Dragon Tamer

Chapter 447: Seal king

Seal the king?

The conditions for becoming a king in the Ji Ting Dynasty are very harsh.

It's not that when the princes reached the age of getting married, the emperor would grant them a large fief, and then they became the princes of that land.

Even if it is a prince, the strength must at least reach the realm of the king, or if it rules the territory of more than four states, it will be truly king.

The little prince Zhao Yu is not a commander-in-chief, he is a dragon shepherd, and he holds a high position in charge of strength.

If he can be crowned king, it means that he already has king-level strength!

Think about it, so many years ago, he already had several high-ranking dragons. To say that the younger generation of the imperial capital is truly proud of the world, the little prince Zhao Yu must be one of them, not to mention that he still sits on the largest resource of the extremely court royal family. , There are countless spiritual veins, the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud, the dragons that can be obtained are probably very high bloodlines.

"However, it was later than expected. If he hadn't suffered any setbacks during his practice, he should have been appointed the king sooner." Zhu Minglang began to ponder.

It's not that Zhu Minglang is so proud. The so-called geniuses in the imperial capital have basically stepped on them, and almost none of them have their names remembered.

And this little prince Zhao Yu, he had never played against himself, knowing that he possessed extraordinary strength or because he was curious to trespass into the Dragon Kingdom of Cloud.

At that time, although the sword repair cultivation base was only at the standard monarch level, his sword state was enough to compete with the middle and upper monarch levels.

Zhao Yu made his debut a few years earlier than Zhu Minglang, but at that time he could let the dragon bite himself, and he could only run, which was enough to show that this guy was also a monster in the royal dragon shepherd.

Zhu Minglang is not surprised at all that he can step into the king level.

Even Zhu Minglang was very skeptical that he was the same as before, always hiding his strength.

Only now?

Since he had the upper position and the top Dragon Lord five or six years ago, how could he have only stepped into the king rank now.

"If it were me, I would hide a dragon, and wait for the second dragon to step into the dragon king, and then declare to the outside that I am a king." Zhu Minglang said.

Really powerful people don’t need to tell the world at the moment of promotion, just to win the support and applause of the people around them. Zhu Minglang has traveled these years and found that fierce people are often like this. You never know what level of his realm is. Every time someone catches up to their realm, they seem to have reached another level before long.

Things were not so coincidental. Just like when Zhu Minglang was still at the king level, he thought that Zhu Xuehen was always at the highest king level, but she saw it clearly after stepping into the king level. She had already broken through to the king level. , Even what I saw is not all of her.

Concubine Wen Ling's cultivation base shouldn't just be the ones she saw, otherwise how could she be the head of her.

The little prince Zhao Yu, like Concubine Wen Ling, are both spiritual monsters.

Few people have ever seen them display their full strength.

"No matter what, it's better to be careful." Zhu Minglang has a strong defense against Zhao Yu.

"Brother, do you think the little prince Zhao Yu fell in love with sister Li Caimo? If they can get together, it would be a wonderful story!" Zhu Rongrong said.

"Isn't it said that there are several candidates for the princess, if it is me, I will see a few more." Zhu Minglang said.

"This is not going to the market to buy Chinese cabbage!" Zhu Rongrong said.

"The royal family, since they are married for the purpose of making a king, they must consider a lot of things. For example, Qincheng will be able to bring this future new king in the future..." When Zhu Minglang said these words, there was a flash in his mind. idea.

The position of the little prince Zhao Yu has always been unclear, but once heard by Zhu Tianguan, this man is ambitious and not inferior to Wang An.

If the little prince Zhao Yu chooses Li Caimo as the princess, it is equivalent to marrying the Li clan, the second largest clan in Nihai, and Qincheng also becomes an important possession of the little prince Zhao Yu...

And the small inner court of Zhumen is also in Qincheng.

"There is a perfect resident in Nihai, which will help him expand his territorial power in the future. At the same time, if he wins Qincheng, can he severely suppress Zhumen?" Zhu Minglang tried his best to associate the little prince's intention to the small inner court.

In the imperial capital, the Zhu Sect has emerged as a clan sect comparable to the Pu clan, and has become the head of the clan faintly. Then the major forces will either make friends with the Zhu Sect or do everything possible to suppress it.

"This guy can't be a friend anyway, so I have to observe Zhao Yu's actions secretly, Qincheng, it seems that I will live for a few more days." Zhu Minglang made this plan.


Leaving the Camellia Party, returned to the small inner courtyard of Zhumen.

The style of the small inner courtyard is minimalist. It is mainly made of very smooth polished Tengqing granite. On the ground, steps and walls, you can also see some stone sword carvings and metal armor standing in the hall from time to time. There is a seriousness in the invisibility. , Quiet, solemn breath, no wonder Zhu Rongrong once returned to Zhumen, the smile on his face was a little less...

It's too cold and windy, not warm at all.

Of course, Zhu Minglang likes it very much. A man should live in such a solemn and luxurious mansion!

"Oh, forgot an important thing!" Zhu Rongrong said suddenly.

Zhu Minglang stopped and looked at her.

"It was the task that my father gave me a month ago. She asked me to collect wind crystal dandelions, but I haven't caught any of them..." Zhu Rongrong squashed.

"What's the use of that thing?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The fire can be strengthened. When the forging fire is not strong enough, we will throw an aeolian dandelion seed into it. Once the aeolian seed is crushed, a strong wind will be generated, making the fire reach our expectations. The effect of this, oh... this is our top secret of Zhumen, I shouldn't tell... Oh, my brother is his own, I almost forgot!" Zhu Rongrong said in surprise.

Zhu Minglang was amused by her cute look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But this is top secret, Zhu Minglang really doesn’t know, except for his surname Zhu, the others basically have nothing to do with Zhumen’s world-famous casting art .

"Such a strong fire can forge higher-quality appliances?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, the mild flames are completely different from the weapons that are cast with fierceness, and with good skill and luck, it is possible to add wind marks to swords and armors, which may have strange effects."

"I want to create a light-spirited saint suit armor for my Cangluan Qinglong." Zhu Minglang said.

"Then the wind mark pattern is even more needed, which can make the dragon in the sky better at controlling the wind, and long-distance flight can also save a lot of physical energy. Our most famous casting tool here is the Fenghuang Wing, which is used in Nihai Wanlong every year. Won the first place at the Jingkong event!" Zhu Rongrong said proudly.

Wanlong Jingkong is a very grand festival in Nihai. Tens of thousands of dragons set off from a designated place and fly to the other side of Nihai in a stormy climate. It is the most proud sky between dragons and dragons. Contest!

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