Dragon Tamer

Chapter 526: Stove dragon


The Ancestral Dragon City is much more prosperous than in the past. Gods have appeared on the earth, so that a lot of resources here suddenly emerged. Those cultivators who hunted and explored the entire Lichuan land often placed the spiritual objects they obtained. Come to sell in Zulong City State.

This provided Zhu Minglang with a lot of convenience. It just so happened that Cangluan Qinglong and Refining Cinder Black Dragon still had a few unconcentrated items.

Early the next morning, Zhu Minglang found his young assistant, Fang Niannian.

When I saw Fang Niannian, this girl stopped selling peaches.

She now has some insights on raising dragons, and is using her knowledge of markets, shops, and auctions to dump the ingredients and spiritual resources everywhere, earning a lot of money, and they are already leaving the Li family compound. I bought a small house far away, and it was only a few steps away from her favorite Hedeng Street.

"You can come back, people are going to die of boredom!" Fang Niannian saw Zhu Minglang, her eyes turned into a cute little crescent.

"I thought you said you wanted to kill me." Zhu Minglang also smiled.

"Of course, I miss the **** teeth!" Fang Niannian said these words, and the smile on her cheek became brighter. She pulled Zhu Minglang's sleeve, as if she wanted to show Zhu Minglang a baby.

Zhu Minglang was following her in confusion, Fang Niannian finally took out an ancient dragon gentian and said to Zhu Minglang, "I bought this from a stupid hawker, and I don’t know where he received it. Baby, I see it as a high-level spiritual resource, and it is an ancient gentian."

"This gentian can increase the power of the dragon's breath, yes, Xiao Niannian, you are about to become a little expert in raising dragons!" Zhu Minglang praised.

This ancient dragon gentian is very high-quality, and its level is very high. If it is given to the Cinder Black Dragon, its dragon breath can be condensed to the sharp edge. This old dragon phlegm is estimated to be able to incinerate a small army in an instant! ! !

However, after calling out the **** teeth, Fang Niannian looked at the Lianjin Black Dragon with a bewildered little cheek, and finally pounced on Zhu Minglang, scratching like a little wild cat!

"Big wicked, you ruthless and indifferent big wicked, even if the blood is not high, the **** tooth can't give up. Use a **** dragon to lie to me, you bastard, I will never be a little butler for you anymore. En Jue Jue, I wish Minglang you are a big bastard!!" Fang Niannian cursed while scratching.

On the side, the burly and mighty **** tooth scratched his big dragon belly with his big claws, looking gloating.

"It's the **** tooth, it's just transformed after the bloodline was reshaped!!" Zhu Minglang explained dumbfoundedly.

The Black Dragon of Refining Cinder and the Tyrannosaurus Thunder are indeed quite different, and even their attributes have changed. Fang Niannian has come into contact with various dragon breeders anyway, and naturally knows that even if a dragon evolves and advances, it cannot be attributed. A twist occurs.

Therefore, Fang Niannian decided that Zhu Minglang must have disliked that the bloodline of Big Black Tooth was too low, abandoned it, and then tamed another black dragon. Although the teeth were still black, it was not the stupid he liked. The **** teeth are so cute!


Da Hei Fang came out to persuade him at this time.

"You communicate with it yourself, the black dragon of refining the ember is the **** tooth, how can I abandon the dragon partner who shares the joys and sorrows, I am the most noble dragon shepherd." Zhu Minglang said.

"Really **** teeth?" Fang Niannian's eyes were red, thinking that the real **** teeth were hiding in a cave and licking the wounds.

"Oh!!!" Big Black Tooth slowly brought his head down, and lifted Fang Niannian up with his dragon's horn, so that the petite and exquisite Fang Niannian could just sit on its head.

This familiar and intimate behavior allowed Fang Niannian to stop the sadness and anger.

Zhu Minglang really sweated a lot.

"Xiao Qingzhuo has also changed, let me tell you in advance." Zhu Minglang said.

"What good fortune did they get, why did they metamorphose to such a high bloodline?" Fang Nian asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, maybe they work harder." Zhu Minglang said perfunctorily.

This kind of thing is really unclear in one or two sentences.

"Oh, aren't they eating extraordinarily expensive now?" Fang Niannian realized this problem.

The higher the bloodline, the more expensive food is needed. Fang Niannian actually hoarded some high-quality dragon food, and he waited for Zhu Minglang to come back, so that these dragon pets could become fat and white one by one. Change, many dragon foods are a bit rough!

Fortunately, the Zulong City State is now full of high-quality dragon grains, so it should not be too difficult to purchase.

Fang Niannian took notes very seriously, and recorded each dragon’s current preferences, tastes, attributes, bloodlines, secondary attributes, condensing levels, spiritual resource requirements, soul orb requirements, and talents... …

Fang Niannian also remembered the preferences and needs of Xiaoyingling and Xiaojiaoling in great detail.

"By the way, there is a special dragon, I want to buy it." Fang Niannian said suddenly.

"Do you want to raise a dragon too?" Zhu Minglang said.

"It's a stove dragon."

"What dragon?" Zhu Minglang almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"The stove on the stove, yes, I saw it at the auction place yesterday. It has a big copper shell on its back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a copper pot, and this kind of dragon usually eats coal. It will produce huge heat, you think, we often go out to experience, if it’s rainy, we can’t even cook by fire, we can only eat the unpalatable dry food. This kind of dragon, most dragon herders will definitely not raise it, then It happened to be raised for me. I like it, but it is too expensive for me to buy." Fang Niannian continued.

Apply for funding!

This stove dragon is extremely unique, but it is a bit tasteless for many dragon herders. After all, it doesn't seem to have too strong fighting ability. It is only thick skin and can protect itself.

This stove dragon is very suitable for their team, but if Zhu Minglang signs the spiritual contract, it would be a waste of his limited number of spiritual contracts, so it would be more suitable to raise it by himself.

"Stove dragon is good, and I have also heard that dragon ingredients that have been specially cooked are of great help to nurturing. You can also buy it, but do you have a spiritual appointment?" Zhu Minglang asked seriously. .

"Yes." Fang Niannian smiled more brilliantly, and continued, "I went home that day and ate a peach from my family. The next day after eating, I seemed to have a spiritual appointment."

"???" Zhu Minglang's eyes looked at Fang Niannian changed.

He seriously suspected that Fang Niannian had spent a lot of money to buy a spiritual covenant fruit so that he had a spiritual covenant.

"Agree to allocate funds. No matter what the price is, you can buy it. From now on, you will not only be our little butler, but also our chief cook!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Great, I also have my own dragon!" Fang Niannian opened her slender arms happily, and the swallow pounced as if she had returned home, and kissed her bright cheek without any embarrassment.

On the contrary, Zhu Minglang's face blushed, although she also knew that Fang Niannian was just too happy, and a little overwhelmed.

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