Dragon Tamer

Chapter 582: Xiao Bai Qi's awakening

   This evil centipede bat dragon is strong, but it is far less than the middle dragon king like the Tianshalong. With all-out efforts, it can't hold the Tianshalong dragon.

   The old slave of Shouyuan found that his possession had become a pile of waste bones, and simply abandoned it, and turned into a strange ghost again, intending to continue to deal with it in other ways.

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   But Tianshalong no longer has the patience to play with this bad old man like this.

As soon as the dragon's wings were retracted, it swooped down fiercely. When its slender figure and long tail fell, it was like a dark star falling vertically and impacting this mountain, dragging a trail between the sky and the earth. The long black is bright and strange.

  The dark star impacted, and the black ripples directly swept the entire garden with the majestic power of destruction. Although the old slave guarding the garden was in a ghost state, this dark energy itself attacked the soul!


  The old slave of Shouyuan screamed, fell from the ghost state, smashed into the mud, and was extremely embarrassed.

   Zhu Minglang was chasing by the Heavenly Fiend Dragon, while the sword spirit dragon was also rushing here.

The celestial dragon opened its wings fiercely, and suddenly the light of death was like lightning dancing in the sky, falling from the top of the sky to the wings of the celestial dragon, and the pupil patterns on the wings moved towards the old guardian garden. Slave burst shot!

  The old slave of Shouyuan wanted to escape, and the light of death struck him on his rickets, piercing his body and soul together.

The sword spirit dragon followed closely, and its speed of shuttle was accelerating. At first, it was surrounded by a layer of air waves caused by breaking the air. Then the air wave turned into a turbulent wave of air and followed the sword spirit. Behind the dragon, on the way the sword spirit dragon flew, the parallel ground also split, and a shocking valley appeared!


   The sword pierced through the heart, penetrating the old slave of Shouyuan, the majestic sword aura of the next moment, which completely destroyed the body of the old slave of Shouyuan.

  Diyuan has long been completely different, and with the death of the old slave of the underworld master, the remaining crossbow arrow ghouls also collapsed on the ground and turned into quiet corpses again.

   Zhu Minglang walked to the bone fragments of the old slave in Shouyuan, stretched out his palm before he dissipated, and began to gather souls and make beads.

   Probably because he is a psychic master, Zhu Minglang saw the soul of this old slave when he was collecting the soul and brewing beads, like a ghost with a scary face, resisting Zhu Minglang's refining behavior.

"Who are you!!" Turned into a ghost, this old slave can still utter an unwilling roar? "How could I die in your hands!!" First published https://(www)https://m /.x81zw./com/

"You have a lot of people who died in my hands. They should still regret it on Huangquan Road? You can catch up and ask them." Zhu Minglang finished? Continue to concentrate on this guy's soul Stored into a bead.

   deserves to be a Yin Lingshi.

   Is the quality really high? It is much better than Nanxiong. I feel that I have paid a lot of fortune for buying Void Crystal and I will come back soon.

   And, this is obviously not the most exciting trophy.

   Since this old slave is guarding here? Naturally, he is guarding something very important.

  A powerful earth fairy? Add a powerful underworld master, none of them appeared on the front battlefield, but they have been here...

   Zhu Minglang walked forward? Saw a newly built stone temple? What's inside should be the grace mentioned by Ming Ji.

  What is grace?

   Like those alien species of heaven and earth, is it a carrier that gathers huge auras, elements, and secret sources?

   Zhu Minglang walked into the stone hall? But there was nothing inside.

   searched it again? In the end, there was still nothing, just when Zhu Minglang was puzzled? He suddenly looked up and found that the stone temple had no zenith!

   The zenith is like a colorful abyss? When you stare at it, it seems that you can see a place far and far away at once. There is another world and another plane.

However, when Zhu Minglang looked at it seriously again, the colorful abyss gradually disappeared like a reflection in the water. Instead, drops of colorful condensate slowly fell from above, and dropped on. I wish Minglang before.

   Zhu Minglang didn't know what it was, so naturally he didn't dare to pick it up, but the colorful condensate did not fall to the ground.

   It fell in front of Zhu Minglang and then stood still, like a gorgeous water pearl, just hanging where Zhu Minglang could reach.

   I don't know why, Zhu Minglang reached out to pick it up. It doesn't give people the dangerous and terrifying aura like those evil centipede poisons outside, but a sense of tranquility and peace, even the colorful abyss that I stared at before.

   just raised his head and stared at it, as if it was a kind of prayer. After the prayer, he received such a gift.

   "Mr. Koi, can you not always doze off at a critical time? Can you tell me what it is?" Zhu Minglang said.

   Mingji, this guy, Zhu Minglang cannot be trusted.

   Mr. Koi woke up and floated out from behind Zhu Minglang. It swam a few times, staring at the colorful liquid with its white fish-eye beads.

   After a while, Mr. Koi's eyes widened, and then the tail flicked wildly with excitement, almost hitting Zhu Minglang in the face.

   "It's a sundial, it's a sundial, how can this thing be outside the gate!!" Mr. Koi exclaimed.

   "What's inside the dragon gate??" Zhu Minglang was surprised.

   There are two points in his accident. The first is that this sundial sounds like it is related to the time wave. The second is, why does Mr. Koi know the things in the dragon gate? ?

   Could it be that this salted fish that was eating and drinking in his own Zhumen is really the grandfather of the heavens, a big brother who knows everything about the laws of heaven and earth?

   "Jielongmen has produced a wave of time, which can ripen many spiritual things, right, then this sundial has a similar effect, it can make time fly by." Mr. Koi couldn't suppress his joy. But it found that Zhu Minglang had not celebrated with him, so it then asked: "Did you not understand?"

   "Time flies may not be a good thing, I don't want to become gray-haired with the ladies all of a sudden." Zhu Minglang said.

"It is the same as the spiritual realm effect of your dragon shepherd, it will only increase the cultivation base, and will not waste life. Why don't you understand, isn't your Xiaobai still has not completed the degradation and stinging change? Do you still want to wait for a few more years?" Mr. Koi said angrily.

   "You mean, this thing can shorten Xiao Bai Qi's sleep time?" Zhu Minglang gradually smiled!

   How can Xiao Bai be the culprit of the reincarnation sting? Like the little green dragon, the little black dragon, and the little stegosaurus have completed the reincarnation sting, and their strength has increased sharply, then how can Xiao Bai Qi’s sting change not be strong? ? A genius remembers one Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Probably because it is a powerful metamorphosis, its degeneration and awakening speed is much slower than other dragons. As time goes by, Xiao Baiqi's huge white frost cocoon has not moved at all. Zhu Minglang also doubts whether it will Sleeping for a long, long time like last time.

   "If you shorten it, just crush it to pieces, and drop the condensate from the years on Xiao Baiqi's white cocoon. It is very likely that it will immediately wake up!" Mr. Koi said.

   "Then this is really the grace of the gods!" Zhu Minglang was immediately ecstatic!

   Xiao Bai Qi, finally woke up.

   Without this little guy, my heart is really not at ease!

   "Grace? It turns out that this is grace. No wonder it will appear outside the dragon gate." Mr. Koi said.

   "Mr. Koi also knows something about Jielongmen?" Zhu Minglang asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Hey, Zhu Minglang, what kind of feed did the people of Jianzong in Yaoshan eat, how can you feed you a young man so mature?" After saying this, Mr. Koi is like a mediocre lotus pond. Fish, swimming around aimlessly.

   Zhu Minglang looked at the koi that must fall off the chain at this critical time, his face turned black.

   I'm old, it's better than your dementia! !

   Mr. Koi wandered by himself, Zhu Minglang didn't want to bother about it.

  Since Xiaobai can go through such a long degradation stage, then just try.

   Zhu Minglang dragged this sundial into the spiritual realm, and according to Mr. Koi, directly crushed it.

Sure enough, the colorful condensate before flowing out, like rain and dew, dripped onto Xiaobai's sleepy white ice dragon cocoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The white cocoon quickly absorbed the condensate of the years, and this The effect of things is remarkable. Zhu Minglang saw the entire white cocoon of frost become crystal clear, and even through those thick silks, he could see the complex and gorgeous frosty little world inside. The little world, curled up into one. The little chrysalis Bai Qi is sleeping soundly!

The white dragon cocoon is undergoing "earth-shaking" changes. You can see that the buds of hoarfrost are growing vigorously, you can see that the ice and snow veins are expanding, and you can see that Xiao Baiqi's body is growing bit by bit. Molting, Zhu Minglang even saw its small head, saw it opened its eyes, and was watching him subconsciously...

   Little guy, there is finally some movement, and finally it is about to be born.

   Zhu Minglang shed tears like an old father.


   It uttered a cry as light as a baby fox, extremely faint, which made people feel affectionate.

   Zhu Minglang looked at it and found that Xiao Baiqi's claws had also grown out of the white pupa. They were tender and tender.

After a while, Xiao Bai was already chewing on the pupa shell, like a small milk cat, with two small cheeks bulging, chewing it with the strength of milk, but in order to grow and grow as soon as possible, In order to be embraced by Zhu Minglang as soon as possible, it is working hard to fill itself.

   really woke up!

Although it is still impossible to see why Xiaobai Qizhe became a dragon, it is definitely stronger and stronger than the previous little ice worm, and even changes on its body are still happening. It is visible to the naked eye, as if spring, summer, autumn and winter are in its ice cocoon. The small world changes rapidly! !

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