Dragon Tamer

Chapter 499: Demon Girl


If you don't follow the usual path, a problem is prone to appear.

No shop in front of the village.

Fortunately, it’s not the first day for Zhu Minglang to sleep and eat. He set up a bonfire, put up a simple awning, and laid out comfortable cushions. It was not particularly miserable. He was alone in this mountain. Among them, it seemed a bit lonely and lonely.

Neither Yingyingling nor Xiaoye Jiao can enter the spiritual realm. Zhu Minglang basically took them all the way. At first, most of them were some powerful dragons in the concession. After all, he had a lot of luggage, so he had to prepare food for his dragon pets.

But within a few days, Zhu Minglang discovered a magical skill of Nuwa Dragon. She can create a magical magic similar to Xiaobai Qiwei's hidden universe, and put some important items of Zhu Minglang in it...

Moreover, Nuwa Dragon's universe spells seemed to be more powerful, with more items that could be put in, and both the existing and the taking, which made Zhu Minglang finally able to pack lightly.

Universe spells are relatively rare, and utensils that can hold items are even rarer. Therefore, when some dragon herders go out, there is basically a giant dragon beast responsible for carrying supplies, and there is nothing to do with the logistics of the march. the difference.

Zhu Minglang does not have this kind of dragon around, so Zhu Minglang will not carry some heavy items. With the spell of Nuwa Dragon, Zhu Minglang can even not even the Concession Flying Dragon. He holds the little Yingying Ling in his left hand and on his neck. Wrap Xiaoye Jiao and fly directly with the sword.

Even if your sword flying technique is not good enough, you can take this opportunity to practice one or two.


The beef ribs roasted on the bonfire were already cooked. Zhu Minglang used a fine dagger to pick up the delicious beef. When he was about to enjoy it slowly, there were a few noises nearby.

At first, Zhu Minglang thought it was a small animal that was attracted by the smell of meat, but after a careful perception, he realized that someone was approaching him.

How could someone suddenly pop up in this wilderness? ?

It's not just people...like a woman?

Zhu Minglang looked at that direction. The limited firelight of the bonfire only illuminated a small area around. A tall and thin figure came out in the bushes. She was dressed in a moon coat, luxurious and beautiful, and this waste The countryside is out of place.

She walked along the fire, and her figure became clearer and clearer in the outline of the bonfire. For a moment, Zhu Minglang had an illusion that the woman who appeared inexplicably was an illusion, perhaps some kind of fairy is imitating people. Looks like, using illusion.

But after insight, Zhu Minglang found that this was a woman of flesh and blood, dressed gorgeously, with stunning looks, and her figure was so beautiful that she was so beautiful...

"Dare to ask the girl..." Zhu Minglang spoke first.

The woman dressed in Yue Yun glanced at Zhu Minglang’s outdoor canopy, untied the cloud scarf she was wearing in her hair, and then slowly lifted Yue Yun from her shoulder in front of Zhu Minglang. The jade arm fell off, folded it carefully, and hid it under the velvet cushion.

Zhu Minglang looks silly, the freshly roasted beef is not so fragrant.

In the wilderness, the bonfire is swaying, and the beauty who appears inexplicably comes up to relieve Luo Chang. This situation is very similar to the opening chapters of those monsters spread by the people, and the content is often very sweet and extremely attractive!

"Some people are chasing me. They haven't seen me, so stay here for a while." The woman did not continue to undress. She sat by the campfire, her fingers stained with gray, and gently wiped her white as a moon. On the cheeks.

Her clothes at the moment were not unusual, with her long hair **** and her cheeks a bit of charcoal black. She even took the coat that Zhu Minglang hung on the side and put it on herself.

"This..." Zhu Minglang really didn't know what to say for a while, he listened a little further away, and soon heard some footsteps.

Someone is really chasing her.

What kind of people is it?

"I am the daughter of the Demon Cult. They are the crusaders. You protect my identity, and I will not treat you badly." The woman who covered her stunning appearance said solemnly.

"Magic?" Zhu Minglang was surprised.

Before Zhu Minglang asked again, a few footsteps were approaching. They were very fast. From the weight and frequency of their footing, one could know that they were all gods and ordinary people with relatively high cultivation skills.

The bonfire continued to burn, and several men and women dressed in white appeared. They walked straight up without speaking, but first looked at Zhu Minglang and the witch.

"Master, this bonfire has been burning for a while," said a young man with long eyebrows.

"En." The teacher who looked a bit prestigious and solemn nodded and said to Zhu Minglang, "Why are you here?"

"Just wading through the mountains, resting here, but you suddenly appeared in this wilderness, which scared us." Zhu Minglang said.

"We are chasing a demon," said the young man with long eyebrows.

"Oh, how many dare you to ask?" Zhu Minglang was familiar with their costumes.

"We are Baishang Jianzong." When the young man with long eyebrows said this, he was proud of himself.

"Baishang Jianzong, long up for a long time." Zhu Minglang said in surprise.

Baishang Sword Sect, this is a large forest, although it is not as authoritative as the Yaoshan Sword Sect and the Mianshan Sword Sect, it is only slightly inferior.

As a former member of the sword sect, Zhu Minglang naturally knows the Baishang sword sect.

It turned out that he ran to the boundary of Baishang Jianzong.

"You are?" The teacher asked, casting his gaze on the witch girl.

"Partner." The Witch replied calmly and calmly.

She just concealed herself, that she made herself look like sleeping and sleeping. After all, her makeup at the beginning was too exquisite, and other people could tell at a glance that she could not be a traveler with Zhu Minglang.

"Oh, then what are the identities of the two, since they dare to step on the wilds of this monster, shouldn't they be ordinary people?" The teacher then asked.

"Next, Zhu Minglang, a small swordsman in the Sword Sect of Yaoshan." Zhu Minglang revealed his identity at this time.

"Yaoshan Sword Sect!!!" These people were surprised at the same time, their eyes all of a sudden falling back to Zhu Minglang.

The witch girl's beautiful eyes also stared at Zhu Minglang in surprise.

"Yes, I didn't expect to be able to meet every swordsman in this mountain. It's a great honor!" Zhu Minglang said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But where is your sword? "The teacher is indeed more rigorous. He looked around and never saw Zhu Minglang's sword.

"The next one is the sword master of the Feijian school." Zhu Minglang said, with a move.

In the darkness where the bonfire could not shine, a bright red sword flew slowly and fell beside the bonfire and landed beside Zhu Minglang.

(One of the four major torments in life: the decoration next door.)

(Sleep explosion, the update will be a little messy these days, I'm really sorry, I will adjust it as soon as possible! There are two chapters, update before 7 am, this will be too sluggish. Take advantage of the quiet and sleepy, sleep Yes. No way, I used to sleep during the day before~)

(I also blame me, why don’t you work hard enough and can’t afford a large single-family villa in the city, so there will be no next door~~~~)

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