Dragon Tamer

Chapter 529: Time wave

She pointed at these days on the rice paper with a paintbrush, and said to Zhu Minglang: "Once it fails, the spiritual veins in the world will be exhausted at an extremely fast speed. The mountains, rivers, earth and rivers will no longer give birth to the slightest aura. The fragmented territories of the country, the sun is like a raging fire, scorching the sea and the mountains and forests. The barren nature will no longer be able to give people food and clothing, and people will not be able to grow a grain of grain in the broken land..."

"It's just that there are so many countries, so many forces, countless demons, and a lot of dragons on this land."

"All living beings are squeezed together without time to adapt. For example, if a hungry beast is locked in a cage, the end result is only one, a man-eater, a demon-eater, and the birth of a small practitioner. When the young dragon grows up, there are piles of white bones under its feet."

Zhu Minglang listened. For some reason, when Nan Lingsha stated all this, he did not feel how untrue, and even this horrible scene appeared in his mind!

At this moment, countless people and countless practitioners are immersed in the joy and madness of the explosion of spiritual energy. They do not know that in the near future, once the world fails to advance, this place will become a **** on earth!

If this land is barren from the beginning, with limited living power and limited numbers, then this place is just primitive.

But as Nan Lingsha said, there are so many countries in the Great Court Continent, and the population of demons is overwhelming. All creatures can only survive by eating each other!

"The interesting thing is that if it succeeds, this scene will happen. A large amount of overflowing aura makes some people stronger, making ambitions continue to expand. Now there are many lunatics pouring into Lichuan, they are fighting for one. The spirit flowers fight each other, fighting for a spiritual fruit to destroy each other. In the near future, more sacred grass trees will be born. Practitioners will gather in places of strange power. Isn’t it a beast in a cage, the winner alone Honor?" Nan Lingsha continued.

I don't know why, Zhu Minglang felt that when Nan Lingsha said the latter sentence, there was a little excitement in her tone, as if she couldn't hope to see such a scene of constant disputes.

The explosion of spiritual energy means that practitioners have more adventures, think about it, so some strong people will become stronger in such an environment, and if they are the first to contact the secrets of the dragon gate, they may be thrown away at once. A lot of other practitioners in the Great Court Mainland!

"Looking at what Miss Lingsha said, the girl knows a lot of mysteries. Is there anything to point you?" Zhu Minglang was too lazy to be compassionate. What he needs is greater spiritual resources, no matter what the end of the world ends up. Being strong is the only way!

"People call this anomaly the gods. In fact, it was a wave of years that swept from the dragon gate of the world. The wave of years only affected plants at first. It can make ordinary weeds produce medicinal effects like ganoderma. It will also turn the spirited lingguo flower into the sacred fruit flower. "Nan Lingsha does know a lot.

"Time waves?" Zhu Minglang once heard Li Xing painting say this word, but this kind of time waves are time ripples lingering near the cracks in the ancient ruins, which only make a limited area of ​​time become chaotic.

But listening to Nan Lingsha means that the waves of time gush out from the dragon gate and swept across the land far away from and farther away from Sichuan, causing the vegetation to grow wildly and the spiritual things constantly emerging!

"Well, this wave of years is the key. Every time it comes, it will bring a change to everything. The first wave of years just ripened many dealers, fruits, and let the plants grow wild. The second wave of years will come. The aura of heaven and earth has become abundant, even rain and dew are full of spiritual energy. The third wave of years will arrive at midnight tomorrow, and some special spiritual plants will instantly accumulate thousands of years of precipitation, so many forces are already early Staying near those spiritual things, just waiting for this wave of time to come." Nan Lingsha said.

Zhu Minglang's mouth is open to the boss.

No wonder everything grows wildly and aura bursts out!

The power of time exists in the Dragon Gate! !

All things have spirits, and most of them have a long history, and many of the demons' cultivation is based on living long and slowly accumulating precipitation, so time is actually a key to spiritual cultivation!

A huge ripple gushes out of the dragon gate, which is endowed with the power of time, so that the soil, vegetation, and water sources in the world have obtained this spirituality, so the entire Lichuan showed an amazing phenomenon of aura explosion!

It's incredible!

"What's the plan for Girl Lingsha?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"I saw a 10,000-year phoenix tree. The fruit it produces is the fruit of cultivation. It's a pity that it has been taken over by a sect." Nan Lingsha said.

"Um...Why are you going to grab it?" Zhu Minglang asked tentatively.

Nan Lingsha gave Zhu Minglang a meaningful look. Zhu Minglang reacted quickly and changed his words: "It is to defend what belongs to us!"

"After it's done, we divide it equally, how about?" Nan Lingsha said.

"Absolutely!" Zhu Minglang nodded.

Not a family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you don't enter a family, the concept of the artist's sister-in-law coincides with me!


Isn't the so-called time wave a big opportunity?

At this time, it must be dark and cruel!

"There is still a small problem. The Silver Fir Sacred Lu of the Nan's Sacred Forest has also shown a very amazing growth. Not surprisingly, the Silver Fir Sacred Lu is also expected to be born in the next wave of years. I I'm worried that someone will covet the silver fir sacred dew for ten thousand years, so you have to keep the master in the Nan's sacred forest." Nan Lingsha said.

"Wan...wannian Yinshan Saint! Don't worry about Miss Lingsha, I will let the Tianshalong stay in the woods of Yemen's house, and kill as many as you can!" Zhu Minglang said with a straight face.

Saint Lu of Wannian Silver Cedar! !

It turned out that Nan also got great benefits this time! !

I remember that the centuries-old Saint Lu was already the most extravagant thing the Nan clan could come up with. Unexpectedly, because of the appearance of the Dragon Gate this time, their Nan clan's sacred forest would really become a sacred forest!

Ten Thousand Years Silver Cedar Saint Lu, this thing does not overlap with the effects of other spiritual resources, with it, I am afraid that Xiao Qingzhuo will be able to sprint towards the realm of the king soon!

"Girl Lingsha, you reminded me that besides the fruit tree, what else do you like? I have a lot of strong dragons now, and I can operate on multiple lines to defend as many super spirits as possible. Things!" Zhu Minglang said.

"There is a rain pond with a pond of spirit jade inside, and the spiritual energy contained is quite huge. At this time, there is a small forest guarding him. The strength is not weak, but there is no king-level strong." Nan Lingsha said.

"Really!" Zhu Minglang said with a smile, "That happened to be given to Cangluan Qinglong. With its current strength, it is enough to protect a rain pool!"

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