Dragon Tamer

Chapter 510: Attack the mountain

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Little Ying Ling ate round and round, as if there was too much aura. It gave some aura to Ye Youying. Ye Youying didn't realize what was happening, so her cultivation level suddenly increased a lot.

Xiaoye Jiao is also very diligent. It twists on a large damp spiritual stone, opening its mouth and vomiting these auras.

Although there is no Dragon Transformation, Xiao Ye Jiao's cultivation base has reached about 900 years. Before that, Zhu Minglang fed him a lot of soul orbs that he had obtained from the academy.

With this spirit stone cave, Xiao Ye Jiao gradually faded away from the wild spirit aura on his body, gradually transformed into a spirit Jiao, and his cultivation level finally broke through the 1,000-year mark!

Although it hasn't been long since it was born, it is now equivalent to a thousand years of practice for monsters and spirits!

This growth rate is also considered rapid.

"You two little guys, you have to surpass some dragons in terms of cultivation base, why is there no sign of dragon transformation?" Zhu Minglang opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Ying Ling and Xiao Jiao Ling.

"Dududu~~~~~~~" Xiao Yingling rubbed the back of Zhu Minglang's hand with her long pointed ears, as if she was young and didn't want to grow up.

Xiao Jiaoling was also very confused.

Isn't Jiao and dragon close relatives? It stands to reason that Jiao Ling is the easiest to transform dragon.

The cultivation base has broken through for a thousand years, and the scales on the body seem to emit aura, but there is no dragon characteristic on the body, no horns, no claws, and no dragon's breath.

"Hey, I don't blame you, probably because I cultivated you wrongly, take your time, and you will always find a spiritual creature suitable for your dragon transformation."


Big Black Fang was in the spirit realm, and immediately taught the two spirit babies his own dragon transformation experience!

Eat more meat! !

If you want to transform a dragon, you must eat more meat, eat solidly, and eat with all your strength. You can transform a dragon soon, and you must believe in yourself, that's how you came here!

Xiao Jiaoling nodded without understanding.

Xiao Yingling shook her head frantically there, indicating that this baby does not like meat.

Probably because the little Jiao Ling is still very young, its cultivation base rises very quickly, but its body grows slowly. If you usually go out, you can wrap the little Jiao Ling around your neck without wearing a scarf. What is the difference.

"It seems to be saturated." Zhu Minglang stood up slowly.

The superimposition of the cultivation speed has slowed down, not as obvious as the first step in.

Unless you stay here for several months, your cultivation level will indeed rise a lot, but Zhu Minglang is not a dragon shepherd who lacks aura and spiritual resources, his dragons are more lacking in experience.

"Since you are a swordsman, why are you still raising these young spirits?" Ye Youying wondered.

When she first saw Zhu Minglang, she noticed Xiao Ying Ling and Xiao Jiao Ling, thinking that Zhu Minglang was a lone shepherd.

"There are so many skills that don't overwhelm me, sword masters are just my side job, they are not ordinary young spirits, they will be more powerful than fairy ghosts after transforming into dragons." Zhu Minglang smiled.

Ye Youying was amused by Zhu Minglang's words, especially when she looked at the little firefly spirit who looked like a plush pet, and the little dragon spirit who had never been a dragon...

Fairy ghosts are more terrifying than dragons.

Otherwise, why don't those people in the Summoning Cult change their careers to become dragon shepherds, and have to become slaves of immortals and ghosts and make themselves inhuman and ghost? ?

The people of the entire Summoning Cult are not brain-prone, if they hadn't witnessed the abilities of the fairy ghosts, how could they be so crazy!

"Anyway, thank you for this special little Yingying Ling, it helped me break through a realm." Ye Youying said.

"It likes to help others." Zhu Minglang didn't care too much. Good novel

Every time a gift is given, the little Yingying Ling's fluff can store a little more aura. Zhu Minglang's dragons, including the little Jiao Ling, are saturated with aura at this stage, and it doesn't matter if they are given to Ye Youying.

"Before, fairy ghosts were also..." At this moment, Ye Youying spoke, but hesitated when she said it.

"If you don't want to say it, don't force it. Anyway, I'm going on my way. There should be no fairy ghosts where I go." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

"Those who lose their way in the forest will have blue birds to guide the way. When the flood comes, schools of fish will jump out of the water to tell the boatman. Mountain pickers are poisoned, and they can often find detoxification herbs nearby... The forests, rivers and mountains have their own They are also blessing people in their own way. Immortal ghosts are not as scary as people think. I have been rescued by immortal ghosts." Ye Youying suddenly said to Zhu Minglang.

Her tone didn't want to be arguing, it was more like mumbling, telling herself.

After a long time, Ye Youying went on to say: "The only thing that can defeat the fairy ghost is the fairy ghost. The only thing that can purify them is themselves."

"It seems that you have a long, long way to go. After all, letting people face their fears is to stand on the opposite side of them." Zhu Minglang said.

"But it's better than living a lifeless life. That's not An Sheng. We evokers can't be the street mice in this world forever!" Ye Youying's eyes were firm.

"En, en, come on, although you can't even convince me, but I believe that if you fumble, you will eventually bring some light to the evoker." Zhu Minglang was on the side, as if the matter was too complicated , The look of staying away.

Ye Youying looked at Zhu Minglang, always feeling that Zhu Minglang exuded a breath of salty fish with no ambition.

The enthusiasm of this guy seems to be limited to not troublesome.

Sword Master of the Mountain Sword Sect, huh, it's just a mere name!

"I didn't lie to you. That moon coat is my mother's relic. She was stabbed to death by the head of the Baishang Jianzong. The fairy ghost she protected is a fairy ghost who has never killed innocent people or even blessed them. The forest faeries of several clansmen." Ye Youying seemed to understand something after practicing calmly.

Fairy ghosts are divided into good and evil. People only saw evil ones, but they didn't know good ones. Her mother died because of protecting the affected ones.

"No wonder, you have a solemn and holy temperament when you wear that moon coat. Probably there is a soul on this coat that dares to confront authority. This also makes me instinctively think that you should not be a female devil who kills and drinks blood. "Zhu Minglang said.

"Give me back!"

"Oh oh oh, I thought it was a magic weapon."



After walking out of the Lingshi Cave, I didn't know if I stayed there for a few days.

The sky outside was overcast. Looking over here, Canggu Mountain and Lake was inexplicably covered by a haze, not as bright and sunny as before.

"The smell of blood comes from the mountain gate." Zhu Minglang frowned and said to Ye Youying.

"There is a fairy!" Ye Youying's face turned pale, and she looked at the direction of the mountain gate in horror.

"Why are there so few people?" Zhu Minglang walked all the way in the direction of Jianzhuang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not see a few disciples of the Baishang Jianzong at all.

Upon arriving at Shanping, Zhu Minglang finally saw a familiar figure, Mingxiu.

Mingxiu was injured, her lips turned pale, and a female disciple next to her was helping her to bandage the wound. She was seriously injured, but she still resisted, as if she stopped the bleeding and went down to the mountain gate to continue fighting!

"Mingxiu, what happened?" Zhu Minglang asked hurriedly.

"It's the Summoning Cult, they are attacking the mountain!" Mingxiu said.

"Where are the others?" Zhu Minglang looked around in a puzzled manner, Baishang Jianzong had too few people than usual!

"The head, master, teacher, hall master, and most of the disciples have gone to encircle and suppress the Lair of Summoning Demon Sect. They will not be able to return for a while. There are only a hundred people in our sect left behind..." Mingxiu's voice trembled slightly Said.

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