Dragon Tamer

Chapter 326: cannon fodder

However, the evil star dragon is still the supreme dragon among the dragons. It waved its wings, causing a rotten demon wind to blow under the clouds. The rotten demon wind swept over the archers, and their hands immediately appeared. Serious fester...

This decay and festering spread over them, and the scope was very wide. Among the 20,000 archers, four to five thousand were destroyed by this decaying art. Some archers in the center of the decaying devilish wind, even The whole body began to corrode, and the body of flesh and blood was steamed away by some fiery power, and only the armor was left!

The trapped dragon talisman is not fully effective. The evil star dragon can still cast its extremely powerful spells, and the physical power of the evil star dragon is also very terrifying. Its impact can directly smash the hard ground within a few kilometers. In the area, the talisman masters of the Shenfan Academy were even shaken out, and many of them fell into a half-disability!

"Don't be arrogant!!" Su Tai uttered a furious voice, directing the giant spirit to slaughter the dragon towards the evil star dragon.

While attacking the runemasters of the trapped dragon rune formation, the evil star dragon faced the giant spirit slaughter dragon head-on.

The Giant Spirit Slaughter Dragon is like a small mountain peak. It is a real giant dragon. Its arms are like steel and its body has armor-like rigid muscles. It tries to grab the Shaxing Dragon’s tail and throw it from mid-air. To the earth.

The evil star dragon is swift and agile, it easily avoided the grabbing of the giant spirit slaughter dragon, and then suddenly swam around, and a black virtual ring appeared on the trajectory of the body!

This black virtual ring was like shackles, locked to the sturdy body of the giant spirit slaughter dragon, making the giant spirit slaughter dragon unable to move, and then the evil star dragon opened the dragon’s mouth, and there were countless colorful streamers in the chest facing its throat. Flowing! !


A mouthful of starlight dragon breath sprayed towards the body of the giant spirit Slaughter Dragon. It looked colorful and extremely gorgeous, but in fact it contained huge terrifying energy, burning, piercing, crushing...

Like stars pouring out, this terrible breath completely disintegrated the giant spirit dragon's skin and muscle defense, and the blood of the giant spirit dragon was flowing out of his body.

The Giant Spirit Slaughter Dragon fell to a stone bridge and completely crushed the stone bridge. The whole body was soaked in the river water, and it was impossible to get up and fight again.

Su Tai stood on a high post, his eyes full of disbelief!

The giant spirit slaughtering dragon he was proud of was like a young dragon with no fangs or claws in front of the evil star dragon. It was defeated too lightly!

"Don't call the dragon lightly, let the army consume the mana of the evil star dragon first." Tu Wenhe said to Su Tai.

Sutai is still too naive, the existence of the evil star dragon, no matter what dragon is called to fight against it, it is equivalent to cannon fodder.

They do need a lot of cannon fodder, but it is definitely not their powerful dragon herders, and there are tens of thousands of soldiers who kill the country? ?


The loss was extremely heavy, and it looked like a mighty army hunting, but soldiers were no different from mayflies in the eyes of the evil star dragon. Its breath of dragon could wipe out thousands of people, and its bombardment of the earth could kill nearly a hundred practitioners. By.

The gods and mortals of the Academy of Gods and Ordinary have also lost nearly half, especially those rune masters who want to suppress the evil star dragon spell. Once those rune masters cast the trapped dragon talisman, they must stand on the spot and cast the spell. interrupt.

It was too easy for the evil star dragon to kill these talismans, as easy as harvesting grass and mustard.

Zhu Minglang stood far away. He saw the massive deaths of the Shenfan Academy and the Tuguo army. He also saw that the two Orderists Yan Guang and Chang Hong were not moved at all. They never faced the Shastar Dragon head-on, but Constantly issuing orders, constantly using various methods to try to suppress the actions and abilities of the evil star dragon, but in this process, people continue to lose their lives...

Similarly, the country hunter Tu Wenhe and his dragon animal husbandry team did not make any moves.

They just waited and watched, letting their army die tragically under the power of the evil star dragon.

Everything is mortal, and only the dragon is the supreme. Seeing the evil star dragon evaporating tens of thousands of people from the world in a short time, Zhu Minglang has a clearer understanding of this sentence.

"My son, it's kind of weird." Li Xinghua said softly at this time, her eyebrows locked tightly, even if she didn't want to see such a tragic scene of hunting a dragon, she still did not look away, as if looking for it. what.

"What's weird?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Before that, Li Xinghua and Nan Lingsha hid first. Now that they met, Li Xinghua didn't mean to leave Runyu City. She saw some unknown signs.

"The evil star dragon does not have the power of evil omen, it is not the seventh evil beast!" Li Xinghua said.

Of the seven great evil omens, there are now six efficacies.

Once the seventh great evil omen is also present, it means that an extremely terrifying omen will appear. I thought this evil star dragon was the seventh evil omen, so hunting it can actually prevent the omen to a certain extent. This world...

However, there is no evil omen's breath on the evil star dragon.

It is not a big evil beast!

If it weren't the evil star dragon, where was the seventh omen beast?

"If the evil star dragon is not a big evil beast, it should be considered a good thing. The evil star dragon is too powerful. It's really hard to say whether these people can hunt successfully." Zhu Minglang said.

The big evil beasts before are not too difficult to deal with, as long as they are found, their strength is probably only at the middle level.

The evil star dragon is different, and it feels like this guy is only one step away from the dragon king.

If it were the seventh evil beast, they would not be able to stop this irresistible catastrophe.

Li Xinghua shook his head. If the evil star dragon is not a big evil beast, everything may develop in a more terrifying direction.

What is the seventh evil beast?

Where is the Sky Beast?


Countless cannon fodder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ indeed consumed part of the mana and physical power of the Sharon Dragon.

But the Sha Xinglong was still unmatched. After more than half of the deaths and injuries between Shenfan Academy and Tu Guo's army, Tu Wenhe, Yan Guang, and Chang Hong finally took action.

Chang Hong, the One of Order, called out a silver-tailed purple dragon. This dragon was noble and beautiful, with silver whiskers and silver tail velvet, and the whole body was covered with purple noble dragon scales.

The silver-tailed purple dragon has a very high level of cultivation. It is afraid that it is the top of the upper ranks. It is close to the top. As soon as it appeared, the sky above Runyu City was covered with silver mad electricity. These mad electricity are thick and long. The destructive power of, even if it just passes by the pavilion, the pavilion will be vanished!

Subsequently, Tu Wenhe also called out his dragon beast.

As a country hunter, he is also a top dragon shepherd. The dragon he called is extraordinary. You can see a huge dark pattern printed on the vast ground. In the pattern, there are countless dead fires rising and forming A mountain of dead flames!

In the Undead Flame Mountain, a terrifying bone dragon appeared. It had a pair of surprisingly large bone wings, and a body with long bones like a snake. It had no claws, but there was a standing horn on the head, showing its pride and wildness!

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