Dragon Tamer

Chapter 492: Doubt life

"Let me come. I have a dragon and strive for perfection. I have always cultivated with my heart to ensure that every part of it is strengthened to the extreme, every talent potential is perfectly utilized, and every spell is cultivated to the peak. It is only the main level, but it is enough to easily kill four or five thousand years of demons!" Fan Zhi stepped forward.

   ranked fifth, Fan Zhi is slightly different from others on the road of Mulong.

   Even though he only has one level of Dragon Lord now, even someone who has three levels of Dragon Lord like Song Lu is not his opponent after all.

For some people, they can break through if they want to break through. They are not lacking the spiritual resources to break through the cultivation base, nor is it because their dragon pet has not been promoted again, but the dragon will be able to break through at every stage. When it is strengthened to perfection, then when it enters the next stage, it will be much stronger than the fellow practitioners!

   are like dragon claws and skin scales.

   There are some king-level dragons, and their skin scales are probably only equivalent to some main-level dragons, and it is difficult to withstand some powerful attacks.

   Some master-level dragons have mad claws. Even the king-level dragon is torn to the point, and it is equally possible to let it die...

   Fan Zhi couldn't help but smile when he saw Han Ke who was desperate.

   Too many people don’t understand this, they just blindly pursue higher cultivation. On the contrary, the more advanced the dragon shepherd, the more they will pay more attention to intensive cultivation and strengthening when cultivating new dragons of spiritual covenant!


   Fan Zhi went to the big competition arena, he called out his own Eternal Frost Dragon, a dragon with ice attributes.

He did not rush to attack, but said to Zhu Minglang: "Some time ago someone bought a Luan gentian gentian from our mansion at a high price. The gentian will be used, just to strengthen it. Your Cangluan Qinglong might not It’s just that the cultivation base is at the upper monarch level, right?"

   Fan Zhi is not as flirty and arrogant as Han Ke. He took this battle very seriously, and also mentioned the Cangluan Qinglong who had just defeated the heroes.

   Even if it is a high-ranking monarch, it will take a while to deal with the three-headed quasi-monarch-class dragon, but the Cang Luan Qinglong of Zhu Minglang will sweep out the three quasi-monarch dragons just like the garbage...

   It can be seen that this Cangluan Qinglong is not only a high cultivation base, but also has been strengthened in various aspects, and may be close to the peak!

   "Good eyesight." Zhu Minglang smiled.

   There is finally someone who knows the goods.

   Cangluan Qinglong is more than a little stronger...

   This Fan Zhi didn't know that the gentian bought in his mansion was only exchanged for a small portion of the Supreme Sea Eagle Emperor Soul Orb. Zhu Minglang strengthened the Cangluan Qinglong Seven Dragon Sign!

Any enhanced spiritual resources at the Jun level are very expensive, and most people have exhausted their energy and money to improve their cultivation. Few people will refine Long Zheng. Zhu Minglang is now rich in wealth, in order to let Cangluan Qinglong enter It is smoother and stronger to reach the Dragon King level. What he wants is to keep improving!

   Your own dragon needs to fly through the catastrophe. If you can’t ensure that it is perfect enough, you may fall in the process of flying through the catastrophe!

Of course, what Fan Zhi doesn’t know is that Cangluan Qinglong’s cultivation base is still unstable. It has just experienced a major shaping state. As long as it goes through a few more battles at the same level, it can easily reach the top position. , And also belong to the best in the top position!

"But you, the Cinder Black Dragon, are not condensed to the extreme. The main level has the characteristics of six dragons. Your dragon has only the scales, teeth, and breath, which have reached the realm. The remaining three are still a bit short. "Fan Zhi continued.

   "Condensed?" Zhu Minglang showed a bit of surprise when he heard what the other party said.

   Condensing this statement, Mr. Koi has mentioned it.

Mr. Koi always sleeps and loses his memory. Many of Zhu Minglang’s knowledge about raising dragons is incomplete. For example, in the area of ​​strengthening various parts of the dragon, Zhu Minglang only knows to spend money according to Mr. Koi’s requirements for the time being. Mr. Koi has never said clearly how to prescribe the right medicine for the training of other dragons.

   It turned out to be condensed.

  Strengthening should only be a general term. The process of improving the strength of a dragon is called strengthening, and this kind of specific dragon characteristics is called condensing.

   But Zhu Minglang has one more question.

   "Why is the main level six items?" Zhu Ming Lang asked puzzled.

"Dragon son has one item, dragon general has three items, dragon master has six items, and dragon king has nine items. The reason why dragons are called dragons is precisely because they have the characteristics of dragons. The more characteristics, the higher the bloodline. Although the improvement of this will increase and strengthen the characteristics of these dragons, not every characteristic will change accordingly. At this time, it is necessary for the dragon shepherd to perfect them." Fan Zhi doesn't mind talking about this. , After all, there are not many people who care about condensing Long Zheng these days.

   Since Zhu Minglang will only call out the Dragon Lord Black Dragon to fight on this occasion, isn't the purpose also for condensing?

   In Fan Zhi's view, Zhu Minglang is a fellow man.

   "Well, that Cangluan Qinglong should have two more items that are not extremely condensed." Zhu Minglang touched his chin and said to himself.

   "What, your Cangluan Qinglong has condensed seven items?" Fan Zhi heard it, his eyes full of astonishment!

   Every time you condense at the Jun level, you have to plunge into a big gold mine.

   Zhu Minglang has condensed seven items? ?

   What is the difference between Cangluan Qinglong dealing with other uncondensed dragons, and trampling on cockroaches!

   "That's not right, my Cangluan Qinglong has more than nine items." Zhu Minglang said.

"Dragons with high bloodlines will have one or two more. The standard I just mentioned is the number of characteristic items that dragons have at least at each level. Of course, dragons with special circumstances or broken dragons will appear less than that standard." Zhi said.

   I wish Minglang understood it all at once.

   Dragons with high bloodlines will have one or two more dragon characteristics on the original basis, and after the cultivation level is improved, the dragon characteristics will also increase.

   Each additional dragon characteristic is equivalent to an additional ability.

  How many items does the Dragon King have?

   Zhu Minglang recalled his Heavenly Fiend Dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every time this guy fights, he seems to be able to perform a skill he has never seen before... For example, the last time the dark form and the tail of the light.

   "Understood, I thought Cangluan and Qinglong had reached Consummation, but I didn't expect that there were four uncondensed items, um, um, could be stronger!" Zhu Minglang muttered to himself.

   Of course, only Zhu Minglang and Fan Zhi could hear these words. After all, this big battlefield is huge and the surroundings are very noisy.

   "Hey, haven't beaten yet, why is your face so bad?" Zhu Minglang returned to his senses and glanced at Fan Zhidao.

   "Let's start the fight, if at the main level, I can't lose to you." Fan Zhi no longer wants to chat with Zhu Minglang.

   can show off to this point, ghosts can have a good face! !

   That Cangluan Qinglong, the upper emperor, seven condensed!

   This configuration is estimated to dare to abuse even the top!

  In terms of true power, I am a thousand miles away from others. If this rule is not fixed, it is not qualified to be a sandbag for others! !

   Why is it so embarrassing to ask people why their faces are so bad? People with a bad mentality just cried and cried, doubting life.

   (The next door is being renovated, and I have had sleep problems recently. Make some adjustments. Yesterday and today will be less and more, and tomorrow will be normal for three chapters~~~)

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