Dragon Tamer

Chapter 521: Lichuan

"Mulongshi (

But these people who still do not affect the dynasty continue to explore the ancient relics in Lichuan. This ancient relic is not a barren ancient valley like the brown land. It is probably an ancient temple similar to the Dragon Kingdom of the Cloud. It can make a dynasty stand brilliantly in all ages. China has always maintained its dominant position.


In Ruiguo, this country of grasslands and lakes has changed a lot. After a defeat, they seem to be more prosperous. The walls of the city are towering, the army is in order, and the practitioners also abide by their own precepts. , The common people also took advantage of this wave of drainage from Lichuan and began to display the Ganoderma lucidum, spiritual fruit, spiritual flower, and spiritual beast that had been treasured for many years, and how much they could sell.

The folk power is very powerful, especially in the mining area. The rich city-states and even the spiritual resources collected from the folk every year can surpass those forces that occupy the spiritual veins and secret realms.

"Old man, what are you selling?" Zhu Minglang was about to enter the city, and when he saw a stall outside the city gate, he asked curiously.

"Spirit sweet potato!" said the old man selling melon proudly.

"How did you grow such a big sweet potato?" Zhu Minglang asked puzzledly.

"Young man, if you can't buy it, I'll tell you if you buy it." The old man selling melon said.

"Come on, I'll feed the dragon," Zhu Minglang said.

"Okay, let me tell you that we leave Sichuan as a land of gods and blessings. One night, the moon was exceptionally round, and the moonlight was particularly bright. All of our crops that have been illuminated by the moon will grow the next day. It is full of spiritual energy. It is no exaggeration to say that my sweet potato is comparable to a 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum!" The old man boasted while weighing Zhu Minglang.

"Old man, you said that big talk, from the first sentence there is a problem." Zhu Minglang couldn't help laughing.

"Where is the problem?" The old man said rather unwillingly.

"This is Rui Guo, how did you leave Sichuan..." Zhu Minglang said.

People like Ruiguo are too thick-skinned, so they don't want their own national titles to keep up the heat.

The old man was even more unhappy. He stood up, then pulled Zhu Minglang to the very center of the road, and then pointed his finger at the city gate, making Zhu Minglang look inside along the city gate’s avenue into the city.

Zhu Minglang looked around and suddenly saw a relatively new stone statue erected on the road into the city. This statue...Although only the lower body can be seen, the skirt and the jade feet are so familiar!

"Do you know who that is?" the old man said.

"Is it a female monarch?" Zhu Minglang asked tentatively.

"Yes, Rui Guo is gone a long time ago. A group of mediocre and incompetent rulers. When they were there, we Rui Guo people were so poor that they ate grass every day. Now the female monarch has unified this grassland and has officially changed to Lichuan. Look at the divine grace we are now feeling. Even the soil contains spiritual energy that is not found elsewhere. Whatever grows, throw a seed, and there will be a sprout the next day. Only a few years ago, a spiritual seedling appeared. At present, there are at least two or three crops in one wave. Rui Guo is unlucky, so we are also citizens of Lichuan now!" The old man said with a proud face.

"..." Zhu Minglang was holding an extra-large sweet potato and was speechless for a long time.

The little Lichuan really couldn't stop Li Yunzi's ambition.

This Rui country is too spineless, even if you lose the battle, in the end, even the country name has been changed, and the symbol of the rule of the prince-the statue of the prince has been directly erected on the city!

It turned out that Rui Guo was just another piece of wasteland, and in the end it still did not escape the fate of being conquered.

No wonder the military uniforms patrolling the city look so familiar, they have all turned into female military guards.

"What did you mean by saying that the moon is particularly round and the moonlight is particularly bright?" Zhu Minglang continued to ask.

Zhu Minglang broke open this sweet potato, not to mention that it contains a little aura. It does have a significant effect as some young spirits who like this kind of food. Of course, there is a little difference from the so-called 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. .

But sweet potatoes are very good to grow. They don’t have very harsh growth conditions like Ganoderma lucidum. After a baptism of moonlight, the soil will contain such aura. Wouldn’t it be possible to cultivate countless high cultivation skills here? God and ordinary, have cultivated many dragon masters and dragon kings?

Zhu Minglang then went to a few more stalls and found that the crops sold by these old farmers had a bit of aura, regardless of whether the ordinary melons and fruits had aura or not, the size was two or three times the usual size.

Dragons are big stomach kings, and the rulers in some places even take away half of the civilian crops to feed the dragons in the army and serve the powerful battlefield dragon herders.

Dragon food comes from the folks, and some spiritual resources also come from the folks. Once this kind of aura appears on a piece of land, the speed of its prosperity is very impressive!

It's no wonder that this Rui country was ruled clearly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to have undergone tremendous changes.

"Could it be that there is gold everywhere, the mountainous spirit treasure is real, and there really are miracles in Lichuan?" Zhu Minglang muttered to himself.


Continuing to walk towards the land of Lichuan, the biggest difference Zhu Minglang can realize is that going to the west cliff of Lichuan is like going to a market...

As the lava faded and the mist dissipated, this West Cliff turned into a West Cliff Side City, with stone towers rising, road development, and even some forces sitting here!

Had it not been for the traces of the collision between the mainland and the earth, Zhu Minglang thought he had gone wrong!

After passing Xiya, Zhu Minglang saw Xitu, which originally belonged to the Lingxiao city-state, but now it has also become part of the Lichuan State, and the dynasty and Lichuan State jointly established order.

More than half of the people of Xitu died in that battle, and those who survived became slaves. After the establishment of order, slaves were released and turned into peasants and labor. Although life was still very difficult, it was better than before. Slaves who are treated as livestock live better.

The soil of spiritual energy also appeared in the western soil, which is mainly reflected in the sandy soil green plants. The flowers grown from the sandy soil green plants carry a strong aura. If some practitioners absorb the breath, they can increase their cultivation for several years. .

Therefore, the practitioners who are new to Lichuan are going crazy to search for these sandy green plants, but it is not only other practitioners who compete with them for these spiritual flowers, but also some monsters who have become inexplicably powerful. !

Xitu is still in a semi-chaotic stage. There is no power to eliminate demons. Demons will even appear near the houses where people live. Similarly, they will smell the green flowers that exude aura.

Practitioners can improve their cultivation, and these demons who have cultivated into spirits for a long time are more demanding...

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