Dragon Tamer

Chapter 310: a shame

   "It may take some time for me to come back and forth. Can you help the teacher and my classmates first unlock the freeze?" Liang Sifan asked.

   "Yes, but I will continue to detain people." Zhu Minglang said.


   Liang Sifan hurriedly left, Zhu Minglang continued to wait patiently.

   asked Xiao Bai to melt those students out of ice, and the students and the medicine servants were so cold that they turned purple all over, and they couldn't even speak.

   I wish Minglang let them move around, as long as they don’t leave the medicine hill.

   Of course, those students also saw the terrible Zhu Minglang, and they didn't dare to make trouble in front of this demon anymore. After they warmed up, they squatted honestly.

   "You villain, when the people from our penal institution arrive, you will surely be slashed!" Fan Lu with cross-brows pointed at Zhu Minglang, his arrogant attitude undiminished.

   "Ahem... Master Fan, the people from the penal institution were there, so it seemed to be thawed." At this time, a male student lowered his voice.

   After Fan Lu and these students were frozen, they didn’t know what happened next, and they had no idea about time. Fan Lu thought the people from the penal institution hadn’t come...

   turned his head to see, isn't that the Liang Quan from the penal institution!

   He and his rune masters were all poisoned?

   Fan Lu was shocked. He never thought that Zhu Minglang was so powerful that even the rune masters of the correctional institution could not handle him.

   "You don't want to be mad, our dean already knows about this, he won't show any mercy to you!" Fan Lu took a deep breath, then continued.

   "Hey, isn't the person with cuts and bruises this time the dean?" Another student found a man paralyzed in a piece of mutilated soil while helping other people who thaw.

   Even Feiling actually heard Fan Lu's words, but he was humiliated and didn't dare to say something, feeling that he had torn a few more wounds inexplicably.

   Fan Lu hurried over and glanced at the people in the pit.

   Soon, she covered her mouth, her eyes filled with horror!

   is really the dean! !

On weekdays, the dean of the hospital wears noble robes and a feather crown. Although he is nearly forty years old, he is still handsome, giving people a sense of transcendence as a true immortal monk. Fan Lu has always been the dean of the school. Lian Feiling regards as a role model...

   But no one would have thought that the dean also has such an embarrassed side! !

   This has completely subverted the perfect image of the Dean in Fan Lu's mind! !

   "You... have you lost to this demon too?" Fan Lu said in an incredulous tone.

   The head of the hospital Lian Feiling closed his eyes. Although his injury was not serious enough to speak, he didn't want to say a word.

   Soon, the other students who had returned to normal also gathered around.

   It didn't take long for the rune masters from the penal institution, they also came over, and there was a trace of luck on their cheeks.

   It turns out that the dean is not the opponent of this person, so it's not ashamed that their entire penal institution is wiped out.


   A group of people, sitting around a ball of flames, people who don’t know thought that the people of the Shenfan Academy would have a nice winter barbecue here...

   But at this time, everyone's faces are still not pretty, and there are not many people who talk. On the one hand, they really lose face this time, on the other hand, there are several dragons next to them watching them.

   Those innocent medicine servants, at this time, are looking for warm clothes and some warm food everywhere, obviously their bodies are trembling with cold, and they are still waiting for these people who have been defeated so disrespectfully.

   Finally, someone came and broke the tormented atmosphere of shame. The bruised and swollen members of the Shenfan Academy almost greeted the middle-aged man invited by Liang Sifan.

The middle-aged man has a fat body, a big belly, and a kind face, but his eyes are somewhat majestic. If such a person only sees his appearance, it is indeed easy to be ignored, but he can represent God Where the college is higher than the dean of the dean, it is obviously not as simple as it seems.

   "Second brother, shame, shame!" The middle-aged fat man walked up and saw Liang Quan from the correctional institution at a glance, shaking his head and repeating.

   Liang Quan from the Correctional Institution turned black with anger.

   So many people have lost, including the dean of the hospital, Lian Feiling, and Liang Zhong just pointed to himself alone!

   "I wish the city lord, this is my father, the early retirement of Shenfan Academy..." Liang Sifan said.

"Positions are not worth mentioning, young people, amazing. Our Divinity Academy is indeed ineffective in these years, but there is still some background. It is actually a person who defeated our penal institution and the dean of the penal institution!" Liang Zhong laughed, and gave Zhu Minglang a thumbs up.

  The faces of the people in Shenfan Academy are even darker.

   Sure enough, a daughter must have a father.

   Keqing, is this here to find a place for them? I feel like he heard that they were making a fool of himself and came to watch it with great interest!

   "Master Keqing, this person is arrogant and unreasonable. He doesn't put the authority of our Divine Ordinary Academy in his eyes, and even attacks us viciously..." Fan Lu scolded.

   Liang Zhong is naturally not a fool.

   Besides, on the way here, Liang Sifan has already told the whole story.

In Liang Zhong’s view, the Lord Zhu’s work is still very measured, and it can be regarded as giving enough face to the Academy of Gods. Otherwise, for their idiots, they will meet the real Demon Cult. There is a piece of fertilizer from the medicine hill, how can it give you the opportunity to complain here!

   "Wish the door?" Liang Zhong asked.

   "Well, I wish you a bright future."

   "Then you know Zhu Tianguan?" Liang Zhong asked next.

   "Father," Zhu Minglang replied.

   "Huh?" Liang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and he looked at Zhu Minglang, his face showing a little doubt: "Does Tianguan Zhu have a son? Why have you never heard him mention it to me?"

   Fan Lu and those students naturally know the origins of Zhu Minglang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, people like Mr. Ke Qing may not have anything to do with the big rivals, but they all care very much.

   Zhu Minglang scratched his head.

   I met Zhu Tianguan.

  As long as he is not in the imperial capital, Zhu Tianguan will not see himself as a person. This is in line with the father's style of behavior.

  Since he is affectionate, I wish Minglang to be a little polite, and the other party is obviously not here to trouble him.

"Uncle Liang should also understand the situation. As the city lord of Runyu City, I can understand that Shenfan Academy is unwilling to protect me, but in the same way, I will exercise my power as the lord of the city. Shenfan Academy forcibly occupy the spiritual veins, I will naturally not be polite." Zhu Minglang said.

   "Yelang is arrogant, you guys, oh... Zhumen is now the head of the six clansmen, not inferior to our Shenfan Academy, and is embarrassing here for taking the name of Shenfan Academy!"

"Look at people who are really powerful juniors, when will they talk about their power? Even if they win the battle, and still lose their body, they want me, a retired person, to come here to intercede with you. This matter will be passed on. The royal capital, why do you ask me Liang Zhong to raise my head in front of those sect masters, country masters, deans, and palace masters?

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