Dragon Tamer

Chapter 484: This sword master

"Just die." Zhu Minglang didn't bother to drag Zhao Yu away, and threw him here for the sea beasts to eat at will.

But the little prince Zhao Yu seemed to have heard Zhu Minglang's words in his delusion, and he woke up unexpectedly, but he forgot that this was the seabed.

He swallowed countless dirty sea water at once, and actually choked myself to death while sucking the sea water wildly!

Talent, little prince.

This is much more cute than the usual hypocritical and arrogant appearance, the whole figure is like a toad filled with water and swelling!

Zhu Minglang is holding this tragic prince in one hand. It can be seen that he is about to drown alive, but Zhu Minglang also knows that as a Dragon King-class dragon shepherd, his physique is not as fragile as he imagined, so he dragged this slowly. The toad, whose head was beaten to death, swam toward the middle of the mark of the veins.


At this moment, Tianshalong let out a low roar.

It stared at the dark sea, and the horns of the dark crystal brightened up at this time. The pale brilliance reflected on the bottom of the sea, faintly showing a figure that was breaking through the water!

At first Zhu Minglang thought it was the evil dragon that was nearly 30,000 years old, but soon Zhu Minglang realized that the breath of the guy who came was even more terrifying than the evil dragon.

The speed was ridiculously fast, and he still broke through the sea. Zhu Minglang saw that the other party was killing him straight, and he did not dare to slack at the moment.

Throwing the Toad prince aside, Zhu Minglang suddenly drew his sword. The sword drew a brilliant spark on the bottom of the sea. Then I saw that the sword spark changed from one to two, from two to four, and from four to innumerable. The fire!

The entire seabed was shining brightly, and the Fiery Sword Flower flew towards the sudden water-breaking figure, and at the moment when the sword was out, Zhu Minglang could see what happened to him!

Is a person!

A mortal being dressed in gold and copper armor, and covered with thin golden aura!

How mighty Wu Zong!

The strong among the four sects!

I saw this martial artist traversing through the flames of Zhu Minglang's fiery flames, and the golden aura around him began to become powerful and sacred, shrouding him like an ancient bell, and the sword flames of Zhu Minglang hit it, like It slammed into an extremely hard metal substance.

He slammed a punch at Zhu Minglang. The punch was pressed like a flying mountain, and the seabed rock layer where Zhu Minglang was located sank suddenly, and an extremely exaggerated fist mark appeared!

Zhu Minglang is also fierce, as the swordsman faction, he has never counseled other gods!

With oneself as the center of the circle, a perfect sword ring was cut out, and the sword ring immediately formed a raging gossip. With the fierce sword aura, Zhu Minglang would dare to stand firm even if he knew the opponent's cultivation base was above him!

This martial artist, the mortal, is so powerful that he is afraid that a dragon king will be knocked to the ground by his punch. Zhu Minglang is secretly surprised, how could this deserted island suddenly emerge such a powerful The gods and mortals come, is it possible that they have been coveting this earth vein **** for a long time? ?

Zhu Minglang’s raging fire and gossip sword qi was shaken away, he gave up his defense this time, his body and the sword in his hand flew at the same time!

Jian Shuo!

The figure flickered, and the sword flew through. Zhu Minglang's leap process perfectly passed the martial arts master, avoided the majestic mountain of fist, and even moved towards this when the figure traveled extremely fast. A sword was drawn on the back of the fighter!

Zhu Minglang originally thought that this martial artist would grant fists to resist, but unexpectedly, this life had carried his own sword, and then he saw him rush to the seabed rock formation and quickly caught the water-filled prince toad. !


The rock formation turned into powder, and after the fighter pretended to kill Zhu Minglang, he immediately stepped on the bottom of the rock, then broke through the water and walked away, not fighting Zhu Minglang at all.

Zhu Minglang was also stunned.

He rescued the little prince Zhao Yu...

It turned out to be the old slave dog of the little prince Zhao Yu!

After all, he is the prince, and there will still be some dynasty masters hidden around him who are used to save his dog's life. It is probably the last life-saving talisman that the emperor gave to his son who has a good eye and a low hand.

In this way, the little prince Zhao Yu almost choked to death by the sea.

"Be forgiving and forgiving, Lord Jianzun, please don't bother with a junior." The martial arts master was far away, but he still came over.

"You have to politely ask me for someone, and I can give it to you. At any rate, he is the little prince of the extremely court dynasty. How can I cut it off at will? Even if you are dignified and confronted with me, I can give someone to you. You. But your sneak attack on me is really shameful. Wuzong's Wuzun, is now also a dog for the royal family?" Zhu Minglang also passed the sound transmission, taunting.

This martial artist didn't seem to recognize him, and mistakenly thought he was the Sword Sovereign who was secretly waiting in the small inner court of Zhumen.

But Zhu Minglang probably knew the identity of this martial arts master. If not surprisingly, it should be the monk master who was beaten by his own power, and was equally despicable and pretending to be a good thing.

"Your Excellency, there will be a period later." The warrior said in a strange tone.

"Next time I will chop you down, old dog minion!" Zhu Minglang cursed.


Wu Zun He Xuzi, who was flying through the water, suddenly shook his body and almost broke his majestic golden clothes!

Old dog minion...

These words were so ear-piercing, how could He Xuzi not be angry at this time.

If he didn't care that the little prince Zhao Yu was dying, he really wanted to raise his fist and kill him.

Jianzong! !

Dignified Wuzong Wuzun, how many people in the Ji Ting Dynasty dared to say half-disrespectful words to himself? ?

Regarding the cultivation base, He Xuzi can be above the opponent, but after being attacked by the opponent behind his back, he still swallows this breath...

I glanced at the **** little prince Zhao Yu...

Just this little bastard, if he is not for trouble, if he is not entrusted by others, he will not follow such a place like an old eunuch, just to save his life!

"But who is that Sword Sovereign? He seems to be very young." He Xuzi frowned, thinking about his question carefully.

The opponent is the sword sect.

The sword in his hand is extraordinary, flowing with flames.

And the swordsmanship he used is also overbearing and strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wu Zun He Xuzi has never heard of any swordsman of the Sword Sect near this Qin City!

The Sword Sovereign who walks in this Great Court Continent now actually all have names and surnames. He Xuzi recognizes more than half of them. He has never seen or heard of the others. Only this Fire Sword Sword Sovereign seems to have never seen it before. Never heard of it.


On the other hand, Zhu Minglang actually didn't bother to chase.

The main reason is that there are still people in the Earth Vein Cave who need to be rescued. In addition to cutting off the Nuwa Dragon's lifeline is also very important, after all, those fire stalks will grow again.

Zhu Minglang immediately returned to the earth vein cave.

He first helped Zhu Rongrong, Zhu Wangxing and others to a safer place, and then walked to the Divine Core, relying on that ray of spiritual perception to find the key Life Core.

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