Dragon Tamer

Chapter 455: Assassinate the son


Suddenly, there was a wave of restlessness from the mark of the earth vein above the head, and some palpitation roars were mixed in it!

At this time, the three elders of Zhumen started to take action, one of them was the sword master, and he was carrying an extremely heavy sword.

Giving a wink to the other two, the elder Great Sword said, "It should be that 30,000-year-old evil flood, I will drive it away."

"We will also clean up some of the nearby seabed demons." The two elders of the Dragon Shepherd said.

Having said that, the three elders have already flew up and killed towards the bottom of the sea.

These three elders all have king-level strength!

The elders of the Zhumen are all top powerhouses who serve the Zhumen. Zhumen itself is based on casting skills. There are not many members of the clan who truly practice. It is precisely because of the existence of these elders that the major forces Now I am very afraid of Zhumen.

Too powerful casting art can win over countless masters. Although not all of these elders are loyal and swear allegiance to the family, as long as they sit in town and do not clear the obstacles, they have already brought huge benefits to the family. .

"Earth Vein Scars are also inhabited by some overly powerful ancient beasts. They accidentally break into this place every year and are burnt to death by Earth Vein Fire Liquid. Although there is no need to worry about them being taken away, it seriously affects Earth Vein Fire Liquid. Because of its stability, it is necessary to come over regularly to clean up, especially not to let the overly powerful Holy Spirit approach..." Zhu Wangxing opened the mouth to explain to Zhu Minglang.

Zhu Minglang nodded, this work of sweeping the marks of the earth veins is really not something ordinary people can do, no wonder four senior-level figures are required to travel together!

And seeing that these four elders are all kings, Zhu Minglang also feels relieved that even if An Wang and An Qingfeng make any moves, they must pass the four powerful elders first.


After completing the cleaning work, everyone left the mark of the earth vein.

Before leaving, Zhu Minglang also took a small half bottle of this special earth vein fire liquid with a clean bottle, which he called it a kind of collection.

But in fact, Zhu Minglang had other plans.

This kind of ground vein fire liquid can create an aura equivalent to a fierce fire with just one drop. If this bottle is matched with those aeolian particles, it feels like a powerful explosive that can directly explode all mineral veins.

If used to deal with people...

That picture must be very beautiful!

When he reached the surface of the sea, Zhu Minglang looked around again, wondering how Zhu Wangxing identified the specific location here, after all, there is no island or any sign as a reference.

Obviously, it is impossible to send someone to guard the Earth Vein Mark, but in this case, you only need to remember its location. Even if other forces have a covetous heart, it is difficult to find this special Earth Vein Mark.

It was relatively safe, and it was no wonder that only Zhu Wangxing and the four elders knew the path of this secret realm.


Back in Qincheng, Zhu Minglang began to work on two dragon armors.

The Molten Armor already has a complete form. What Zhu Minglang has to do is to take a sufficiently stable Earth Vein Fire Liquid, strengthen and refine it, and it is best to let the Earth Vein Fire Liquid activate the inside of the Molten Fire Armor. An inlaid inscription pattern, so that the entire dragon armor will be upgraded to a higher level.

After studying for a day or two, at night, Zhu Huo came to report some news.

According to Zhu Huo, he has mastered the exact whereabouts of Zhao Yinge and will choose to do it tonight.

Zhu Minglang didn't ask too much, let him do it.

Zhu Huo also understands that if he needs to regain his trust, he must take down Zhao Yinge. He did not hesitate...

After Zhuhuo left, an indifferent Zhu Minglang quietly followed Zhuhuo.

Zhao Yinge's straw bag is a straw bag, and he was also a young son who was given out. With the trouble Zhao Yinge had caused himself before, and this time he invited someone to pretend to be a flower to kill himself, Zhu Minglang would be able to bury him alive.

The reason why you don't do it yourself, of course you have to consider An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu.

Once An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu seized their handle, they would not be able to confess to the emperor.

It is most appropriate to let Zhuhuo do it.

But whether Zhu Huo is a spy who has been bought, or the core of Zhu Men's loyalty, can be understood by looking at his actions tonight.

So on the surface Zhu Minglang would not pay attention to Zhuhuo's actions. Whether he succeeded in solving Zhao Yinge or failed, he had nothing to do with him. He had to make up for the mistakes he made.

Secretly, Zhu Minglang still followed Zhuhuo, seeing clearly before choosing whether to show up.


In this action, Zhu Huoyou used some Zhu Men's eyeliner.

But it seems that Zhuhuo himself is the only one who does it. He is a swordsman.

Zhu Sect has always had a deep relationship with Jianzong. The core elders are also figures of the Sword Sovereign level. Some hall masters, rudder masters, and deacons are also disciples of Jianzong cultivation and are responsible for guarding the family gate.

After all, the clan sect is centered on casting art, so how could it not be dealt with by others without any fighting power, especially now that he is still standing at the top of the precarious clan sect.

Wearing a black night gown, Zhu Huo checked with a few eyeliners before heading to a tea garden.

The tea garden is elegant and special. The tea trees are at the back of the mountain and are trimmed to be extraordinarily neat. The fragrance of the new tea leaves has already been scattered inside and outside the tea garden.

Zhao Yin Pavilion has no pavement for the time being. At a tea pavilion in the tea garden, there is a little princess who is more delicately dressed, waiting for the arrival of a certain imperial son.

"A rendezvous? Zhao Yinge is so elegant. It is the little princess who seems to have heard Zhu Rongrong's words. She particularly likes to throw her arms and hugs." Zhu Minglang hid in the dark and watched quietly.

That little princess, Zhu Minglang, has an impression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She took the initiative to hand over tea, pour wine, and chat during the Camellia Party. In addition, she also took the initiative to show to several other nobles. Over.

Zhu Rongrong was very wary of the little princess beside Zhu Minglang, and in short he was extremely unfriendly.

Zhu Minglang was very puzzled. After the little princess left, Zhu Rongrong told Zhu Minglang: This little princess is a famous socialite in Qincheng, or a famous snobbery and quite aloof!

As long as the man can bring benefits to herself, she will hook up.

Zhu Rongrong was on guard against her, thinking that he was worried that his cousin who had come from afar would be hooked up by this woman.

"The vision is still as bad as ever. This little princess's appearance is not as good as the ugly oiran. Zhao Yinge is hungry and has no choice but to eat, or the high-quality little princess has been picked away by the two more prominent ones, An Qingfeng and Zhao Yu. ?" Zhu Minglang laughed secretly in his heart.

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