter. "The man in the peacock robe said.

   When Hu Chongming and Hu Bailing heard this, their expressions changed.

   How can there be such a thing.

  Even if they took advantage of the dynasty laws and avoided the national war, all their actions were in compliance with the dynasty laws and did not violate the rules of the forces in charge. How could they be inspected? ?

   Is it possible that they can still use false identities to fail?

   "Oh, it turned out to be here to find the fault." Zhu Minglang laughed and responded calmly.

   "What are you looking for? What is your intention? We are acting on orders!" One of the women of Shenfan Academy raised her eyebrows and pointed at Zhu Minglang.

   "Where is the seal of the city lord, is it in your hands?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "If the inspection finds a problem, we will not give you the seal of the city lord." The man in the peacock robe said.

   "If the seal of the city lord is not handed over to me, the upright city lord, who is your preferred delivery partner, is Sutai of Tu Guo?" Zhu Minglang asked rhetorically.

   The guy who commanded the 100,000 Brown Flag Army of Tu Guo!

   Until now, Zhu Minglang still remembers the way he stood on the shoulders of the Giant Spirit Slaughter Dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that arrogant look!

   After being blessed by the national war, they did not dare to provoke the dynasty law, but they used Shenfan Academy to make trouble for Runyu City.

   It is not an easy task to completely win Runyu City. This wasteland is vying for four countries, and the major armed forces and major forces are not willing to give up. It is nothing more than the attractive prospect of Runyu City!

   "We have some questions, we need to ask the national teacher in Lichuan country face to face." The man in peacock robe said coldly.

   "She is still sleeping."

   "This is daytime!" said the woman with horizontal eyebrows.

   "My wife and I were on the eaves last night while counting the galaxies slowly and tasting wine until dawn." Zhu Minglang said without hesitation.

   "Nonsense, how can there be a number of stars all night, do you think we are a three-year-old child?" the woman with crossbrows angered.

"Haha, girl, you have to believe what Zhu Chengzhu said about counting the stars, it is really a three-year-old child, two adults, who can't sleep all night, what else can you do!" At this time, crowded around the city gate. An old man said with a big smile.

   With that said, the people around suddenly burst into laughter, causing the woman with constant eyebrows to flush her cheeks. Then she pointed her finger at Zhu Minglang and said angrily: "You nasty person!"


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