Dragon Tamer

Chapter 543: Iwatoshi, Sanwanglong

There are some things that Zheng Yu can see thoroughly.

Lichuan's situation has always been very bad. First of all, it is a land of backwardness. There are few gods and dragons, and there are few dragon herders. The national strength is even more difficult to compare with those of the great countries of the Great Court.

Immediately after Lichuan, the Dragon Gate appeared again, and it became a hot spot for the entire Ji Ting Continent, with countless strong, countless forces, and countless troops emerging here...

Even a rock Tibetan sect dared to trespass into Wutu ore veins, not to mention those extraordinary forces. From the beginning to the end, the ruler of Lichuan was not taken into account. Then there would only be one result, and Lichuan was divided up again. You don't even have any dignity!

"This time in the Battle of Jueling City-state, it was ordered by the dynasty that the ruling class and the forces in the town should join forces to fight out of our blood in Lichuan, so that these forces from the Great Court can maintain awe of Lichuan." Zhu Minglang Said.

"Brother Zhu is right, Zheng will do his best by then!" Zheng Yu said seriously.

The fate of Lichuan is in the hands of people like them. I hope that the changes brought about this time can also change the fate of Lichuan!

"People are coming." Zhu Minglang glanced at the horizon.

At the skyline where the undulating mountains and the sky bordered, a dark brown creature was flapping its wings.

It should be very huge, and you can still see its majestic body at a distance of dozens of mountains!

Zhu Minglang half-squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth floated slightly.

A mountain king dragon!

It seems that this rock Tibetan sect still has some background.



The dust is flying, the woods are scarce in this vein, the stones with fists have been scraped into the sky, and between the turbid world, you can see a moving mountain dragon slowly descending, with a terrifying aura and shocking the mine. The ground soldiers' eyes widened one by one, and their eyes were full of fear! !

Although the four thousand army guards had formed their troops, they were like a group of small beetles in the sand facing the mountain king dragon. No matter how strong the dragon's breath was, they could all be wiped away.

Zhu Minglang needs to raise his head very high before he can see the whole picture of the mountain king dragon. The shadow of that huge dragon king casts, invisibly, a heavy sense of oppression!

On the dirty ground, the half-dead Chang Hao and Wang Bo saw the mountain king dragon as if they saw the savior. Their painful faces were a little bit of joy, and at the same time they glanced at Zhu Minglang and Zheng Yu viciously. , It's like saying: You are dead! !

On the back of the mountain king dragon stood two people, also in jet black gowns and robes, one male and one female, in their forties.

The Wupao woman glanced at the ground, and saw Chang Hao like a dead dog run over by a heavy carriage, her face was instantly pale, her eyes were no different from those of a ghost!

"What a courage, what a courage!! The suffering my son has suffered today, I want you to leave Sichuan a hundred times in return!!!" The woman was furious, and she stepped on a floating piece from the back of the mountain king dragon The rocks fell.

This woman is obviously a rock Tibetan master, and the rock Tibetan technique is obviously more outstanding.

And that man should be the second sect master of the Yan Zang Sect, a shepherd dragon master, and the mountain king Long Da didn't have a half aura from the beginning. It was obviously not for peace talks, but for revenge!

"Just you two?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"To deal with you cockroaches from Sichuan, the two of us are enough. First smash your skulls one by one, and then destroy all the city-states here, otherwise it will be difficult to quell my hatred, and there will be no way to establish the prestige of my Yanzangzong!! "Sect Master Chang said cruelly, and his words showed a strong contempt for this Lichuan Wutu!

"Father, mother, must be the master for the child!!" Chang Hao cried, the feeling that life is not as good as death, and the huge humiliation he has endured in his life are intertwined, so that he has the most vicious idea at this moment, that is Kill all the people here! !

"Haoer don't worry, these people have to be buried with you!!" Said the Yan Zang master woman.

"Isn't the person dead, why are they buried?" Zhu Minglang laughed out instead.

"Shut up!!!" The Yanzo master woman was shaking with anger.

Stepping on her son is left above the waist, unable to pass on from generation to generation. What is the difference between this and death? I don't know why this person still has a smile!

"It seems that you are not planning to apologize." Zhu Minglang said.

Also apologize! !

The Iwazangzong couple now wish to screw off Zhu Minglang's head.

"Little bastard, I think you can still laugh when I beg for mercy!" The Yanzangzong woman shouted angrily.

She stamped her foot on the ground, and countless sharp rocks spattered from the ground. These rocks were sharper than polished weapons, and each piece was as big as a house.

These rock tips flew towards Zhu Minglang, and at the same time flew towards the black dragon of refining embers.

Naturally, Zhu Minglang saw the strength of the Yan Zangzong couple, and took the Cinder Black Dragon back into the spiritual realm.

The tip of the rock slammed into ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang did not escape, a dim area appeared behind him, like an abyss, the mountains and sky behind him disappeared inexplicably...

A shadow of a snake and dragon stood upright. Suddenly the pair of bright wings like a starry sky stretched out, and the wings pierced out of the darkness. Suddenly, the dark breath surged like a tsunami, causing Zhu Minglang, who was standing on the ground, to be covered with The mysterious void was shrouded, as if Lord Si Ye had descended on this land.

"Enjoy today's hunt!" Zhu Minglang raised the corners of his mouth, and his temperament was as evil and terrifying as the dragon of evil!

The two void crystals have been swallowed by the Sky Fiend Dragon. Although they have not been completely consumed in the body, this unique void crystal will give the Sky Fiend Dragon more terrifying void power.

It is very rare for the Tianshalong to form this mind with Zhu Minglang, and this time it is very willing to kill for it under the control of Zhu Minglang!

With the unity of mind and thought, Zhu Minglang can learn a lot about the abilities of the Tianshalong, just as these skills will automatically appear in Zhu Minglang's memory.


Zhu Minglang read this dragon technique, and Tianshalong immediately understood it.

The eyes mirrored, and the darkness shrouded, an extremely powerful heavy fall space appeared around, the earth seemed to have a majestic magnetic force, and the huge rock tip that was flying in the air was sucking down.

The woman of the Rock Tibetan Sect was able to use her mind to float the surrounding rock masses and turn them into her own magic weapon, but this lack of power made it difficult for her to hit the rocks again, and the rock of the earth became extremely Heavy, she wants to control them and it takes more mental power.

The same mountain king dragon was also affected by this force, the body of the mountain became thick and dull, and it was a bit difficult to move a step!

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