Dragon Tamer

Chapter 563: People of the Divine Bird

"Look, there is an army behind their city-state, which is obviously defending us." Zhao Chishun of the royal family pointed at the Jueling city-state and said solemnly.

"Fortunately, we didn't kill it recklessly, otherwise we would be caught in the net."

"Dragon beasts can only fly low, which makes the silver ridge city wall of Jueling City-state even more insurmountable. The people of Jueling City-state seem to use the sky thunder on the top of Leiyi Mountain to arrange an airspace thunder world." Zhu Minglang said.

That Thunder Wing Heavenly species can be said to provide a perfect defensive environment for Jue Ling City-state. Even some of the air overlord level dragons dare not easily fly high. The sky thunders rolling, and it is split in half if it is careless. .

"This Jueling City-state is not easy. Some of the abilities they control seem to be something our Ji Ting Continent has never had before." Elder Jing Lin said.

Turn ordinary sergeants into giant ridge generals comparable to dragon beasts.

He also used that Thunder Wing Heavenly species to arrange an airspace barrier.

None of the ruling powers and ruling classes in the Polar Continent have this kind of ability.

"Unfortunately, we are short of manpower. Otherwise, we can send a team of people to the mountain to take a look. Maybe we can find a way to destroy the airspace thunder world." said Zi Zonglin's chief king Beiyou.

"You are here waiting for the right time to launch an attack, I will go to the mountain to see." Zhu Minglang said.

The people of Jueling City State are using Thunder Wing Alien Species to lay out the Thunder Realm. This is indeed something that people cannot predict. This greatly limits the pressure of the dragon beast army. Li Yunzi’s Flying Dragon Camp can only be on the city wall. Fighting on the wall, the advantage of agility in the air is gone.

"I don't know if anyone is guarding it. If you go alone...In short, you must be extra careful." Wang Beiyou said.

I thought these guys would send a team of elites to accompany me, so I wished myself good luck.

Zhu Minglang shook his head helplessly, go by yourself, Cangluan Qinglong's ascension to the catastrophe is imminent, even if this outstanding mountain city-state is flattened, Zhu Minglang will go up the mountain!

"Brother, let's go with you." Zi Miaozhu said.

"It's okay, I will go by myself. You are here to watch the changes. If there is any danger, I will return." Zhu Minglang said.


I told Elder Jing Lin and asked him to protect Nan Lingsha, Zi Miaozhu, Hao Ye and others, and Zhu Minglang climbed the mountain alone.

The more you climb higher, the more terrifying the thunderbolt will be. Every ten steps you can see the shocking thunderbolt, and polish the dim mountain sky.

I wish Minglang, even if he flies with his sword, he can only stay as parallel to the ground as possible. There are huge snow fir trees growing on this thunderwing mountain ridge, which is extremely luxuriant. On the tree, it seemed that the brilliance of lightning was passed on to the leaves of these snow shirts, so the whole mountain was even more sparkling!

Zhu Minglang found the way to the mountain. When he went to the south, he found that the battlefield of Yinling City Wall was fighting more tragically. The army on the side of Lichuan had more than 100,000 fully invested in it. Obviously Li Yunzi did not want to delay...

In one effort, if they couldn't break through the walls of Jueling City-state, it would be difficult for them to launch a second offensive. The supply was not enough, the environment was bad, and it was impossible to choose a siege for recuperation.


At this moment, the top of the head suddenly exploded, and two extremely strong thunder and lightning fell from the top of the sky, and they were intertwined at the top of the mountain with shocking waves.

continue reading! It spreads fiercely toward the sea of ​​clouds, like an angry sea dragon dancing long and hideous body in the raging waves, each of them is far beyond the thunderstorm and lightning that you usually see!

The sea of ​​clouds and thunder and lightning spread, densely covering the main sky, and then I saw electric whips like the tentacles of the devil, lashing at the rolling mountains fiercely!

Around the Yinling Bang Wall, some dragons and beasts tried to fly high, wanting to take advantage of the high-altitude combat, but with this sudden lightning lashing down, hundreds of dragons and dragons will be vanished in an instant! !

They are already flying low, but they are not completely close to the mountain land. I never thought that the range of the volley thunder world would be so wide that the dragon herder army who was about to break through a mountain wall would be wiped out!

Volley Thunder World! !

It is no wonder that Jueling City-states have no fear, they have made perfect preparations for a long time, and the Lichuan army dare to step here, so they are all buried in Gaojieling, and hundreds of thousands of corpses are used to fill Yunxia Juegu!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Minglang couldn't help taking a breath.

Is this isolated city-state really a foreign race? Why are the methods they control so helpful? ? ?

"The flying dragon camp, the dragon army, and the blue dragon group all have to fight on the ground. The Yinling State Wall is solid. If you can't break the city wall, most people will die in the ditch under that wall." Zhu Minglang looked solemnly. Up.

Attacking the city was more difficult than imagined, especially when the location of their attack was low-lying, and the Silver Ridge city-state was towering. When Li Yunzi received the order from the Dynasty, she was worried, obviously so far-fetched to attack a city-state with a natural advantage, even if Ten times the number of troops may also be mass funerals.

But Yunzi Li had no other choice.

The Dynasty deliberately weakened her ruling power, and wanted to get Lichuan, who was affected by the dragon gate, into his own pocket.

Lai Yunzi will either break the city and occupy the absolute position of Lichuan, or be taken away by the Great Court Continent...

"This thunder world is too terrifying, the dragon beast army is crippled, and it must disappear as soon as possible." Zhu Minglang also knew what he should do.

After the lightning subsided a little bit, Zhu Minglang continued climbing.

The top of the mountain was not too steep. Zhu Minglang saw a large area of ​​bare cedar trees, standing dry on the top of a somewhat rugged mountain, and the top of the mountain was horn-shaped, which stood out abruptly from the top area.

Their composition is different from that of the entire mountain. They are purple-black rock blocks and are mixed with many purple-black rock irons. At a glance, you can see that these purple-black rock irons are exposed outside the mountain, as if the horn-shaped mountain top is completely inside. Is made of this iron ore!

Zhu Minglang passed through the bare snow cedar forest, and when he was approaching the top of the mountain, the Tianshalong issued a warning cry.

Zhu Minglang hurriedly hid his breath and used the phantom clothes to sneak.

At the border between the top of the mountain and the top of the mountain, a colorful camp tent appeared in Zhu Minglang’s sight. Inside were a few strong men who were naked but cold in spring, and a group of people in different robes of bird feathers. Wearing a bird mask, only the eyes and nose are exposed, with disheveled hair.

Naked and strong men are easy to identify. They are sergeants of the Great Mountain City-state, and by looking at the brown ridge pattern on their skin, you can know that they are sergeants with the ability to incarnate the giant mountain generals, and their level is not low.

As for the shamans with facial makeup in bird feather robe, Zhu Minglang had such a little impression, he always felt that he had seen him somewhere.

"Hidden Kiri Island foreign race?" Zhu Minglang suddenly remembered something!

The Hidden Kiri Island alien that Li Yunzi mentioned,

continue reading! You can control powerful and terrifying bird flocks, such as misty wild eagles, poisonous demon birds, hail hummers... They live as the people of divine birds!

At that time, Li Yunzi had some painting books in front of him, which briefly outlined the appearance of the Juling General and the general costume of the Hidden Kiri Island alien race. Zhu Minglang glanced at it roughly.

"Jueling City-state and Yinwu Island have colluded together?" Zhu Minglang was shocked.

Since Li Yunzi would be regarded as a hidden danger, she possesses very terrifying strength. The people of the divine bird of Hidden Mist Island are definitely a hidden danger alien of the same level as the Great Mountain City-state.

To encircle and suppress this extremely mountain city-state alone would have to go all out in Lichuan, not to mention the addition of the people of Hidden Kiri Island, and their alliance means that the entire Lichuan may fall into a huge crisis!

I'm afraid that even Li Yunzi didn't know about this matter.

The Jie Ling city-state is in the north of Gao Jie Ling, but the hidden fog island is in the void sea area southeast of Lichuan, separated by a huge Lichuan land. If it were not for the appearance of the dragon gate, they would not even know each other's existence.

How could they collude together? ?

"Fly Dragon..."

"Aren't those horsefly dragons wild."

"The horsefly dragon has been hovering near the army, forcing the Lichuan army to be unable to send reconnaissance, unable to send the front team, making the whole army feel the stones to cross the river~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even the logistics supplies were cut off, forced to leave. Chuan had to attack the city in one go."


"If the horsefly dragon is controlled by the people of the sacred bird of Hidden Vist Island, then the position of our surprise team has been exposed!"

I wish Minglang think carefully!

Suddenly I remembered the four words Li Xinghua had said with him-the game of dead chess!

This battle is destined to end from the moment it is launched!

Zhu Minglang also understood at this moment why Li Yunzi was so worried. The moment she received this order from the royal family, she knew that the expedition was so bad.


"Those stupid people from under Sichuan, they thought they were hiding on the mountainside, we don't know their whereabouts and intentions?"

"Hehe, I want to give us a stab at Jue Ling City-state while the war is anxious, but they don't know that as long as they descend the mountain, the horsefly dragon sleeping on the mountain road will eat them completely!

"I really want to take a look at the beauty in person. I like the separation of flesh and blood the most. It's a pity that we are here for the sacrifice. The people in Lichuan must be very scared, and they must feel that we have the help of gods, hahaha!"

"How is this thunder world arranged, can you teach us?" said the naked and strong army general.

"Yes, you exchange the magical giant technique with us." The man in the bird feather robe laughed.

The two of them laughed dryly, but neither of them explained the secrets of their two races. After all, this is related to the rise and fall of their races, and the alliance does not mean that they have to tell them all.

Zhu Minglang listened to these people's conversations with the help of Phantom Clothes.

"Hey, when we established the Zong Palace back then, it was nothing more than better control of Lichuan and to welcome the Dragon Gate to the world. No one knew that the Great Court flew down in the air, and the coming Order flattened the Zong Palace... Our plan was Disrupt." The shirtless general of Jueling City State said.

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