Dragon Tamer

Chapter 481: Shaving scales

"You, Zhao Yu, are only worthy of being my grindstone!" Zhu Minglang has a blazing light in his eyes.

He took a big step forward, igniting terrifying blazing energy all over his body, and he could see that the rock crystal land was crushed by his foot.

In the process of stomping forward, the sword suddenly slashed, and what was cut out was a scar of splitting, and you could see that the earth vein cave was divided into two.

It was the Golden Devil Dragon King that Zhu Minglang cut towards, and the Golden Devil Dragon King roared, resisting Zhu Minglang's heavy stepping sword with his burly body!


The Golden Devil Dragon King is also wild and domineering. The golden devil scales on his body are extremely hard. The huge dragon scales are no different from the dragon wearing heavy golden armor.

Zhu Minglang's sword fell on it, and a series of sparks appeared, leaving only a sword mark that was not deep or shallow.

The Golden Devil Dragon King lifted the giant claw, which suddenly evolved into a giant mountain claw for some reason. When Zhu Minglang was remade, the heavy mountain claw was no different from a mountain crushed to Zhu Minglang!

Zhu Minglang is also confident to the extreme. He doesn't dodge or hide. With a sword flying, the sword Qi Hong provoked is like a dragon rising into the abyss, and his momentum is not inferior to this demon mountain heavy claw!

The claw of the Golden Devil Dragon King was stabbed by Zhu Minglang's sword, and the blood overflowed.

It was so angry that it spewed corrosive ambergris towards Zhu Minglang, which were blood red, like a flood of evil blood tumbling.

Zhu Minglang drew the gossip sword skillfully. Before the golden dragon king spit out all the blood, Zhu Minglang flipped his wrist, the sword stretched flat, his thoughts moved, and the fire mark inscription on the sword spirit dragon sword. It immediately became brilliant, and those ancient sword patterns released billowing flames, just like the waves of fire sweeping in all directions when the restless fire liquid was infested!

Just when the restless fire pattern was completely released, Zhu Minglang swept away suddenly, and saw the fire wave rippling out with the trajectory of the Zhu Minglang sword sweep, forming a shocking fire wave sword wave!

The fire tide sword wave drowned the blood dragon of the Golden Devil Dragon King, and even lifted the burly body of the Golden Devil Dragon King into the air.

When he hit the rock crystal stone wall, the huge body of the Golden Devil Dragon King was immediately buried by the falling boulders, and the little prince Zhao Yu who was originally on the Golden Devil Dragon King was also very embarrassed. He took away, Zhao Yu would be hit by a boulder like the Golden Devil Dragon King.


The Golden Devil Dragon King's physique is indeed too strong. It roared and shattered all the huge rocks on its body.

The magic light was released from its golden devil scales, and at the same time the devil blood flowing from the three pupils of the golden devil dragon king suddenly became hot and terrifying.

Zhu Minglang will naturally take advantage of the victory. When he flew into the air, he happened to see the eyes of the Golden Demon Dragon King, but his three eyes simultaneously displayed a disturbing Demon Realm of Fear!

Zhu Minglang felt a little lost, and then he seemed to escape into a strange world.

There was demon blood pouring down on the top of the head, and his feet stepped on a turbulent blood pond. A huge blood-red evil eye floated around him, looking at it with a cold and indifferent attitude. Yourself.


This Golden Demon Dragon King is displaying the pupil domain, but its pupil domain is more like a kind of spiritual torture, making people unable to see the original world, and can only be devastated in this terrifying land full of demonic blood. .

Looking at those eyes more, I felt a little panic, the blood pool under my feet was rising rapidly, and I was about to drown myself completely.

And the sword in his hand became heavy for some reason, and his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth were also inexplicably overflowing with magic blood!

Take a deep breath, I wish Minglang calm down my heart.

He simply closed his eyes, because he knew that everything he saw was only magic pupil fantasy, and it was the Golden Demon Dragon King who was using his evil pupils to interfere and intimidate himself.

Suddenly, a feeling of being surrounded came, which made the keenly aware Zhu Minglang immediately realize that the Golden Devil Dragon King had opened the mouth of the mountain of blood and was about to bite himself into its belly!

At the same time, all the magic blood around Zhu Minglang rushed over like a stormy sea, wrapping Zhu Minglang, the thick magic blood was rapidly condensing, turning into a piece of bloodstone, and Zhu Minglang was to be completely sealed. inside.

As a last resort, Zhu Minglang can only retreat. The Golden Devil Dragon King’s three-pupil demon realm is still powerful and can make all its offensive methods hundreds of times terror. Zhu Minglang can’t judge its true actions, so it’s difficult to get close. Fight.


At this moment, Zhu Minglang heard a familiar roar.

A thick darkness enveloped Zhu Minglang's head, and the darkness obscured the blood that was constantly flowing down. Even the thick blood demon pond under his feet was replaced by a black swamp.

In this dim package, Zhu Minglang gradually recovered his normal vision, and gradually saw the actions of the Golden Devil Dragon King~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the dark dragon domain of the Tiansha Dragon King, as the dragon that governs the night. , The fear suppression it brings to creatures is definitely not inferior to this Golden Demon Dragon King, it helped Zhu Minglang dispel the Golden Demon Dragon King’s blood demon domain!

Getting rid of the weird demon realm, Zhu Minglang stepped on the raised rock mushroom when sprinting forward. As the rock mushroom shattered, his whole body exploded with amazing power, his body and sword almost merged into one in the air. It turned into a sharp and gorgeous scarlet sword shadow!


A sword directly pierced the forehead of the Golden Devil Dragon King, right in the third eye of the Golden Devil Dragon King!

The bloodshot bulge of the pupil suddenly burst open after being pierced by Zhu Minglang with a sword.

The devil blood is covered with the face of the devil dragon!

"Roar!!!" The dragon roared in pain, and the magical light on his body was also dimmed by the broken eye.

Zhu Minglang looked at the scales of magic light, and found that the scales had textures like eyes!

I wish Minglang suddenly realized!

No wonder I can't get rid of the pupil domain. The key to this magic dragon's frightening blood domain is not its eyes, but these huge scales!

These scales release magic light, the magic light is dazzling, and the scale pattern is hallucinogenic, making people confused between reality and illusion, and can only struggle powerlessly in that strange zone.

"I'll scrape your dragon scales first!!" After Zhu Minglang knew what the opponent was doing, the corners of his mouth could not help but float up with confidence.

Step on the head of the Golden Devil Dragon King, Zhu Minglang rotates his body, and suddenly swings his sword from the position of the Golden Devil Dragon King's neck. The sword does not cut its neck, but forms a windmill-like sword ring!


The sword revolved extremely fast, Zhu Minglang resembled the sword in his hand like a hot red wind wheel, rolling over from the golden devil dragon king, he saw the golden devil dragon king like a fish on a chopping board, the scales were very skillfully shaved off!

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