Dragon Tamer

Chapter 440: Skilful

The little Queen Jingyu was originally here for excitement. She is still a bit rebellious at her age and likes to do something extraordinary.

But since seeing Zhu Minglang solve Xing Kun and Yan Xu, the little queen Jingyu found that hunting those terrible murderers was already a bit boring.

The man beside her is the real demon.

He was just wearing a white coat with a gentle smile on his face, giving people a feeling of being too ordinary, not to mention the arrogance that the strong should have.

But it was this appearance that deceived many people, and Yan Xu, a notorious Nihai bully, was dealt with.

"The time is coming, what should this dog do?" Luo Shaoyan stared at the yellow dog beast, and said coldly.

"If the dog is not loyal, it will be useless to hunt again." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

The yellow dog beast was frightened and scurrying, thinking that the subsequent wagging and hard work could protect its life, but I knew that these humans were just squeezing its final value.

"My dragon is also hungry." Luo Shaoyan sneered.


The hunt is over, and the hunt itself is not difficult for Zhu Minglang.

With the amount of hunting you have, you can basically get what you want.

After lighting the chimney, the Yan clan's pterosaur patrol soon flew towards them and carried them back to the Yan clan's temple.

"How many, can you see our son?" the black man driving the pterosaur asked.

Luo Shaoyan and Jing Yu both had slight changes in their faces. Did the Yan clan find out so quickly?

"Who is your son?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yan Xu, Master Yan Xu, he is also in the hunting team." said the black-clothed pterodactyl man.

"No, we are all hunting death row prisoners." Zhu Minglang replied plainly.

The pterodactyl man in black looked at Zhu Minglang, but in the end he didn't ask any more.


Returning to the temple, Zhu Minglang saw that some hunting teams had returned early.

Zhu Minglang walked to the steward of the Yan clan and handed over the death prisoner hoop he had survived.

Originally, Zhu Minglang didn't like this hunting game very much. Even if the hunting targets were all heinous villains, some of them were dragged in by the strict tyranny to make up the number.

Zhu Minglang met the guard of Huangye City, Ge Zhong, who was thrown here by Yan He and became a death row prisoner.

Zhu Minglang didn't hunt him, but told him that he didn't need to worry about the family in Huangye City, they were safe and sound, and the lizard water monster was eliminated by them.

After hearing this, Ge Zhong seemed relieved, and finally rushed to a sharp wood and pierced his own abdomen.

Rather than being eaten up by the evil worms in his stomach and enduring the extremely cruel torture, it is better to end his life first.

"Thirty-three, ranked second!" Yan clan supervisor read aloud.

Soon the guests who were sitting in front of the delicious food and wine cast their surprised eyes. They didn't expect that these unremarkable people could hunt so much!

"Shameless, you are so shameless and despicable, I want to expose that these people didn't hunt many death row prisoners at all. They specially robbed our other hunting teams. This is the person who turned to ashes and I can recognize it!!" Guan Wenqi rushed over in annoyance. Pointing to Zhu Minglang's nose and said.

"Isn't it normal for hunting teams to fight with each other?" Zhu Minglang said unchanged.

Luo Shaoyan and Jing Yu said nothing.

Other hunting games use yellow dog beasts to chase death row prisoners, monsters, and villains madly.

However, Zhu Minglang was looking for other hunting teams, after beating the people violently, all the hoops on the death row in their hands were confiscated. He was quite skilled, as if it was not the first time to do so!

In short, in addition to the real murderers who brutally killed slaves in the rocky limestone mountains, Zhu Minglang will kill them without hesitation. What Zhu Minglang does most is to rob other hunting teams.

Sure enough, after Guan Wenqi stepped up to accuse Zhu Minglang, several other teams stepped up and shouted at Zhu Minglang's behavior.

Zhu Minglang Chundang did not hear, and delivered these confiscated death row hoops, and then received his own reward.

After seeing that Zhu Minglang ignored those indignants, Luo Shaoyan and Jing Yu were even more sure that Zhu Minglang would often do such wicked things.

But wickedness goes to wickedness, the harvest is really rich.

Find a death row prisoner, at most one death row prisoner hoop.

Find a hunting team and basically harvest seven or eight hoops, otherwise how could they collect thirty-three in such a short time?

Those angry people blamed them, but they didn't dare to take Zhu Minglang like that. Zhu Minglang's Cang Luan Qinglong beat each of them to a bruised face. They were still very jealous.


Having collected the blood of the Evil Dragon Essence, Zhu Minglang is very satisfied with the quality of this bloodline artifact, which can just shape the bloodline of the **** tooth.

Considering that the missing of Yan Xu will soon be discovered by the Yan people, Zhu Minglang will not stay here any more, and will leave immediately after receiving the reward.

However, just walking to the entrance of the stairs and about to return to Mancheng, a man wearing a purple-black robe with a standing collar came with a large group of members of the Yan clan in black.

The man's face was gloomy. He glanced at the luxuriously-dressed guests in these grand events, and said to everyone in a calm tone as much as possible: "Everyone, it is Yan Zhen below. My son's whereabouts for this hunt is suddenly unknown. I suspect the guests. Someone among them killed him and destroyed his body, so please stay in my Yan Clan Temple temporarily, I need to investigate one by one!"

After speaking, Yan Zhen waved a big hand, and the hundreds of black-clothed Yan clan masters behind him immediately dispersed and surrounded the entire Yan clan grand meeting hall, not allowing anyone to leave.

"Several people, please go back to the hall." A burly Yan clan master stepped forward and said to Zhu Minglang, Luo Shaoyan, and Jing Yu.

Luo Shaoyan and Jing Yu were calm on the surface ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they were a little panicked, they couldn't help looking at Zhu Minglang.

Although the person was killed by Zhu Minglang, this matter also has a lot to do with the two of them.

"It's okay, go back for a drink." Zhu Minglang said.

Back in the temple, sitting back in the previous seats, Luo Shaoyan and Jing Yu are also big powers of the big family, they did not panic completely.

In this grand gathering, there are elders from other forces. Even if the matter is revealed, it is Yan Xuxian who has a bad intention first.

"Relax, they will be just bluffing, they haven't even found the body." Zhu Minglang said to the two companions around him.

"But Yan Zhen just said that the corpses were destroyed..." Jing Yu said.

"Trust me, I am professional." Zhu Minglang said with confidence.

"Yeah, yeah." Jing Yu nodded.

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