Dragon Tamer

Chapter 541: Don't know good or bad

"Then Brother Lao Zhengyu will run a few more times. Those people in Runyu City are trustworthy." Zhu Minglang said.

Runyu City is really rich.

On the way here just now, someone from Runyu City sent a letter saying that some of the annual income had been replaced by gold and silver, and in a few days he would be under the name of Zhu Minglang, the city lord's bank.

There are four million gold, just to fill a large sum of money that I just went out.

As for the sum of money called by Zhumen, Zhu Minglang has no plans to pay it back.

Anyway, for Zhumen, I kept the tranquil fire liquid, what happened to my money? ?

Although the little elder who gave the money looked extremely ugly...

"By next year, the guaranteed income will be doubled by five times, and it will even be possible to train a dragon soldier to be honest with the surrounding countries, so as not to affect the business. The countries in the brown land are extremely ignorant and pedantic. Dawn The people are miserable, but the rulers are still doing a lot of work, taxing and conscription." Zheng Yu said.

"En, leave it to you. Regarding governance, I only trust you Zheng Yu." Zhu Minglang nodded vigorously.

Zheng Yu slanted his eyes to look at Zhu Minglang, and after a while, he said, "Brother Zhu, listening to your tone, are you planning to be a hand shopkeeper? The female monarch expands the territory and trims her own backyard. I just came back from Runyu City, Rui The grassland city-states west of the country are all marked on the map of our country. My country’s assistant, I don’t look at the map for three days, and I can’t even figure out where my country’s borders are!"

"Those who can do more work, those who can do more work, with Brother Zheng's intellect, if you don't govern a piece of star-constant Hongyu and the heavens of ten thousand realms, you will be a talented person!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Hey, maybe I really blame my narrow thinking and can't keep up with you and the female gentleman. By the way, is it important for Brother Zhu to find me in such a hurry?" Zheng Yu sighed, as if resigned.

Zhu Minglang handed Zheng Yu the letter paper that said about the void.

Zheng Yu read it again and recalled it.

"It seems that there really is this thing, like a small honeycomb. We were also attacked by some earth vein monsters when we were clearing this dense earth vein. It turned out to be guarding this so-called void crystal." Zheng Yu said.

"This thing is very important to me." Zhu Minglang smiled.

"It should be in Wutu. If Brother Zhu is anxious, please come with me." Zheng Yu said.

"You can rest for a while, don't worry about this moment." Zhu Minglang said.


Said it was a break, Zheng Yu still compiled a copy of the literature from the dynasty and the inspection of Runyu City and presented it to Li Yunzi.

Early the next morning, Zhu Minglang and Zheng Yu set off for Wutu.

In the past, it took a day or two to travel from Zulong City to Wutu, but now there is Tianshalong, which is just a meal, or Tianshalong's slow flight.

After passing through Rising Sun City, Wutu is completely different from what it was before.

In the process of continuous mining of mineral veins, the wasteland has gradually become richer, not to mention, affected by the waves of the longmen of the world, the earth is also green, and compared with the barren appearance in the past, it is very different. Now many people do not deliberately. The difference between Lichuan and Wutu, the former Dongxu City Fortress, was just a settlement city.

The people live and work in peace and contentment. Wutu has experienced poverty and disasters. The people of Wutu are more industrious than people in other places. After the resources are rich, every city and town in Zihe Village has been built more exquisitely than some small countries on the Jitian continent.

Wutu Nine Cities, each of which is now equivalent to the city-state level, can see many caravans transporting mineral veins along the way. Of course, with the influence of the years, you can often see the figures of practitioners from the Great Court Continent here.

"It should be right at the scorpion mine. I think it was used as an exorcism object." Zheng Yu said.

Arrived in a purple mine mountain, which is about two hundred li from Yongcheng, but it is closer to Sangzhen where Zhu Minglang lived before.

Zhu Minglang still has some impressions of this mountain. When it is difficult to raise silkworms in winter, Zhu Minglang followed the people in the town to explore this mountain, but the people in the town are relatively clumsy and did not distinguish that there is a value that is not inferior to gold. Purple mine.

The value of purple ore is very high. When calcined into purple rock, it is one of the most popular indoor paving bricks for high-ranking officials and nobles. Purple iron and purple silver are the perfect materials for casting weapons and armors, not to mention amethyst. Now, the more expensive and rare spiritual resources are the beloved collections of certain Dragon Kings and Dragon Kings!

"Haha, I'm here as expected. It seems that ordinary people like us are really clumsy, and we put such a treasure here as an ornament." Zheng Yu laughed and walked towards the void crystal.

"Don't touch it! We bought this thing. We have already paid a high price to the mine owner. The gold carriage will arrive in a while." At this moment, a man in a jet black gown walked up with a very bad tone. Said.

"Which mine owner, where is the mine owner?" Zheng Yu said with a puzzled look~www.wuxiaspot.com~Uncle Wang, there is no need to be so harsh on others, just give them a bag of gold to pass them away. "At this moment, a man with a black fan came over.

Although this young black fan spoke a lot, but what he said was not so pleasant.

With that, the domestic slave named Uncle Wang came forward and threw a small bag of gold on the ground with a reluctant look. That meant that if you wanted to take it, you would bend over and pick it up.

Zheng Yu naturally couldn't pick it up, but the behavior of these two people really didn't regard himself as an outsider. This purple mine vein belongs to Wutu. Any stone on the mountain is privately owned by Lichuan country, what? Is it time for these people to point their fingers? ?

"How many dare you to ask?" Zheng Yu was still relatively gentle, and he asked.

"We belong to the Yanzang Sect." said the domestic slave named Uncle Wang. When he said this, he saw that Zhu Minglang had walked to the void crystal at some point, and gave the void crystal to him like no one else. Take it down and put it in his own box.

This behavior made the Wang family slave extremely angry. He roared fiercely, "Boy, don't know good or bad, I told you this thing now belongs to us, do I have to interrupt your hands and feet!"

As he said, this Wang Bojia slave waved his hand, and several people who were also wearing jet black gowns immediately appeared around them. Their cultivation level was not low. No wonder they acted so arrogantly in this Wutu Purple Mine.

"Everyone, this is the territory of the female monarch, and this mineral vein is also the land of the female monarch. If you want to use force here, don't blame us for being rude!" Zheng Yu said with a deep expression.

With a wave of his hand, the Wutu army guards who were guarding the mineral vein quickly gathered.

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