Dragon Tamer

Chapter 546: Good deceive

When driving the mountain king dragon, how brave the Second Sovereign was and threatened to kill everyone here, but at this time he was like a dog wandering his tail, making the miners feel ridiculous!

"Father..." Chang Hao also had a look of disbelief. Is this his most respected father? How can I kneel to others? Why not avenge his mother! !

"I invite you to come here to have a good talk with you. If you agree to discipline this little beast, you can all take these people back alive. Finding some doctors won't be able to cure them. Humph, you won't cry without the coffin!" Zhu Said clearly.

"Yes, yes, I don't know good or bad. If I can save my son and me, I will definitely be a cow and a horse for you!" The Second Sect Master kept kowtow, for fear that Zhu Minglang would kill himself.

"Brother Zheng, these half-dead people should be treated by a doctor, and stay in this vein to do hard labor. After all, I am a bodhisattva. I don't like to kill casually. Let them be hard labor for a lifetime, as a atonement. "Zhu Minglang said to Zheng Yu.

"Good idea. Crime can be punishable by trespassing in the territory, but death is just a moment of pain. Like that vicious woman, she obviously didn't realize her own hostility in dealing with others, and she didn't realize that her godson had nothing to do. Failure, let alone the crime of hurting the innocent, it is a pity to die, and it is time to serve his sentence here." Zheng Yu said solemnly.

Second Sovereign Chang Huan and Young Master Chang Hao heard it, and felt that it was no better than just killing them.

Zheng Yu didn't deal with the crimes as soldiers.

Even if the opponent is the second sect master of Yanzangzong, as long as he falls into the hands of the military guard, he can be cured. Of course, the first thing to do is to abolish his cultivation base.

"Atonement for your sins and benefit the people of the Wutu people, you must behave well and have the opportunity to be released early." Zhu Minglang said to these Yan Zangzong people.


Leaving the Purple Mine, Zhu Minglang was still not so relieved of the Yan Zangzong people, and said to Zheng Yu: "This group of people had better be careful."

"Brother Zhu, since the Rock Zangzong has had a festival with us, I have no plans to live with them peacefully. When the Beijieling city-state battle is over, I will completely tame the Rock Zangzong and leave Sichuan. It is true that some capable people and strangers are needed as vassal forces. This Yan Zangzong is very suitable to do things for us in Wutu." Zheng Yu already has his own plans.

Zhu Minglang smiled and said, "I'll be with you when the time comes. The Rock Zang Sect should have some background, and you military guards are not easy to deal with the king-level people."

"Why don't you bother about this little thing, Brother Zhu, the king-level realm is indeed powerful, and it can only protect yourself against the pressure of a real elite army, and how can we not eat the king-level strong that we worship? Who is it." Zheng Yu said confidently.

To ask others to say such a thing, Zhu Minglang really did not believe that the king-level realm was more terrifying than imagined, and all the military power of a small and medium-sized country might not be able to hinder a king-level powerhouse.

But these words came from Zheng Yu's mouth, and Zhu Minglang felt convincing.

Zheng Yu is just two words from the looks of it—reliable!

"I heard that the Wutu mine veins are continuous, even the monsters are constantly breeding, and it is difficult to completely pull out. It happens that my dragon needs some experience. This void crystal has greatly improved me. As a thank you, I will help you kill the scorpion monster. ." Zhu Minglang said.

"Brother Zhu, your words are a bit hypocritical. No matter how long the Wutu mine veins are, it is your Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness belongs to you. Obviously, you cleaned up your own mine. Why did you help me?" Zheng Yu raised his eyebrows and said.

"..." That said, it really makes sense.

Li Yunzi helped herself to collect a lot of Tianchen essence. She has no interest in most of the little creatures on weekdays, but she likes Xiao Baiqi. Of course, she is also paving the way for the brightest shepherd.

In this Wutu mineral vein, the essence of Tianchen is one of the most precious treasures, and after the baptism of the years, all the ores, spirit crystals, and essences have been sublimated, and they are attracted by these majestic spirits. There are more demons, and they are all in groups.


Both Zhu Minglang and Zheng Yu stayed in Yongcheng for a few days.

Zheng Yu is ready to reorganize the military.

There was a command of selfish ore sales, and even let a person from a force step into the mine. This in itself was an act of enriching his own pockets. Zheng Yu also left for half a year, and was very disappointed with the slack of Wutu.

Zhu Minglang wandered around in Yongcheng, it has been rebuilt, and it is more magnificent than before, especially the jade and white stone statue standing in the city, which is so beautiful, like a goddess enshrined by the people!

Xiang Hunter, after inquiring about the mountain households, Zhu Minglang began to chase the traces of the monster.

The evil spirit is very heavy, you can smell it in the outer forests of several surrounding towns, and you can even see the shallow footprints.

When there were no others, Nuwa Dragon appeared, accompanied by Zhu Minglang.

Even in this spring and cold season~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nuwa dragons habitually show porcelain white waists.

Her slender and graceful dragon body swayed lightly, like the elegant skirt saw dragged on the ground by the queen and concubine. She walked like this, but her waist was upright, which made her upper body stand upright, noble and dignified, just pure. The kind of innocence towards the outside world on her beautiful cheeks.

If you want to talk about the face of Nuwa Dragon, it is probably: human beings are kind and deceive!

Fortunately, Zhu Minglang already has a soul pact with her. If others want to abduct it, they can’t abduct it. Otherwise, Zhu Minglang is really unwilling to let her come into contact with the dangerous world outside. If the little girl wants to cheat away, the evil uncle has to spend money. When buying candied haws, Nuwalong may also help others pay for candied haws.

"Xiaoyu, is the candied haws delicious?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Yeah, um, it's delicious." Nu Walong was very happy, her beautiful and special night amber eyes shone with luster, and her smile was sweet with the charm of a witch.

While in Yongcheng, Zhu Minglang bought her a bunch.

"Speaking of which, do you know the magic of the Rock Zangzong?" Zhu Minglang remembered this and asked.

"They are simple rock reservoirs, and they serve Earthling Nuwa..." Nuwa dragons learn the language very quickly, and they can communicate like four or five-year-old girls.

"Huh?" Zhu Minglang was a little surprised.

It turns out that the gods enshrined by the Rock Zang Sect are eating candied haws happily by his side.

Probably many of the secrets are already incomplete. The Yan Zang Sect is stronger than I thought, but it is not weak among many forces.

"Rock Falling." Nuwa Dragon held her beloved candied haws in one hand, and stretched out the other lovely palm with fine dragon scales.

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